...but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
ISAIAH 40:31

A Blog for Kids and Everyone.

This is a journey through God's word. The Bible is so amazing! There are a lot of great stories. Some that we know well and some will surprise us. We will have a lot of fun as we color, watch short cartoons and tell funny stories.

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Isaiah 13-34 Judgements, the New Kingdom and Trusting God

Chapters 13- 17 are prophesies about God's judgement of different lands. A prophesy is basically a God given prediction. But we think of a prediction as something that probably will happen, like a predicted thunderstorm. But God's predictions (prophesies) are for sure. But God in His loving grace and mercy is always giving the people of these lands one more chance. And that's why he sent the prophets.

Chapter 13 is God's judgment upon Babylon. Isaiah says the Babylon will never be inhabited, Nor will it be settled from generation to generation. But wild beasts of the desert will lie there, And their houses will be full of owls; Ostriches will dwell there, And wild goats will dance there. The hyenas will howl there. Chapter 14: Judgment to come on Assyria and the Philistines. Chapters 15 and 16: Judgement upon Moab. Chapter 17: Judgement against Syria and Israel.

Isaiah shifts gears a little in chapter 18. He warns the people of Judah not to accept any help from the Ethiopians. God knows that they will make an offer to Judah, but God tells the people of Judah that He is enough. Judah is fearful that Assyria will attack (and they will) so they are looking elsewhere for help. 

Don't we do the same thing? God is our security, but don't we put more trust in things like money, popularity and material things than we do in God? God wants us to remember all the times that He was there for us. He is unchanging. If He did it before, He will be there for us again. Try this: sit very quietly and try to remember some of the hard stuff you went through. Then think about how it all worked out even though you thought it might not. God was there!

Isaiah continues with the prophesies of God's judgements. In Chapters 19, 21, 22, and 23, the judgements are prophesied against Egypt, Babylon, Edom, Arabia, Jerusalem and Tyre.

In chapter 20 The LORD gives Isaiah a sign to act out.  God told Isaiah to remove his outer garments and his sandals (basically strip down to his underwear) for three years as a sign to all of what will happen to Egypt and Ethiopia after the Assyrian invasion. Then the LORD said, “Just as My servant Isaiah has walked naked and barefoot three years as a sign and a wonder against Egypt and Ethiopia, so shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians as prisoners and the Ethiopians as captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, to the shame of Egypt.”

In Chapters 24 through 34 Isaiah's prophesies jump from the present to the future great tribulation In chapter 24, 25, 26 and 27 his words point to the end times when Jesus will rule over all the world. Then for the next few chapters he reminds Judah that they talk and act like they trust God, but their actions speak louder than words.They will also be judged. But again in His mercy and grace, God will spare Judah much tribulation during that time, and The Assyrian army will be defeated (by God) as it invades Jerusalem.

When we trust in God (Jesus as our Lord and savior) we become His children. Just as a father disciplines his child, God will disciple us when we misbehave (sin). Yes it is true that Jesus died for our sins, but that doesn't mean we can go on sinning and not reap the consequences. We are slowly become more and more like Jesus every day. If we "get away" with our sins, we won't change. Just like a car won't turn if the steering wheel doesn't move. So God nudges us, or pushes us in the right directions through His loving discipline.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

(Isaiah 7-12) Isaiah's Children as a Warning

As chapter 7 begins, the LORD tells Isaiah to go and meet  king Ahaz. Isaiah was told to take his son, named Shear-Jashub, which means, A Remnant Shall Return. We will see how God uses both of Isaiah's sons as object lessons in his prophesies. 

 When Isaiah arrived before king Ahaz, he told the king that God said He would give Ahaz some kind of a sign to help convince Ahaz of His word. But Ahaz said that he would not test the Lord. It sounds like Ahaz was being humble, but in fact it was the opposite. Yes it's true, the Bible says not to test God, but if He says to test Him, as in the book of Malachai when God says to test Him with offerings so that He could pour out blessings on us, then it's OK.

