Thursday, December 3, 2009

December Parent Letter

Snack Schedule

Wed 12/2Book Orders Due
RED and WHITE Day!
Wear Red and White
Gavin B: Healthy snack
Fri 12/4Show and Tell - Jj
Gavin D: Healthy snack
Mon 12/7Happy Birthday, Matthew!
Return Jj books today
Kk books go home
Matthew: Healthy snack
Wed 12/9Gingerbread Day!
Rylan: 14 large unfrosted gingerbread cookies and juice
Brooke: Healthy snack
Fri 12/11Happy Birthday, Jonah!
Show and Tell - Kk
Jonah: Healthy snack
Mon 12/14Return Kk books today
Ll books go home
Cade: Healthy snack
Wed 12/16Harper: Healthy snack
Fri 12/18Christmas Party
Gift Exchange - Bring a gift
No Show & Tell
Mia: 15 mini Christmas cupcakes, Cheese & crackers
Sat 12/19Christmas Program
Mon 12/21Return Ll books today
1st Day of Winter celebration
Ayden: Healthy Snack
Wed 12/23NO SCHOOL
(until Monday, January 4th)
Christmas Break

Friday, November 13, 2009

November Parent Letter

Note: Tuition $85 + $2 (field trip) = $87

Snack Schedule

Mon 11/2Gg books go home
4 small pictures for Gg journal
Snack: Harper
Wed 11/4Field trip to the Chocolate Bakery
Fri 11/6Picture Day
Show and Tell for Gg
Return Ff books today
Book orders due
Snack: Mia
Mon 11/9Return Gg books today
Hh books go home
4 small pictures for Hh journal
Talk about hibernation
Snack: Ayden
Wed 11/11Little Red Hen day
Snack: Chloee - 2 tubes of refrigerator roll dough
Fri 11/13Show and Tell - Hh
Snack: Jonah
Mon 11/16Return Hh books today
Ii books go home
4 small pictures for Ii journal
Snack: Ian
Wed 11/18We are making chocolate ice cream today
Snack: Miquelyn - 1 can sweetened condensed milk, 2 cups heavy cream, 2/3 cups chocolate syrup
Fri 11/20Show and Tell - Ii
Snack: Spencer
Happy Birthday Spencer!! - 11/23
Mon 11/23Return Ii books today
Thansgiving Party Today
Thanksgiving feast mix -
  • Everyone bring: 1 cup of something like goldfish crackers, M&Ms, cheerios, bugles, marshmallows, etc.
  • NO peanuts or anything with peanuts
  • Wed 11/25No school - Thanksgiving Break
    Fri 11/27No school - Thanksgiving Break
    Mon 11/30Jj books go home today
    4 small pictures for Jj journal
    Snack: Tanner

    Thursday, October 1, 2009

    October Parent Letter


    Snack Schedule

    DateWho brings the snack?
    (and other details)
    What snack do I bring?
    Fri 10/2Cindy Circle Day
    Show and Tell: Bring something that's a circle

    CadeRound Pizza: English muffins, 2 cups cheese, and some pepperoni
    Mon 10/5NO SCHOOL - Alpine School District schedule

    Wed 10/7Field Trip: Fire Station
    This is a walking field trip; the fire station is only 3 houses away.
    Parents are invited!
    AydenHealthy Snack
    Fri 10/9Dd books go home
    Show and Tell: Dd

    The number 4 song/book
    TannerHealthy Snack
    Mon 10/12Books Orders Due
    4 small pictures for Dd journal
    ChloeeHealthy Snack
    Happy Birthday, Chloee! (Oct 13th)
    Wed 10/14The number 5 song/book
    MiquelynHealthy Snack
    Fri 10/16NO SCHOOL - Alpine School District Fall Break
    Mon 10/19

    Field Trip Pumpkin Patch wear closed toe shoes and a coat. Leave your school bag at home. Vineyard Farms/Garden Center orem 435 Geneva Rd.

