Friday, February 29, 2008

Check out Matt's profile on this blog regarding his book:

Matt has been in high demand recently for the fans of the movie series! He has been interviewed by several fan sites. Check back with us and we will link his interviews on our blog.

May The Force by we you!!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Set your TIVO...
TLC show - a must see

Connie recently watched this show on TLC and so I did a little digging to find out when it would be on again. Sounds like an interesting show about a family who "Brings home baby" from China. Set your TIVO!! :)

Feb 27, 10:00 am Eastern Time (check the time in your area), The Learning Channel (ch 183 on Dish Network)
(30 minutes)
Bringing Home Baby
Sara Comes Home
Pamela and Alan have waited a long time to become parents and finally get their wish when they adopt a toddler from China. Bringing home Sara is filled with much anticipation and excitement, but also has its challenges.

I hope you all get to watch it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

'Yall check out this link! Apparently I am married to a "Missing" man! :) Too cool!!!!

I just got the giggles because Matt is being "hunted"! There is another HUGE star wars fan at CDC who knows of his past with Star Wars and follows the message boards at This person ran across a thread where people are searching for my husband... How KEWEL!!!

7 Responses to “M.I.A. ...”

  1. Homie Bear Says:I’ve often wondered what became of him, too. Also I wonder what became of my copy of Jedi Master’s Quizbook.
  2. Somepetow Says:That would be interesting to find out what he’s doing now :)
  3. Nate Says:…I think I have this book.
  4. Pabawan Says:

    There’s a couple that stick out in my mind — one about Snaggletooth and one about the number of engines on the back of the blockade runner. Yes, I remember that from childhood because of the discussion it sparked.

  5. Lee Thomas Says: I know where Rusty is; he is a co-worker. But I won’t give him up for anything less than a firkin of good juma. Or a wax job for my leeku.
  6. Rusty Says:
    Lee let me know that I am being hunted. Hello!
  7. Mark Says: Hooray! Rusty has been found! Good to see you here mate, that book is on many a fans bookshelf.Hey, once you’ve been interviewed by the official site, how do you fancy an interview with Ahhh, how cool is this!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Ringling Bros. & Barnum & Bailey Circus
The GREATEST Show on earth!

It has been YEARS since either of us went to the circus! We couldn't pass up the opportunity to feel like kids again ~ we suggest everyone give it a try as often as possible! :)

We made the trip down to Phillips Arena with our good friends Connie and Daniel (otherwise known as Figgy & D). Check out our group photo with the lion statue. The photographer said she has been able to get as many as 11 people in one photo! Matt and I got a kick out of straddling the lions back. Our seats during the show were pretty high up so most of our show pictures didn't turn out so well. The show was full of acrobatics, lion tamers, dog trainers, elephant maneuvering, horse demonstrations, etc... and of course CLOWNS a plenty! To our dismay cotton candy was $12! So, our only souvenir was our cute group photo.

After the circus we went to check out the CNN center. During our short jaunt Matt and I ran into our favorite CNN personalities. Matt was glowing as he stood next to Glenn Beck and...

...Julia couldn't keep herself from blowing kisses (and whispering sweet nothings) into Anderson Coopers ear. ;P

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Race Date: Saturday, February 16th

"Runners can choose between the half-marathon, 10k, 5k or 1-mile fun run. All of the races start at the corner of Ronald Reagan Parkway and Presidential Circle in Snellville, GA. "

Julia ran her first 1 mile fun run and Matt ran his first 10K!! Also, this was the first group event for "Team 3M". Who is "Team 3M", you ask?? Matt and I make up 2/3 of The Magnificent Miller Milers! Our other 1/3 is Matt's father Ed.

The race was run on the Ronald Reagan Parkway which connects Snellville to the Gwinnett Place Mall Area. The entire Parkway is 6.5 miles long- the 1/2 marathon runners ran from one end to the other and back.

Matt's portion of the course was at times rolling and a bit hilly. Matt paced himself for awhile by trying to stay ahead of two little older ladies. They played cat and mouse until Matt grew embarrassed and moved on.

Ed and Julia's course was relatively flat and Ed set a blistering pace with his long stride. Quite literally, Julia is nursing a blister on the back of her heel! Julia spoke to a pro runner after the race and received guidance on tying her shoe! Yes, everyone, there is a proper way to tie your shoe to avoid blisters! Who knew?! If you need directions, just let me know! :)

Having energy left Matt & Julia headed to the gym where Julia ran three more miles, Matt worked on strength training and Ed returned home to walk another mile and a half at his local community park with his beloved bitch- Border Collie Charlie. Also, Team 3M has plans to participate in the Memorial Day 5K and fun run in Dacula! Watch this space for announcements of appearances by Team 3M in a city near you... BE THERE! ;P
Team "3M"
The Magnificent Miller Milers

Before Race Picture of Matt and his father Ed.
Race numbers 1-500 ran the 1/2 Marathon
Race numbers 500-1300 ran the 10K
Race numbers above 1300 ran the 5K or 1 mile fun run
Before the race picture of the "milers" Julia and Ed.
2 hours to go before the fun run would start.

The 10K race has begun, "GO MATT, GO!!"
"I eat lightning and cr*p thunder"

Matt sees the finish line and pushes forward. Time: 1:05

Julia and Ed Walking towards the finish line, completing their first 1 mile fun run.
Time 15:10

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

YEAR of the RAT

February 7th, 2008

Here's an article we ran across on Yahoo news... interesting...

"As the Year of the Pig ends tonight, followers of Chinese superstition will be scurrying to consult fortune-tellers, astrologers and feng shui geomancers to guide their year ahead.

Chinese fortunes are based on a belief that events are dictated by the different balances in the elements that make up the earth -- gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

...Lo added that the Chinese calendar follows a 60-year cycle, so 2008 will be similar historically to 1948, when Israel was established and the blockade of Berlin started, both events part of the build-up to long-standing conflict.

The lunar calendar is based on the cycles of the moon and associates each of the 12 years forming a partial cycle with an animal. Fortune-tellers base their predictions on the relationship between the zodiac animals and the characteristics of each.

The Rat is the first of the 12 animal signs, so marks new beginnings, which Lo said will be reflected in changes of leadership in the United States, Russia and Taiwan. The rodent is also seen as a "flower of romance" which means the year will stimulate romance, but also sex scandals.More worryingly, it provokes a clash between water and fire which could mean heavy flooding or a tsunami, Lo added.

"The most famous water disasters in history, such as the south Asian tsunami in 2004 and the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, both incidents happened on a date with prominent appearance of the Rat," Lo said.He also said that the previous Year of the Rat, 1996, witnessed more than 20 plane crashes including the Trans World Airlines Boeing aircraft which exploded over the Atlantic, killing 230 people.Lee Sing-tong, a third-generation feng shui master, said China may suffer a water shortage in the next 12 months. "

Preparations for the Lunar New Year of the Rat in Beijing. The year threatens to see a build-up of international tensions, natural and air disasters, and a more turbulent stock market, soothsayers and analysts say(AFP/File/Teh Eng Koon)