God told Ahaz, through Isaiah, "Very well, then I will send you a sign anyway. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call His name Immanuel." This is one of the most famous prophecies regarding the birth of Jesus the Messiah in the Bible.  We know this passage speaks of Jesus because the Holy Spirit says so through Matthew: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us.” (Matthew 1:23)

In chapter 8, God tells Isaiah to take a large board and write the words Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz which means, Plunder and Carry Away. The word plunder means to steal by force, usually during an invasion. So Isaiah did as God commanded. Isaiah had 2 witnesses. He wasn't sure what this was all about at the time, but he wanted 2 honest men, Uriah and Zechariah, to see him write it so no one could say that he wrote it after the fact.

Soon afterward Isaiah's wife became pregnant with their second son and 9 months later, after he was born, God came to Isaiah and said, "Remember those words I asked you to write on a board last year? That is what I want you to name your son, Maher-Shalal-Hash-Baz." (Mr. BibleHead paraphrase) God told Isaiah that before the baby is able to say "mommy" Assyria would attack Damascus and Samaria. 

Isaiah went before the people. "See my two sons? God has asked me to give them specific names as a warning to you. Before my youngest son will be able to speak, the Assyrian army will attack and plunder. But my older son is a symbol of hope. There will be an Israelite remnant." A remnant is a small part left over after the large piece of cloth has been cut, but it can be used later. Isaiah said that Judah will be tempted to ask fortune tellers and mediums what would be their fate, but Isaiah said that he is standing right in front of them with his two sons and a message from God. We too can seek guidance through wrong means. God reveals all we need to know. Read your Bible. That's how God speaks to us. In the Old Testament, the people needed a prophet. But now we have God's Word.

Chapter 9 is a beautiful chapter of God's grace and mercy. He gives hope to Judah and to all people through His words. " Nevertheless, the darkness will not last forever. There will be a time when Galilee will be filled with glory. A light will come into the darkness.(Jesus) And the people will rejoice." Have you ever watched a Charlie Brown Christmas?  Then verse 6 will sound familiar to you. It is one of the most recognized prophesies about the coming of Jesus. 

For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

God is not only telling them about what will happen 700 years later, He is giving them a chance to turn from their wicked ways and turn toward Him. He is truly a faithful and merciful God! It doesn't matter how much we have screwed up. God wants us to come to Him. We don't have to get "right" before we come to Him. He is the one who makes us "right". If we accept what Jesus has done for us. (taking our sins and giving His life as a sacrifice, and if we choose to make him Lord (everything we do is for Him) of our life, God promises that the Holy Spirit will come and live inside us and that we will live with Him forever.

Chapter 10 tell about how God used Assyria as a judgement tool (vs.7) against Israel and Judah, but now it is time to judge prideful, godless Assyria. God says that Assyria will waste away like sick people during a plague. (vs.18) Then God reminds His people again at the end of Chapter 10 and into Chapter 11 about the coming Messiah. It is a beautiful description of a savior coming through the line of David.

Chapter 12 is a beautiful song of praise for salvation that comes through Jesus, and only because of the unimaginable grace and mercy of the living God. Have you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Remember to thank Him always. Because it was nothing that you or I did. It is was Jesus did!


Sunday, October 18, 2020

Intro to Isaiah and chapters 1-6

The book of Isaiah was written by the prophet Isaiah. He ministered in Israel and Judah. After Israel was taken over by the Assyrians, he continued to minister only in Judah. He was the prophet during the reign of 4 different kings. 

The name Isaiah means Salvation of the Lord. It is a perfect name for him, because as you will see, He speaks a lot about Jesus, even though Jesus wouldn't even be born for another 700 years. 

The book of Isaiah and the book of Jeremiah are the two longest books in the bible. He has a lot to say about the poor and the people who are being controlled by evil judges and the government. He also talks a lot about the holiness of God. Do you know what the word holy means? It means set apart. So God is set apart from any other idol that the people worshipped. He is the only true God. When He asks us to be holy, just as He is holy, (1 Peter 1:16) He wants us to be set apart for Him. To obey Him and trust Him and not act like everyone else.