    Jonah 15 ziploc bags with crackers & mini Cookies & 15 boxes of juice
    Wed 10/21
    4 small pictures for Ee journal
    Gavin D Healthy snack
    Fri 10/23The number 6 song/book
    Show and Tell: Ee
    IanHealthy Snack
    Mon 10/26Return Ee books today
    Ff books go home
    4 small pictures for Ff journal
    RylanLarge package of Frozen French Fries
    Wed 10/28Orange & Black Day!
    Wear Orange and Black
    SpencerPumpkin cookies w/chocolate chips
    Fri 10/30

    Wear your costumes!
    We will be taking pictures!
    Show and Tell: Ff
    MatthewWitches Brew!
    Mini-sized things such as: preztels, marshmallows, fish crackers, M&M's

    Thursday, September 3, 2009

    September Parent Letter

    • Thank you for providing these snacks. They are a wonderful way to learn about our world. They also help the children to feel involved and show their appreciation to others that bring the snack. Our Snack time is often used to reinforce our learning objectives here at school. Some days we set snack time up to be a tea party. This is also to teach them manners, pouring and passing.
        Please try to make the snack healthy. I have a list of snack ideas in the snack bag. Candy would not be appropriate for snack time. A snack could include some fruit, vegetable sticks, cheese sticks, crackers, pretzels or even sandwiches cut into fourths.

    • Scholastic book orders: I will always put the flyers for the book orders in their bag the first day of the month. In the parent letter, I will put the date the order is due back to school. You can now order online by just going to
      • Our class username and password will be given out on the book orders
    • September Topics: getting to know you, class rules (sharing & kindness), feelings.
      • Introducing Fall with science, art, music, colors & math

    • Special days: Johnny Appleseed day, First day of fall day, Blue day
    • Letters of the week
      • Aa: 9/2 – 9/9
      • Bb: 9/14-9/18
      • Cc: 9/28-10/2

    • Show 'N tell Fridays: bring something that starts with the letter of the week. Don’t forget your pictures for the journals!

    Snack Schedule

    DateWho brings the snack? (and other details)What snack do I bring?
    Wed 9/3SpencerHealthy Snack
    First Day of School
    Bring Aa picture
    Fri 9/5Miquelyn Apples sliced,
    in a gallon ziplock bag w/cinnamon
    Show ’N Tell for Aa
    Happy Birthday, Miquelyn! (Sept 7th)
    Mon 9/8NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
    Wed 9/9MiaCrackers
    Everyone bring your favorite apple for our applesauce we are making
    Fri 9/11Gavin B. Healthy Snack
    Mon 9/14Books orders due
    Do this online or leave them in at school in the blues clues box
    Jonah6 bananas & Teddy Grahams
    Alphabet Bb
    Wed 9/16MatthewHealthy Snack
    Blue Day!!
    Wear something blue
    Fri 9/18IanBlueberry Muffins
    We will be reading "Blueberries for Sal"
    Mon 9/21

    Field Trip to the Farnsworth Apple Farm and Cider Mill

    Wed 9/23Rylan we are making apple cakes for Cc2 c. pancake mix & 1 c. chunky applesauce
    Fri 9/25TannerHealthy Snack
    Mon 9/28CadeHealthy Snack
    Cc - Hickory Dickory Dock
    Wed 9/30Picture Day
    HarperHealthy Snack

    Wednesday, August 12, 2009


    Orientation letter

    Dear Parents:
    Monthly Newsletters:On the first class of each month, I will post a parent note. I will include the letter of the week and when show and tell is for that letter. Also included is the snack schedule as well as field trip information and other special events that will be going on that month. I also include what we will be learning that month.

    Take Home Reading Program:
    This is a wonderful program for your children. I am so excited about this. You will be hearing more about this at the park social. I will have the books there for you to look at. Please take the time to read these with your child. Each letter will have 3 small books that will go home with them. When you finish one book the next in the series will go home. This program also focuses on high frequency words. This program was highly recommended to me by a gal that was in charge of the early childhood program for the State of Utah for many years. I was going to choose another program and she told me that this one is the absolute best in the nation so I am sooooooooo excited about this.

