Friday, September 24, 2010

The last month...

We went to the zoo on Saturday. It was really fun because it was the first time Witnie was able to see the animals and run around.

There were lots of baby meerkats that were really cute.

Maddie lost her other front tooth and got new glasses. The picture is already outdated because the next day she lost another tooth.
Luke kissing Witnie and Witnie with other motives.
Some bird Mark liked that I can't remember the name of.

The girls absolutely love the beach.

...or so.

Sydnie is taking a nature class with her friend Kailey. The babies aren't allowed to go to the class, so my friend and I have been taking turns attending the class and watching the little ones. This was during one of our adventures. If you look close at Luke's face you can see the marks from his last adventure at my house...
Daddy's sprinkle party idea.
An interesting position to be stuck in.
Apparently swim caps are not Witnie's best style.
Maddie's 1st day of 1st grade.
Maddie's 6th birthday, she lost her top tooth.