Laughing Megan

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Disturbing Trends in Fashion

They used to be so clean and normal looking... What the heck happened?!

The abomidable snow cookie...
Ashley Axel...


Maybe walking with the box was a bad idea?...

Ashley Lincoln...

Megan Lincoln...

Captain Megan...

She was going
for tough...

She was going for cool,
what do you think?...



Megan is shaving...

So, what do ya think? Should I be worried?...

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Yikes, for cryin out loud

Sorry everyone. I havn't been on the computer for a while. The last time I was on I managed to discover a really cool computer virus that immediatly set out to destroy our computer. We didn't have any anti-viral stuff installed... so... yeah. Anyway, I downloaded McAfee, that was a complete waste of time. I called McAfee. They were happy to help for $69-$89. Sha-right! So we set out, and by "we" I mean Chris, to fix it on our (again Chris) own. It seems to have worked, right? I mean, here I am and all... So now that I'm here again, wanna see some really funny pictures?
Do you ever wonder how younger siblings occupy their time while their brother or sister are away at school? Observe:

Looks like Kiss better watch out. I don't think she did it on purpose, but doesn't that look like a devil hand sign on her forehead? Can you tell what Ashley wants to be when she grows up? Ut-oh.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Shiners And Motion Sickness

I don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but I take Megan to school on my bike and pick her up too. The school is just under 3 miles away. Cookie Monster rides in the bike seat. Megan and Ashley sit in the bike trailer. Anyway, this week got all messed up because I finally decided I would take my bike in for a well needed tune-up on Tuesday. I rode her to school in the morning and took Chris's bike to pick her up Tuesday afternoon. Turns out, I don't like Chris's bike very much. So Wed, I figured it would be no big deal if I just took her and picked her up in the car for once.
My bike was supposed to be ready by 5pm Wed. I forgot all about it because I was helping my friend Flora set up her own blog that day. Oops. So I ended up taking the car Thursday morning as well. (I really don't like Chris's bike.) So that's three bike rides that I missed this week. I finally had my bike againThursday afternoon, so I was able to get her with it.
This morning I really didn't want to miss any more bike rides to the school. Things were going great and we were right on track until we all started heading out the front door. I usually leave at 8:30am, the bell rings at 9. I usually get to the school a bit early, not too early. So we're heading out the door and I go to grab my purse from the coat rack and it's not there. This is the coat rack because I know you really need to see it:

It's usually sideways like that too. So my purse wasn't there. Crap. Cookie likes to take my purse and hide it from me. I check all the usual places... nope. Time is ticking. I start looking in weird places... nope.

Here is my purse:

So you can see my problem.

It is now 8 something, a lot after what I would like, and I can't even take the car without my purse (see the keys hooked to the side of the purse... yep.) So I keep looking, cuz what else can I do? At this point I'm saying Heavenly Father, I need my purse, please help me. I've already checked everywhere that I can think of, weird or not. I felt like I should look on the messy computer desk just one more time. This time I start picking up the small things sitting on top of the desk. That turned out to be a really great idea because here it is:

Can you see my purse? It's right there in front of you. Oh, you can't see it? Yeah, neither could I. It's under the red barreto hat. Nice huh.

I'm kind of a stubborn kid sometimes (not sure where I get that). So I look at the clock and it says 8:43. "I can still make it!" So off we go.
There are these two monster hills on the way to Megans school. I've been setting goals by them since last year.
Goal #1. Just make it up the hill without having to get off the bike, whatever I have to do.
Check, I finally made goal #1.
Goal #2. Make it up the hill with all the kids loaded on the bike. Don't get off.
Check, I finally made goal #2
Goal #3. Make it up the hill with all the kids loaded, sitting down the whole way. Don't get off.
This Monday I FINALLY made goal #3! Yeah! I've been working on that one the longest.
So today, I've got all the kids on the bike and I'm haulin as fast as I can to make it to the school on time. NOTICE: You will not see ANY goals listed above that have ANYTHING to do with speed! I was dying. I had cereal for breakfast, with milk on it...The milk was a bad idea. I usually go pretty slow up those hills. I made it up the first one pretty fast today, but I was standing to do it. I was also starting to feel pretty sick.
Hill #two comes up. I made it half-way, maybe. Then I started slowing waaaaay down. I was standing up to try to hurry like the last hill. The second hill is so much steeper. I just couldn't make it. Finally, I hopped off the bike and ran the rest of the way. Dang! It felt like such a major step backward, but I was in a hurry. So we get to the top of the hill, I jump back on my bike, and we book-it the rest of the way to the school. The crossing guards were turning off the school zone blinkers. I get to the school and there are no children in sight, just parents here and there trickling out over the front lawn.
"Great" I think to myself. "I should have just taken the car, but NO! I'm a stubborn geek, and I had to ride my bike." Oh well. So I head around to the back of the school to drop Megan off and...
There is Megan's class, still outside. They were the only children still out. She hopped out of the cart and got in line with her friends just in time! Ha! That's right baby. Mamma kicked butt and got ya to the school on time! Yes! ...I don't feel so good.

So that was my morning. I still don't feel so good. Here are some completely unrelated pictures of Ashley and Cookie's matching shiners:
Ashley got hers from two sorces: Great Grandpa's grill and biffing it on her bike (same day, same spot.) Cookie Monster biffed it at the park. He was running super fast.

Here are Ashely's Oobi hands.

Monday, September 1, 2008

New Hair Cuts

I happen to be on the enrichment activities commitee. I've wanted to learn how to cut my kids hair for a long time now, so guess what we did on Wednesday? Yepper. Megan was one of the voluteers, so the lady cut her hair. But I cut the Cookie's hair just today. Here are all the pictures. Plus, I added some pictures from last night of the kids in the tub. (Head shots only :0) Ashley said the soap bubbles were her "forehead beard."