Laughing Megan

Sunday, November 28, 2010

18 inch boy doll

My sibling 18 inch dolls. The doll DOES NOT have a disability. The doll has a sibling with a disability and a story.
The woman who started the company employes people with down syndrom and autism and various other disabilities to dress her dolls.
She does this because these people need jobs desperately. She also does this because her 24 year old son has autism and her nephew has down syndrom.
She does have girl dolls, who doesn't, but the boy doll is what interested me.
It is very hard to find an 18 INCH BOY DOLL that doesn' t creep us all out or cost way too much. This 18 inch boy doll is perfect. And the price is right at only $50.00 compaired to the only other boy dolls available for $90.00 (creepy) to $150.00 (what?!)
Here is the link:

Again, this is a very small company in NJ so if you have any problems ordering call or email Loretta at:
phone: 973-403-7613

Also, if you feel prompted to do the pay on delivery thing, don't do that. She doesn't prefer it. Nobody does. It's not even supposed to be an option. That's why, when you see the option you think to yourself "that's weird, most people don't want to do that... huh."

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Potential stalker/serial killer in SLC Utah

This is the best that I could draw the guy without a photograph. He's one ugly S.O.B.! Last week on Monday I saw this guy at the burger king right buy salt lake community college down town across from the library. It was weird because he was in line ahead of me, but my order came up first. I was there for a little while afterward and his order still never came up. Did he ever order at all? Was he just there pretending to order? Weird.
I mentioned to him when my order came up that it was strange mine came up before his. He said that's all right and smiled all weird at me.
Ok, whatever, moving on.
I went to class. My Monday class is at least 3 hours long. When I got out I wasn't thinking about the guy at burger king obviously. I got on trax and got off at the galavan ctr to transfer. There was that guy again.
Hmm, that's the second time I've seen this weird looking dude. Oh well, that happens sometimes. Every time I glanced at him he was looking at me. That was weird too. I'm cute though so whatever.
I got on my second train and didn't bother to see if he got on with me.
I chatted with some kids on the train and didn't notice if the guy was there or not. Wasn't even thinking about that.
When I got off at my stop, there he was again. He was in front of me and he was walking really slow like he was stalling or something. He was wearing a denim jacket and jeans, he had strawberry hair that was almost brown. The strangest thing about his clothes would be his extremely shiny black boots.
I wanted this guy to know that I'd seen him at this point (I did have my mace in my hand and there were a few other people around) So I said "I like your boots"
He turned around and seemed a little surprised that I was talking to him. "excuse me?"
I repeated that I liked his boots because they were so unexpected. He wanted to know what I meant. I said it was unexpected because the rest of his getup was so layed back, then he had these super shiny black boots on.
He told me he spent 4 hours polishing them and said thank you.
And I said "I've seen you three times today. Weird." He just smiled. I said "What's your name?"
He said his name was Gary.
He asked my name and I told him like a dummy. I bet his name's not Gary. Guess he's smarter than me.
I asked where he was headed, he smiled and said "home, you?"
I said "me too," which I probably shouldn't have said. Then I said "Well, see you later."
He said "I hope so."
I just smiled and said "well, you don't exactly blend in, if you're around I'll definately see ya. Take care."
I see plenty of ugly wierd people down town every day. This guy gave me the creeps. My insticts tell me that he definately followed me that Monday. He definately wanted to hurt me too.
"Trust your instincts" that's what people say. That's what the police say too.
9 times out of 10 a surviving victim will say they knew something wasn't right just before they were attacked, but they ignored that feeling.
It could have been just a great big coincidence that I saw this guy at burger king, then 3 hours later he just happened to be headed home at the same time I was. He just happened to take the same train, then he just happens to get off at the same stop. That's where he lives... right.
For some reason, I just don't think so.
He waited for me, he followed me.
Now the only questions are: will he ever do it again? and What can I do about it?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Moving out of our beloved single wide trailor... sniffle- NOT!

