We don't have GA meetings during the summer--but this video reminds me of them. A lot. :)
Okay, back to pictures of the grotto. The random combination of sacred and secular here really cracked me up!

leaning tower of Pisa

The convention made the local news. Check out the photos on the left of the page too.
For more about Sacred Harp--including sound clips--check out the articles from NPR and Time. Or watch some of the videos on YouTube.
Sacred Harp music isn't all warm fuzzies. Check out the lyrics to one song we sang:
Youth, like the spring, will soon be gone,
By fleeting time or conquering death;
Your morning sun may set at noon,
And leave you ever in the dark.
Your sparkling eyes and blooming cheeks
Must wither like the blasted rose;
The coffin, earth, and winding sheet
Will soon your active limbs enclose,
Will soon your active limbs enclose.
Most of the songs weren't so gloomy, though. If you like music, you should come next year. It's free and very fun!

Anonymous person: You look really cute today! I almost didn't recognize you!
Me: Uhh...thanks?
Me: Uhh...thanks?
The back of this sign talked about the building's "distinctive, modernistic architecture and Christian symbolism."

Others called it a "galactic church" that was the result of a "great enterprise."

Everyone enjoyed looking at "Jesus on an eggbeater"...

and the interplanetary stained glass windows.

Here's a lovely video of my choir singing in our concert. I'm hidden up somewhere in the second section from the left, in the middle left. You can see more here.