    Alphabet Journal:
    we will be doing a section in our journals of Alphabet letters. The children are to bring 4 pictures that begin with that letter. If the letter is a vowel with a long and short sound, they need to bring pictures that include both sounds, for instance for the letter Aa - you would send them with an ape or acorn and astronaut, alligator etc... . The pictures can be ones that you and your child pick out together on the computer by asking them what word makes that sound and then clip art a picture. The pictures should be no more than1 1/2 inches by 1 1/2 inches. We will also be writing some high frequency words that go with that letter and there will only be room for about 4 small pictures

    White board:
    I have a white board in the garage where reminders and/or special announcements will be written. Please take a minute to read it. This will remind you of book orders, tuition due dates, upcoming field trips, special days, etc.

    Tuition & Registration Fee
    Please make checks out to Karen Daniels. The tuition is due on the first class of each month. I have a "Winnie the Pooh" tuition box on the school shelf in the garage. A $5.00 late fee occurs after the 10th.There is $60.00 registration fee. This fee covers the curriculum, supplies and it helps to offset the cost of building rentals for the Christmas and spring performances. This is due when you submit the registration form.

    School start time:
    The morning class will be 9:00am – 11:30am.
    The afternoon class will be 11:45am – 2:15pm.
    Please be on time. Our first activity will be only 15 - 20 minutes and this is table activities that reinforce very important skills.

    School Bags:
    I will be passing these bags out during our open house in August. It is very important that your child bring his/her school bag each day to carry home their work as well as their take home reading. A reward will be given to each child that brings their bag each day to school. The bag will have your child’s name as well as his/her assigned shape. I use these everyday for name and shape recognition. If the bag becomes lost, you will need to go to Wal-mart and purchase a canvas bag and bring this to me. Please do not launder the bag, as this will ruin them. Please leave all toys and candy at home. This is so hard to keep track of at school. Please find time to view their work and share in the things they have learned. Take notice as they show improvement in their skill building activities. Displaying their papers shows you value their hard work. You may want to provide a box for your child to keep his/her best work in at home. Someday samples of your children’s first schoolwork will mean a lot to you and them! Remember a child’s play, is their work!

    Field trips:
    All field trips will be noted on the monthly newsletter. Parents may be asked to help drive. Your car must have working seat belts. Young children should not ride in the front seat if your car is equipped with air bags. Please make sure that you bring your child’s car seat and plug it into the assigned car that day. That way you will know that the car seat has been properly installed. On our field trip days we will need 2 parents to help drive. I have a sign up in the garage for the field trips. Please feel free to sign up at Open house.

    We will be celebrating birthdays on the closest school day to each child's birthday. Summer birthdays will be celebrated at the end of the school year in May.

    Birthday Binder:
    Please prepare an 8 1/2 X 11 scrap book page for your child for the binder. You can include some pictures of family, pets, favorite activity etc... You may include a drawing done by them. Please include any fun facts such as favorite color, book, flavor of ice cream to give you just a couple of examples. Please bring this with you at our schools open house the last week of August. We will put these together to have ready for our September birthday boys and girls. When your child has their birthday, they get to take this binder home and enjoy looking through it and sharing it with your family. Please bring it back to school the next school day. It would be devastating to lose these so please be careful. When your child has their birthday you may bring a treat for them to send home with your child's name on it or one to share at school.

    I have the children remove their shoes for school. This is for safety of "stepped on hurt fingers" as well as saving the breakage of things that they are working with on the floor. This also helps them to learn to put them on correctly. We work on putting the correct shoe on the correct foot during this process as well as tying shoes for the older children. We have found this to be a wonderful step in independence and motor skill development.Please have all your children's coats labeled, in case they are misplaced. You can easily do this with a permanent marker on the tags. If anything becomes lost, I will have it by the white board.