Isaiah was a faithful and bold prophet of God. He spoke very specifically about Jesus, the coming Messiah and about His justice, His promises to Israel, His life and death, and His majesty. Isaiah also told of God’s judgment on The Israelites as they continued to turn from Him. However, Isaiah understood not only God’s judgment but also His salvation, mercy, grace, and compassion. He told of these things and confirmed God’s promise that His people would not be completely destroyed.

In Chapter 2, Isaiah tells the Israelites how He chose them and had a perfect plan for them, but that they turned from Him and worshipped idols. God mentions how prideful the Israelites were 10 times in this chapter, so pride is one of their main sins. God says that he "Opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble." (1 Peter 5:5) He warned the people through Isaiah that judgement for their acts of prideful disobedience was coming. 

Chapter 3 is more about judgement, specifically Jerusalem. And how God himself will make sure that they have no food and water. This may seem a bit harsh, but when we turn from God, He will "take away" anything that will keep us from Him. The Israelites were so self reliant, that they thought they didn't need God anymore. We can get that way sometimes. When we get comfortable because we live in a house, we have clothes to wear and food everyday, we can think to ourselves. "I'm doing pretty good on my own." 

In Chapter 4 God, speaking through Isaiah, Gives hope to the Israelite survivors. He mentions the "Branch of the Lord", which means Jesus. Jesus is the Great Hope. He ends chapter four saying that He will be a refuge and a shelter from the storm and rain. "He is our refuge and our shelter" (Psalm 92:1)

Chapter 5 begins with a story about a vineyard. The vineyard is Israel, and Isaiah tells how God cleared a way for the Israelites. Then they turned from Him. God is reminding the people that He chose them and He worked everything together for their sake. But now He tells of more judgement because they turned from Him. 

Chapter 6 takes a turn and Isaiah tells about a day when he saw the Lord sitting on a throne. H was surrounded by angels who kept praising God saying "Holy, Holy, Holy Lord of hosts. The earth is full of your glory!" The earth shook and Isaiah trembled. "I am not worthy to even be here here! I am a sinner! How can I, a man of unclean lips be here before the King of Kings?" Then one of the angels took a hot coal and touched it to Isaiah's lips and declared him cleansed of his sins. Then God asked Isaiah, "who shall I send to the kings with my message?" Isaiah responded. "Send me Lord!". God wants to use us.  Timothy 2:21 says if we are cleansed from our sins and keep ourselves pure, then we can be useful tools in His hands. Wouldn't that be amazing to be used by God! 

Next Time, Isaiah goes before the kings.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Song Of Songs (or Song of Solomon)

The Song of Songs is a love dialogue between a man (King Solomon) and a woman. We will take a brief overview of the book.... and when you are old enough.... you can read it more in depth.

 The author of this book is King Solomon..... probably written early in his reign.

 The purpose of this book is to show that God is not only interested in who we fall in love with, He initiates it and blesses it. God is love (1John 4:8)

Song of Songs is the story of a young couple. It begins with dating(courtship), then the wedding, the wedding night and finally the marriage. Many believe it is a picture of God and his love for the church.

 The plot and storyline of this book is this: It is a drama about the relationship between two people in love. The story is very romantic. The man uses many comparisons in nature to describe and compliment his bride-to-be and then his bride. He describes her sixteen times using, fruit, trees and flowers. Then he describes her eleven times using animals. (Some of the beautiful compliments he paid her would not really be compliments today. Like for instance: Chapter 4 verse 1: "your hair falls in waves like a flock of goats") 

The story continues when Solomon, a wealthy shepherd meets a country girl. They fall in love and he asks her to marry him. She has to decide if being a queen is something she really would desire for her life. Finally she agrees, and the wealthy shepherd sends a wedding procession to escort her.

 The second half of the book is about their married life and the many problems and temptations they encounter.

