I puked on the bed overnight and then I shredded the paper towel roll mommy left on the floor after cleaning up the mess (and putting the bedspread in the laundry). Hey, why make one mess when I can make two?!?
I had to go to the VET to have a dew claw that was majorly thick and long and curled trimmed. Luckily my others were sharp and able to shread skin.
Earth Day came and went. Mommy worked at the store that day so it was very naturey. We do lots to save the environment so we were bummed we didn't get a special post up that day. Mommy thinks we'll do a Thursday 13 this week. After all, shouldn't we always celebrate the Earth?
Baby Joel said "itteeeeey" for the first time. Now when he sees me he takes a deep breath and in a weird whispery voice (not kidding about that - he really makes an effort) he says "itteeeey." No "K" yet, but still, it is cool. I'm the only one he looks at everytime when he says the word.
Mommy's secret project seems to be taking a good turn. Two possibilities that may work out in May.
Joel's "military crawl" is turning into an actual crawl which will make it much harder for me to taunt him. Currently I sit on the edge of his big blanket and when he scoots close I move back a few feet. He gets so disappointed. But, no more of that soon!
I discovered a major discrepency in the cabinets that will require some sort of retaliation.
Joel's food cabinet...
My food cabinet...See anything missing? Like the other 20 cans that should be there???
I got my picture taken! My Aunt came over to take Joel's 9 month photos and our family picture and she took some of me. I hope they turn out well. I am very dark and it is hard to get really good ones.