Dear MoveOn member,
On July 7, MoveOn members and allies will deliver a petition to Nancy Pelosi declaring that the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a bad deal for America. Click here to sign the petition now and make sure your name is included.
The TPP is a trade deal that was negotiated behind closed doors with hundreds of corporate advisers carving out giveaways and tax breaks for their wealthy clients. It would make it easier to offshore good jobs, push down our wages, and undermine essential climate policies, affordable medicines, safe food, human rights, and an open Internet.1
The TPP is so unpopular that even the presumptive presidential candidates of both major parties oppose it—and maybe that's why members of Congress have been too scared to try to pass it. The danger, though, is that Congress will try to sneak it through during a lame-duck session, when they are less accountable to their constituents.
Will you join me in calling on Nancy Pelosi not to bring the TPP up for a lame-duck vote?
We appreciate Rep. Pelosi’s leadership on many issues: good jobs, higher wages, strong climate policies and a livable environment, affordable medicines, safe food, and human rights—but the TPP presents an unprecedented threat to the advances we have made together. And though she opposed last summer's vote to grant Congress the Fast Track authority to rush a vote on the TPP, she has not come out against a lame-duck session vote on this disastrous agreement.
Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.
—Lisa Oldendorp
1. "Secret TPP Text Unveiled: It's Worse than We Thought," Public Citizen, November 2015
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