Sunday, April 25, 2010

Completed embroidered Monkey Onsey for Baby Miller
check out my cute hand embroidered monkey onsey- I FINALLY finished it today! I'm so proud! I started it more than 6 months ago, got busy doing other things (cards, sb, knitting, etc.) and kinda forgot about it. But, today I set out to finish it- took me 3 hours today to put the finishing touches on it. I can't wait to see Baby Miller in it!

I've been meaning to share these pictures with everyone. These are just a sampling of the photo shoot Matt gave me for my birthday...just to remind you, in case I didn't tell you... For my Birthday this year Matt gave me a MAC cosmetic makeover and after wards a photo shoot!

My Bestie Connie shared the experience with me so we got our pictures taken together and separately. Our friend Monica was the photographer and she took 300+ pictures of us! If you are interested in viewing the mini album I created with more pictures view my crafting website at (the link is also on the right hand side of this screen under our favorite links list.

Though I have a lot of favorite pictures from the photo shoot, too many to post, here is a sampling of the ones I like best:

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me... I HAD a FABULOUS Birthday! Thank you to all my friends and family who helped me celebrate the last year of my 30's! Seems as if I've been celelbrating for over a month that the day (April 15th) has come and gone, I'm still reeling from all the love I felt from everyone!

In a few days I will post some of my favorite pictures from the bday present photo shoot Matt gave me for my bday. But, until then I'd like to share a picture of Matt and me at The Melting Pot Fondue restaurant. This picture was taken on my Birthday. And, by now Matt and I have a collection of photos taken at the restaurant- our favorite "special night out" spot! And, now we have one more to add to our collection.

Our first date was at this very same restaurant. Somewhere I'll find it (in one of my scrapbooks) And, eventually scan it to share with you. The years have been good to us and we continue to celebrate most special occasions at our favorite haunt. :)