
Deja Thoris Sketch. Part 1

THIS f.....g made my day! Will Allred, a collector of ( character ) Deja Thoris art and his lovely wife Stacey, made me a very special gift: a hardcover limited edition of ( only 6 of them Earth and Barsoom included! ) Edgar Rice Burroughs' "A Princess of Mars " with a sketch he got from me! Of course, Expert in Martian Arts Adam Hughes' in it too, How could it be otherwise? The bottom line is, we delivered art to someone who's so appreciative of the talents he wanted to thank us for the good work... Well, That's a helluva great gift you did to us, Will! Thank you so much for coming up with this great idea and granting me with such an honor!

Alors celle-là... Si c'est pas la classe! Un collectioneur de dessins basés sur l'univers créé par Edgar Rice Burroughs - le Papa de Tarzan- est venu me voir à ma table pour m'offrir une édition limitée du roman " Une Princesse de Mars ", mais contenant les sketches que certains artistes ont fait pour lui. Et j'en fait partie! Déja Thoris est un de mes personnages favoris depuis que je l'ai decouverte ( et plus d'une fois, devrais ajouter - ma modestie dusse-t-elle en souffrir... ;) au debut des anées 90. J'ai toujours eu deux énormes raisons de la dessiner avec plaisir. Enfin voilà, quoi... tout ça pour dire que ma representation d'une de leur plus sublime ambassadrice figure a présent dans les chroniques Martiennes...


MockingBird origins pencils.

Pencils for an Origin page of a Marvel character. Fun to work on. Especially the Skrulls. I like it when I get to reshoot a scene that readers light have seen in the actual story with the characters. As on panel 4. This was made after Leinil Yu's secret invasion version. Trying to stay true to the original art and bring my own stuff in it. Hope I succeeded. I got Julien Hugonnard-Bert to ink this for Marvel. Not a new-comer but that is his first assignment for the House of Ideas. Watch it, True Believers, this guy might as well become the next great inker for the upcoming decade!

What's cooking?

Had this one in my mind for a long time. Jason's idea to display a fake menu for the rates was great but I wanted to push the design a little bit further. I'm glad this is ready right before flying to Kansas City. A good way to test it...

Ca faisait un bout de temps que je voulais modifier un peu la bonne idée que Jason avait eu de faire un menu pour les prix des sketchs en convention... Mais on avait fait ça à la va vite. Je pousse l'idée un peu plus loin, en espérant que ça ne sente pas le réchauffé...

Scarlet Witch Con Sketch... Done at home!!!

Didn't have time to finish those sketches in Orlando... I don't do that too often, but I had this image in my mind I didn't want to let go. So I fixed it on paper.

Je ne fais pas ça souvent, mais quand j'ai sur les bras des sketchs que je n'ai pas pu faire sur le lieu de convention, je les fais à la maison... tranquille. Celui là, j'avais l'image tellement inscrite dans mon esprit que je ne voulais pas attendre trop, de peur de la perdre. Alors je l'ai fixé sur papier.

invitation. part 2


Con sketches from Orlando... Des crobards de la convention de Orlando.

I did those in Megacon, and decided to play a little bit with the textures I gathered or made myself, to give the usual worn out look.

This one just had a blue filter layered over.


Des petits trucs faits à Orlando...Little doodles in Orlando

This Darth Talon is one of the first con sketches I did at Megacon, Orlando, just today. Didn't get to do many, but I had a great time on the piece. As always when Gary comes to me with those Star Wars characters to draw, it's something I know I'll really enjoy drawing.

That Batwoman for Darby is not too shabby either... Can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store for me!