Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Zach's first trip to Disney

Where does time go?! Seems like just yesterday we were in Orlando celebrating Julia's birthday and Zach's first trip to Disney. However, we actually went in April - 3 months ago!! And, reviewing our past blog posts I realized we never shared anything from our trip. Better late than never, lol (my new motto). Here are a few of our favorite pictures from our week long trip. We visited 3 parks (Magic Kingdom, Holly Wood Studios & Lego Land) with pool day breaks in between. Between the 3 parks we walked 21 miles...including Zachary. Because even though we brought his stroller he refused to sit in it unless he was forced to. Julia's favorite park was the Magic Kingdom. Matt's favorite was Hollywood Studios and Zachary just couldn't choose a favorite! We look forward to going back and making more magical memories!

Every one needs to try the chocolate mouse ice cream bar atleast once in your life. This one melted faster than Zach could eat it. He cried when I had to throw away the melted mess.
We all enjoyed the Pluto photo opp... Pluto is Matt & Zachary's favorite Classic Character. 
Matt's favorite ride was the Rockn Roller Coaster, he rode it by himself while Zachary and Mommy picked out Disney tattoos
Matt's favorite Star Wars Character at Lego Land, He continues to hold strong to his feelings that Darth Maul died too quickly in the movie.
Hollywood Studios  group picture . It was a wonderful trip, we had a great time!!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Zachary Taekwondo Yellow Belt Test

As many of you know, for the last few months (since February), Zachary has been taking Tae Kwon Do classes. This past Saturday (7/20/2013), he took his promotion test to move from white belt (entry level) to yellow belt (second level). He was in there testing with 3 other white belts who were all a good bit older than he was and who he did not know, but it didn't seem to phase him in the slightest. Below are some pictures and some video from the test itself and then from the awarding of the belt, which happened Monday afternoon. Needless to say, we are very proud of Zach and his accomplishments!

Test Part 1: Striking:
Test Part 2: Kicking:
Test Part 3: Board Breaking:
Belt Presentation Ceremony:
Zachary with his primary instructor, Julian Best: