Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Here are a few more moments captured from our recent beach vacation. Zachary loves the ladies! He is such a flirt. He knows how to turn on the charm (even at his young age). He loved playing with all his cousins. He just blossomed around the younger generation!

Chloe' & Zach

Chloe', Zach & Maggie

Maggie, Zach & Caroline

Bop-Bop & Zach

All Smiles

Daddy, Zach & Mommy

Daddy & Zach

Bop-Bop, Maggie, Zach & Caroline

Chloe', Zach & Kasey
Finally Zach started to like sand!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Yummy, Spaghetti!!
Last night we visited with Zach's Grandfather Poppi. And, he made us his Miller family famous spaghetti recipe. It was Zach's first time eating spaghetti. He couldn't get enough of it! Of course we took pictures to document the mess we knew would ultimately occur. Zach loves noodles!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

(We dedicate this Blog Post to our dear devoted blog reader and friend Tracey S!)

We have finally recuperated from our beach vacation this past Fourth of July Holiday.
We had a fabulous time with family relaxing and shopping! However, the trip drained us in other parental ways. And, unfortunately we returned not feeling well. Zachary had an ear infection and I had a bad sinus infection.

The Sunday we returned there was a cartoon in the local paper that captured our trip perfectly. Essentially in the cartoon, the parents brought their children to the beach for a vacation and after all the crying, tantrums, hauling toys, chasing kids, cooking, cleaning, packing, etc the two parents looked at each other and declare they needed a vacation to recuperate from their vacation!

We certainly had all the help in the world on our vacation but being parents now for only 2 months (at home) we are still learning how to adapt. We are loving every second of it but our stamina is still not up to par for the energy of a toddler. My mind constantly swirls with thoughts of safety concerns, possible behavioral issues and the constant movement a toddler...Every day I still have that grand debate- to take a nap when Zachary takes one or stay up and be a Zombie by dinner time!

Our 4th of July beach trip was participated by thousands of other vacationers! And, most of us were on the interstate the same day! Our normal 6.5 hour trip took us 10 hours! Luckily my sweet cousin Chloe' drove the majority of the way with us & she was beautiful distraction for Zachary! Chloe' and Zach made video's with my iphone in the back seat. And, she read books to him and played with Zach's toy cars! He immediately fell in love with Chloe' and adoringly calls her "cocoa".

Zachary experienced 2 "firsts"! His 1st- 4th of July Holiday and his 1st time at the beach! I was prepared enough to think forward to photo opportunities! Luckily Party City had me covered with props and Old Navy for appropriate festive clothes!!!

Zachary's first day at the beach set the tone for my relationship with the beach the rest of the trip. He did NOT like it! He kicked, he screamed, he caused a scene! He hated the sand, was scared of the water and no amount of consoling encouraged him to relax. After that first day my parents took Zach down to the beach to introduce him slowly to the sandy shoreline. By the end of the week he was content to sit in Nonnie's lap at the point where the water reached her toes. I did make it down to the beach to witness his grandparents accomplishment.

The waters in the gulf were so clear that Matt purchased a snorkeling gear. Most of his time at the beach was spent with his head in the water floating around the fish and seaweed. One day he convinced me to give it a try. It certainly is a magically eco-system with it's own bright colors and twinkling sunlight.

Enough jabbering...on with more photos!

We have a lot more pictures to share however blogger is being very slow uploading. So we are going to take a break from this post and we will put up more pictures later.