Yay! We bought a house. Actually we bought Grandma Crowther's house. That's kinda sad. It even still smells like her. I'm really gonna have to rip the insides of that house out and change everything before I really feel like the house is mine.
That's gonna hurt, but it has to be done.
I still remember meeting Grandma for the first time in that very living room. Our new living room. sigh. I remember that occasion specifically because I was afraid of Grandma's teeth. I thought she was going to bite me, literally.
Before you think I'm strange for that, I should tell you that I was only about 2 years old. So if you're going to think I'm strange it should be for a lot of other reasons. :)
Anyway, I have so many memories of Grandma and Grandpa and cousins and fun and Jody & Alison. Jody was my best friend before we moved to Texas. I had no idea she would be my very last best friend until I got married.
I had a hard time writing to Jody after we moved because the kids were so mean to me in Texas. Writing to the last friend I thought I would ever have just made me cry, so I didn't. She wrote to me lots at first. When I never wrote back, she finally stopped. I saw her years later, but obviously things had changed.
I still don't do the girlfriend thing well.
I have Maria and Paula. They are pretty great. They're both very special to me. I'm glad for the friends I have for sure.
Anyway, so right now I'm painting my mobile home, it looks nice. You may think that's an oxymoron... "mobile home" and "looks nice." He he he. I've lived in worse that's for sure. The greatest part about that is that I never had to live in worse.
I once lived in a 1950 single wide trailor in La Grande Oregon. The walls were about as thin as paper so we froze in the winter and just stayed outside in the summer. We payed a whopping $1500 for the place and lot rent was $150 a month which included everything.
We had more money then than I think we've ever had in our lives, but the ward was dropping anonymous boxes of food and clothing at our door! It was so funny. I never even thought how we might appear to other people when we decided to live in that trailor. I just wanted to do something crazy that nobody else would do. Seriously, that was my main motivation. I don't know what Chris was thinking.
We paid off all of our debts in that house. If Chris weren't going to school right now, we'd still be debt-free today. I loved my little P-O-S trailor. I loved La Grande.
After that experience I now KNOW that happiness is what's inside me. I get to keep it reguardless of what happens outside of me. I can be happy anywhere.
I've never been the kind of person who places a lot of value on stuff and money. It's not that I don't like those things, its just never really been my focus. I think living in that trailor made me feel that way even more so.
There I was living at what seemed to be the very bottom of the dog pile of poo, and I was the happiest that I'd ever been. Just 5 minuets on a bike and I could be with my family in some of the most beautiful land I've ever seen. We did that damn near every day. La Grande is so green. So pretty.
Ashley was just 6 months old when we moved to La Grande. We put her room at the very back of the trailor. I would go in there a lot at night and just hold Ashley and rock her and stand by the open window. The window looked out over a long grassy field with a picket fence and I could see the moon above and the mountains in the distance. It was better than any painting I've ever seen because it moved and made outside noises and came with a breeze that smelled like the mountains. Even the dilapidated old window made the picture seem more perfect somehow.
You know, I don't think I realized how much I loved that little place until just now. Thinking about it has made me teary.
I've had a few houses now and even another trailor. That little shack in a small farm town is still my favorite home of all.
I don't know how many houses I'll live in from now until the day I die, but I bet none of them will have that beautiful old window in them. You know what I'm going to see when I look out my window from now on? City. Ug.
But I really like Grandma's house. I'm going to change as much as I can afford to in the inside, but I think I'll leave the outside as close to the way it is right now as I can. I don't mind having Grandma and Grandpa all over my back yard. That's actually kinda nice.
I have Jody and Alison in my backyard too. We used to play "witchy" in the apple trees. Now I can teach that game to my kids. We were always climbing over the fence going back and forth between grandma's house and their house. They lived kitty corner from grandma's backyard.
Allright, I've rambled enough. I need to get back to work.

Friday, December 11, 2009

$2.00 to download entire album

Talor Swift's album Fearless is only $2.00 on this website for MP3 download.
She has a couple of other albums for only $4.00 to download all of the songs. This is a sale, so it wont last forever.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Halo is mise Michelle

As promised, a shout-out to all my friends in Alba. I know I have a lot of readers world wide, but don't want you to think I forgot about you. You guys are my favorite.

Ciamar a tha sibh? Tha mise gu math. Tha mi às na Stàitean Aonaichte . Tha mi a' fuireach ann an Utah. Tha mi ionnsachadh Gàidhlig. Chan eil Gàidhlig mhath agam idir! Chan eil fhathast.
But I sure try hard.
Beannachd leibh!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Super Cape

I made some scarfs for the girls and a super cape for Cookie. I didn't think he liked it much at first. When we were getting ready to go to the store he said, "Mommy, I wanna wear my super cape so I can fly." That made me feel pretty good.
Megan's scarf is a little short. Oh well, it's pretty cute. Ashley's is just right, but kind of plain. Oh well, at least they'll be warm. I also got them some thermal underwear. Soon I hope I can get them those toe warmers from costco. I don't know how long those things last, but hopefully it'll be long enough to see them thru recess.

Cafeen free hot chocolate

It's called Hershey's Goodnight Kisses (milk chocolate), and Hershey's Goodnight Hugs (white chocolate). And it's 99.9% cafeen free. Huh. Who'd a thunk it?