Friday, March 25, 2011

Adoption Update

A few days ago we made final payment for inter-China travel (hotels, airfare, excursions, etc.). Our next goal is to make sure we have all our paperwork organized & make plenty of copies!! And, we are beginning the arduous task of packing! We are only able to carry 44 pounds each. Which we are finding difficult because we are bringing snacks (for us and Zachary), clothes/toys for Zachary, and a few gifts (and packaging)for very special guides/officials. My hope is that Matt will allow me to use some of his suitcase for my makeup and hair products! LOL!! I know, I know, I need to pick the necessities but it is so hard for me to do! :))

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Wanted to make you aware that our little Nacho has made his show business debut. Check the first 30 seconds of the video below (after the advertisement) and see Nacho in his little clown outfit.

The Giant vs Cobra-WCW Heavyweight title by TSteck160

Well, actually, it is not Nacho...but it could be a long-lost brother or cousin...or something...

Friday, March 18, 2011

Earlier this week two of my good friends Monica & Tricia hosted us a baby shower. We got to show off Zachary's room to our friends (and my Mother & sister). The invitation read "The room is ready, the time is near. A new little boy will soon be here!"

And, Yes he will! :)) we can hardly stand ourselves! Thank you to all our family and friends for helping us celebrate this very special time in our lives!

Here are a few of the beautiful decorations Monica & Tricia created for us...

In all the excitement, we forgot to take a group picture. However, there were more cameras there and I can't wait to see the pictures and get them scrapbooked for Zachary's baby album!

We have been so busy! And, there's still a laundry list of things for us to accomplish before we leave for China! Aunt Camille (Julia's sister) spent the night after the shower and created vinyl cut letters for Zachary's wall! She is simply amazing at the things she creates with her Cricut! Thank you Camie! We LOVE the wall quote & can't wait to sing the nursery rhyme with Zachary! "Twinkle, twinkle, Litte Star..."

Also, my (Julia) Mother & Father gifted us the rocking chair that they used to rock my sister & me. It has very special meaning for our family and I am beyond words with emotion that it now sits in my son's room! I will forever cherish this rocking chair!

Also, here are a few updated pictures of Zachary's room...

Thursday, March 17, 2011

February, Mother Goose Tea Shower
These are some of the decorations at the tea shower. Notice the clock- it was standing still because, when taking tea, time stands still so you can relax and enjoy each others company!

My first Baby Shower was held at a dear friends home (The Queen of Tea Fancy Nancy B.) for a Mother Goose Tea. What a lovely afternoon with my friends and several pots of delicious tea (scones & tea sandwiches of course)!

I've never seen this before & I love the idea so much that I am filing it away for the future. The white flowers were sitting in blue colored water and gradually through the tea party they got darker and darker blue! They were beautiful!

I warned everyone before the tea officially got started that I was likely to cry my way through it- tears of joy!! And, unexpectedly Fancy Nancy's dear husband came in to take our group picture and said to me, "You are the Mother to be..." And, rather unexpectedly (for he had not been warned) I just bawled!! The ugly cry- - chin quivering and I was chocking back sobs of joy!! I never realized that tears of joy can look very similar to tears of sadness! LOL, anyways, poor Mr. B he was taken aback and started asking questions that I was not able to answer (hrough my bitting of my lip to attempt to stop crying) so my Bestie, Connie sitting right next to me, did not skip a beat and answered Mr. B's questions just as I would have! I was grateful for her words when I was unable to speak. And, I am sure Mr. B was grateful for Nascar because he quickly retreated to the race! :))

And, to continue my story, here I am, crying my way through the presents- - after 10 years of prayers and tears I am finally about to hold my little son. And, being able to look back and see God's plan for us is so awe inspiring I tear up for all the Blessings God has showered us with. PTL (Praise The Lord!, and the choir says- "Amen, Hallelujah")

Being a table full of scrap bookers- there wasn't a guest without a camera. This picture makes me smile. This Shower was heavily documented and I am itching to get it scrapbooked!

Thank you to all my dear friends who helped ring in the beginning of this new season of Motherhood with me! I raise my tea cup to you all! "Cheers"

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Adoption Update
Today we got our tentative itinerary for China. We arrive in China, get essentially one day of rest and getting used to being in China and then the craziness hits. We tour the orphanage and get Zachary on our third day in country. After that, the days are filled with a variety of activities, including a tour of the Great Wall of China and the Forbidden City, a trip to the Beijing Zoo, and various shopping excursions. These jaunts are intermingled with pitstops for various paperwork matters, medical checks, and the like.

We bid adieu to Beijing after two weeks and then fly to Guangzhou and lather, rinse, and repeat, this time for the US Consulate. After a few days in Guangzhou, we fly out to Tokyo (we hope!) and then on to Minneapolis, where, Presto-Change-o! Zach becomes an American. Then back home to Atlanta and a whole different life.

We are so excited and can't wait to pull out our suitcases and start packing! There's a lot to think about and a few more bits and pieces that we need to gather before we leave. We can't wait to meet our son!!!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Adoption Update

Yesterday we received our confirmation travel date and purchased our Domestic flights to and from China! Hoot hoot!! We are so excited!! We will travel from Atlanta to Seattle the Seattle to Beijing. On our trip home we will fly from Guangzhou to Tokyo. Then Tokyo to Detroit. Then, Finally Detroit to Atlanta. OMG! That return flight home is going to be exhausting. However, we did book our son a seat so we will have a little extra room for him to stretch out.

On a side note, we will be in China for my 40th Birthday! Another answer to prayer- I'll be a mother before I'm 40! :)) Maybe by just a few days, but it is still another prayer answered! PTL (Praise The Lord)!

This coming Tuesday, good friends of ours, Monica & Tricia are throwing us a Baby Shower. I noticed on her blog she posted a few pictures of the things she has created for the shower. I am just i awe of her creativity and the love that she is putting into her creations. Take a look at her blog for pictures...

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

This Monday we received our final piece of paperwork necessary to schedule our appointment at the US Embassy in China! We quickly scanned the document and sent it off to our agency. The appointment will determine our travel dates. Thus we are all anxiously awaiting news from our agency!

Scrapbooking the monthly calendars has helped me keep up with all our activities! Looking at the month at a glance is awe inspiring for how much we have accomplished.

Also, I have finally put all our family pictures in the photo books that we are bringing to China with us for Zachary. Take a lookey...