Wednesday, May 12, 2010


We have been enjoying some beautiful weather here in GA! Matt and I have taken time to dig in the dirt. One of my fave new spots is our new Culinary herb garden:
Our herb garden is still in process...we have plans to add more herbs and a few vegi's but most of the hard work is completed! Thanks to Ed, my Master Gardner Father-in-law! He kindly came over here one afternoon and planned out the perimeter, tilled the ground and laid the edges for us!

This is not the best picture because this Hydrangea is absolutely beautiful, but I wanted to show it's location. Since Hydrangea need morning sun and afternoon shade we planted this beauty near the corner of our house.

I have wonderful memories of my Granny's Hydrangea plants. Beautiful blooms!!

Several weeks ago, my Father-in-Law's master Garden club had their annual plant sale. I was lucky enough to have Matt over there to pick us up a trunk load. He was able to get quite a few plants: Butterfly bush, Hydrangea, double knock out rose bushes, double orange day lilies & succulent decorative ground cover. All for a VERY reasonable price! I can't wait for their next sale!!

Okay, I can't remember what these little guys are called. But, the story of how we got them is unforgettable.
While driving around town I had noticed these beautiful tree bushes with yellow bell flowers on them. I wasn't sure what they were. However, as luck would have it, I noticed the flower in my father-in-laws neighbors yard! One day, she was out working in her yard and we were pulling in from dinner. I asked her what they were and she offered me 2 of the spikey seed balls!

All fall and winter I kept the huge seeds in my garage and this spring I pulled them out and carefully removed the seeds. Each seed ball had about 50 seeds in them! I soaked them for 24 hours and planted them in these containers. For weeks I have been babying them, taking them in at night, keeping them out of the rain, and making sure they get full sun. A few have started to come up but not many. Even though it is May the weather has not been real warm. I'm hoping that with the warmer weather more will come alive!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Adoption Update...

We were notified by our agency that the Stork Has Landed!! Currently the cut off date is thought to be April 21, 2006

Congratulations to those families who will be receiving their referral!!

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Crochet Baby Blanket

In anticipation of our referral and Baby Miller's arrival, I've been enjoying creating baby items!! Currently I am in the process of crocheting a mint green "Ripple" designed blanket. I plan on making it longer than a normal baby blanket so the blanket can be used as Baby Miller gets older & longer :)

I'm having so much fun with it I already have plans to try out a different design for blanket #2! But, until then I will take my time and do my best with this beautiful blanket! Thank you Mrs. Gladys for teaching me how!

Once it is completed I will share another picture with you all! Thank you for visiting our blog! We can't wait to share with you our own trip to China & info on Baby Miller!!