 The Song of Songs is a beautiful book that teaches us many things. For instance: God's plan for us is to wait to be married before we sleep with someone of the opposite sex. "Do not awaken love till the time is right." 2:7 Also, if we face hard times or temptation, we don't have to do it alone. The end of Song of Songs describes how the woman's brothers came along side of her and helped her through a difficult time. Are you struggling? look for support. Are you not struggling? look for someone who is and support them. Finally, Loving others sometimes means looking past their faults and mistakes. Jesus loves us in all our failures, sins and mistakes. It's called unconditional love. Or "agape" love in Greek. Imagine if Jesus only loved us when we were doing right? I know for myself... he would be loving me for only a few minutes a day. Love others like Jesus loves. It's not easy.... but it is right.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ecclesiastes Part 1 (Chapters 1-6)

  Well we have reached the 21st book of the Bible, Ecclesiastes. In Hebrew, the word ecclesiastes means to preach. It was written about 975 years before Jesus was born, by King Solomon.  It was written near the end of King Solomon's reign as king of Israel. If you remember from our journey through the Book of 1 Kings, he was given great wisdom at the beginning of his reign. But now, at the end of his regime he has accumulated years of experience. He has written down his observations in this book.... and it may not be what you'd expect.
 Have you ever won a game that you are playing with one or more of your friends? It feels good, right? At that moment you feel the rush of victorious joy, but a few hours later, it doesn't much matter who won. You have to play and win again to feel that same feeling. Then, if you win every time, even that feeling wears down nothing. Why is that? Well King Solomon, the wisest and richest man ever, tackles that very question plus a few more. And who better than the man who could have anything, do anything or command anything to share his quest for "the meaning of life."
 Basically the book of Ecclesiastes talks about the frustrations, futility and unanswered questions of life, then the teacher (King Solomon) wraps it all up in the very last paragraph by encouraging us to live a God-centered life. We will go through the first six chapters in this post and the last six chapters in the next post. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time that there is a light at the end of the eccliasastical tunnel.:)
 The teacher begins the book and chapter 1 by saying that everything is meaningless. He points out the monotony of nature, instead of God's incredible creation (Psalm 95:4-5). Then he points out how useless it is for men to work, instead of how work is a God-ordained blessing (John 5:17) He ends the first chapter talking about how being wise and searching for wisdom amounts to nothing.When God clearly says that wisdom is a gift from Him to glorify Him (James 3:17)
 In chapter 2, the teacher starts off by saying that enjoying life and laughter is totally futile. He built parks and vineyards and large houses, but it was all just a waste of time and resources. But God says in his word that He has made this day, everything good in it is a gift, and we should rejoice in it.(James1:17) (Psalm118:24) Then in chapter 2 he also repeats the fact that wisdom and work are meaningless.
 Chapter 3 starts off with a beautiful poem (it was even made into a song by the Byrds in 1965) then the teacher continues by acknowledging God's purpose and living our lives in the light of eternity.
1For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven.
2A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
3A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
4A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
5A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
6A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
7A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
8A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace.
9What do people really get for all their hard work? 10I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. 11Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. 12So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. 13And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God.
14And I know that whatever God does is final. Nothing can be added to it or taken from it. God’s purpose is that people should fear him. 15What is happening now has happened before, and what will happen in the future has happened before, because God makes the same things happen over and over again.
  Then the teacher returns to the negative script and talks about how life is not fair. Well he is right about that. Sin is in our world. Bad things happen to good people, but God promises to never leave our side.(Deuteronomy 31:8)
   The teacher continues about the unfairness of life in Chapter 4, Then he adds a positive side note. He says that two people together can get more done together than they can seperately. If one falls, the other is there to help him get up. If a man falls alone, he is in trouble. Then he states the fact that three are even better. "A chord of three strands is not easily broken." (vs. 11) Then as a king, he says that he sees the futility of political power. God tells us to pray for our leaders and that He has placed them there for His purpose.(Romans 13:1)
  Chapter 5 begins with an exhortation to approach God with reverence. And if we make any promises to God, keep them, and keep them as quickly as possible. For it is better to say nothing, than to make a promise to Him and not keep it.(vs 5) He finishes up the chapter talking about how useless it is to be wealthy. God talks about money a lot in the Bible. Wealth is not useless and money is not bad according to God. Wealthy people who give to bring God glory can bless so many people.(Matthew 6:21) But we don't have to be wealthy to give. God can use a little to accomplish much. And it doesn't just have to be money. It could be our time and our talents as well.
 In chapter 6 the teacher talks some more about being rich verses being poor. He says that t both rich and poor get sick and they both die, the only difference is that the rich man leaves more behind that he never got the chance to enjoy. God tells us through Paul to be content whether rich or poor because God gives us the strength to live a fulfilled life in Him. (Philippians 4:12-13)

