Monday, July 28, 2008

How does your garden grow? We are just glad ours is! hehehehe... the wet weather is much appreciated this year (for more than the obvious reason)! We are so proud of our little garden!

Tonight we "harvested" our first cucumber and two green tomatoes! Yummy! Guess what we had with dinner tonight?(shouldn't be too hard of a question) ~ FRIED GREEN TOMATOES and sliced cucumbers on our spinach salad! Did it taste soooooo good because we grew it? possibly! Delicious!

Here is a pic of our little gold patch of lush green vegi's!

It's not a huge spot, but it's grow'n quickly! check out all the tomatoes waiting to turn red!!
And, here's our cucumber plant. There are A LOT of yellow flowers!! We are going to be overloaded with cucumbers VERY soon!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hello friends and family! Julia here, just wanted to post a few layouts that I created this past weekend. I promise, I did take pictures of more than just food! :P
I cornered Matt to choose one fave FOOD layout of the three I put together this weekend... and this particular layout was Matt's favorite because he says, "the pictures make me hungry".

The journaling on the LO says: "Foodies, Our mission, on our four day trip, was to eat as much NYC food as possible. And, we did! From the street vendors outside Bryant Park: gyro, hot dogs, pretzels & sugar cashews. A bagel in "The Village": The deli had a myriad of cream cheese choices (I had cucumber cream cheese, Matt had plain). In Times Square we stepped into a pizza place where Matt had a slice of pepperoni pizza & I had a ham and cheese calzone. Everything was delicious!"

My favorite FOOD layout, from my efforts this weekend, is the one below. Journaling reads: "Serendipity. A few years ago, I saw an Oprah show about the "Frozen Hot Chocolate" dessert at the NYC restaurant "Serendipity". I made a mental note to visit it if I ever made it to NYC. At the end of the day, of our last day, we were exhausted but decided to hunt it down! The food was fresh & delicious. I had a potpie and Matt had fried chicken. Unfortunately the dessert did not impress us as much. It tasted like an iced frozen Wendy's Frosty!!"

Even though we were disappointed in the FAMOUS "Frozen Hot Chocolate" at Serendipity I love this LO because finding the restaurant after years of wanting to go was a dream come true. And, to me that was what mattered most.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Dark Knight, Batman!! Matt and I went to a matinee at the NEW Hamilton Mill movie theatre! The theatre chairs were so relaxing, if the movie had not been as good as it was it would have been very easy to fall asleep! The Chairs rock, and I mean that literally!! Okay, so back to the movie... by far the best acting by any actor, in my humble opinion, by Heath Ledger! Yes, I do mean best acting EVER!! His character, the Joker, stole the movie! The movie, though a bit long, is a must see!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Creative Juices are flowing! ~ Julia here, I've been inspired by creative craft bloggers and have been playing again over my craft table! I've forgotten how it feels to have creative energy and am experiencing somewhat of a crafting high! :) (Or, maybe it's from the pain meds the Doc gave me for the holes in the bottom of my foot, lol~ either way I'm lovin' it!)

Sometime soon, based on my pitifully foot, we have plans to visit our local Blueberry farm! It better be sooner than later because Blueberry season will be coming to an end soon. All this talk about buy locally has us thinking. We searched out local farmers markets (which are in full swing) and expect to visit one early Saturday morning! Also, we planted a small itty bitty plot of vegi's!! Tomatoes, red peppers, green peppers & cucumbers... all of which are blooming!!! We will have to share pics of our little garden at some point. Luckily we have been blessed with lots of rain for a green sturdy garden!!

Support your neighborhood farmer, Buy Locally!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Is there such a thing as bliss in a bottle? I think so. For me, it's a Starbucks Mocha Frappuccino - chilled & over ice! Luck for me Sam's Club sells these in BULK! I have been known to send Matt on a run to Sam's solely to replenish my stash!!

Because of the calories I limit myself to one a day. And, my day is not complete with out this sweet indulgence (no joke)! I have enjoyed them for so long that when I open one, breaking the pressure seal, little Chihuahua Penny hears to "POP" and comes running for a taste! Seriously cute!

Matt has convinced me to save the $$ and create my own recipe of this delicious beverage. After many a-failed trys I think I have come up with something good enough to fill my morning cold coffee fix. Using my Cuisinart iced cappuccino maker to make the espresso, I use 2 scoops of ground coffee grounds (when I'm indulging I'll use Starbucks- other wise Maxwell house tastes just as good)& 2 cups of water. Once brewed I add 2 heaping spoon fulls of sugar and chocolate quick mix. Top off with 2 cups of soy milk. Yum, Yum! Penny even likes it!

Monday, July 07, 2008

Matt here. Wanted to post a couple of pics from my first running of the Peachtree Road Race on July 4th. It was a lot of fun. Even that early in the morning, though, the humidity was INSANE. Plus, the course was reworked this year and the finish was UPHILL. Oh well. I survived it. That is the important thing.
Adoption Update...

The stork has landed at our agency! Referrals for families whose dossiers were logged in on January 23, 2006. The CCAA has not released a cutoff date yet, but as soon as they do, I will let you know. Of the referrals, they were all girls! The children ranged in age from 6 months to 18 months. The children in this referral group are from the following Provinces: Hunan and Chongqing . Congratulations to these families!