          Thanks to Phil Vischer (creator of Veggie Tales) for this clip from whatsinthebible.com

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Proverbs Pt. 2

We will look at a few more proverbs. Remember what we said about the Book of Proverbs? The main purpose is to teach wisdom to God’s people. Proverbs are short clever explanations, which are easy to remember. They contain truisms. These are things which are typically true however, not always. They deal with life, principles, good judgment, and perception. They often draw distinctions between a wise man and a foolish man with parable type examples.

                                                        Proverbs 1:17
                                The bird see a trap and goes the other way,
                                A greedy man sets a trap, then gets caught
                                in it himself.
In other words, the deeds that go along with being greedy are actually self-destructive.

                                                       Proverbs 17:12
                                Trying to rob a mama bear of her cubs is safer
                                than confronting a fool caught in his own folly.
In other words, pointing out a stupid mistake to someone is not a very good idea.

                                                        Proverbs 24:16
                                A Godly man may trip 7 times, but he always gets up.
                                Just one trip-up and the ungodly man is down and out.
In other words, When God is on our side, we see obstacles as opportunities and brush ourselves off and try again, but the person that doesn't know God, gets totally discouraged after one failure and gives up.

                                                        Proverbs 26:17
                                Yanking a dog's ears is as foolish as interfering 
                                in someone else's argument.  
In other words, When we get in the middle of two people arguing, we could be the one that ends up getting "bit." The Bible does say "Blessed are the peace makers", but it does not say blessed are the peace keepers. 

Next time we will be reading another book written by King Solomon called "Ecclesiastes".

Friday, September 20, 2019


The book of Proverbs (known as the proverbs of Solomon) was in fact written by Solomon, However, some of the proverbs that have been collected by Solomon are included in the book. In his lifetime, Solomon wrote 3,000 proverbs and 1000 songs.

 Proverbs is different from other books of the Bible because it is filled with two or three line individual statements, not organized by topic. They teach wisdom through short points. They are not Biblical promises, but rather principals to guide us in our relationship with God and others. The word wisdom shows up 114 times in 31 chapters. The wise man is contrasted with the fool throughout the book.

 So what is wisdom? Or who is the wise person? Wisdom is seeing the world and all that goes on, as God sees it and basing our reactions to any situation from God's perspective. So a wise person is one who knows God, sees the world through His eyes, and acts accordingly.

 Provers 1:2 tells us "The purpose of proverbs is to teach people wisdom and discipline, and to help them understand wise sayings. And verse 3 says, Through these proverbs, people will receive instruction in discipline, good conduct, and doing what is right, just, and fair.

  We can't go through every proverb, so I will pick out 6 proverbs that I think you will learn from and enjoy the pictures. The first one is Proverbs 6:6-7.

       Take a lesson from the ants and be wise. Even though they have no
       leader,  still they work all summer to gather food for the winter.

 In other words, even when no one is in charge. Don't be lazy.... be smart.

 And here is another one. Proverbs 11:22

       A woman who is beautiful but lacks good sense is like a gold ring in a pig's snout.

 In other words, beauty may be on the outside..... but inner beauty is what God sees.

There are 31 one chapters in proverbs, just like days in the month. Some people read a chapter a day for a month because getting God's word past our brains and into our hearts takes repetition and diligence.

 Next time we will see the wisdom in 4 more proverbs.