    Book Orders:
    Age appropriate books are very important to your child’s development. Having their own books to keep and take care of helps foster responsibility and a love of reading. I know how expensive books can be. Our solution is Scholastic Book Services. Please fill out the order forms completely, including the child’s name. Attach cash or 1 check made out to: Scholastic Book Club. I have a Blues Clues book order box in the garage for book orders. The books will be sent to our school in 2-3 weeks. Encourage your child to earn some of the money for his/her own books! Our school does not make money on book orders, we do it as a service for our students and parents! Our school however does receive bonus points for books to be put in our classroom, which is a wonderful opportunity for our students

    Drop off, pick up and arrival process:

    Arrival process:
    Please pull up to the curb and remember that entering the driveway is too dangerous.Please have your child to school on time so they wont miss out of our first activity. I usually close the garage door 5 – 10 minutes after school start time. If you are later than that please come through the gate and then through the side garage door. We have the children come in and first place their shoes on their shape on the carpet. We will come in and put coats in the basket. We then go down to the schoolroom together. Please try to have your child to school on time. We do some important skill building activities the first part of the class.

    Cold Winter and snow days:
    We will have the children come directly into the mud room where there is a floor mat where they will put their shoes. During these days we will not be using the garage to arrive.

    Pick up process:
    Please pick up your child promptly. This is so important for them. We give a five-minute grace period for pick up but at 6 minutes, I begin charging $1.00 per minute. I open the garage door at the dismissal time. They stand on their shape until you arrive. Please remember for safety to pull up to the curve and not enter the driveway. If your child will be absent, please call ahead so we do not worry about them.

    Snack bag:
    One of the children’s favorite things to do is bring the snack or part of the snack. In the calendar that is sent home, I include the date that your child will be assigned the snack bucket. Sometimes the snack will be a special addition to our curriculum and the specific item is listed on the calendar. Your child will bring home a small bucket. It is so cute the way the children always say during the class, “ I wonder when it is my turn to bring the snack”. This teaches them responsibility as well as gratitude and manners. We always say thank you for bringing the treat and it was so delicious! Some times all the children spontaneously give the snack bringer a big hug.
    Healthy snack
    This is so important for little ones. They make habits that stay with them their whole life. Please check that in the ingredients there are no listings for High Fructose corn syrup. This ing. is sometimes hidden in the 3rd line and usually split between the lines of the 3rd and 4th line.Please no candy unless it is a special birthday gift to be taken home. Please include whole grain crackers( whole grain town house have no HFCS). You may include cheese sticks. You may also send a whole grain bread with meat and cheese. They usually only eat 1/4 to 1/2 sandwich. These are just a few suggestions. I will send a list of ideas in the bag. Please leave this in the bag.

    School Pictures:
    We have school pictures that are taken by a photographer that I use. She is great. The prices are amazing and the pictures are very well done. We take them with a fall background outside.We also include a class picture. The date is listed on the online calendar. You will receive a packet at the open house in August.

    Class Rosters for the Families:
    We will have a list of the children in your class available along with their phone numbers in case you want to have a birthday party or invite someone over to play.

    Christmas program
    Saturday December 19th Christmas Program At Alpine Peaks Performing Arts Studio in Alpine
    9 am - 10 am Butterfly Class
    10 am - 11 am Caterpillar Class
    11 am - 12 noon Ladybug Class
    12 pm - 1 pm Bumblebee Class

    4 yr. old Graduation and 3 yr. old nursery rhyme program
    Saturday May 22nd At Alpine Peaks Performing Arts Studio
    9am - 10 am Butterfly Class
    10 am - 11 am Caterpillar Class
    11 am - 12 noon Ladybug Class
    12 pm - 1 pm Bumblebee Class
    This is for the children to experience being in front of a group and performing on an actual Theatrical stage.Santa brings each child a special treat and visits with them on his lap.

    Please bring all of your family and extended family that would like to join us and a camera.

    3 year old end the year Nursery Program.
    This will consist of performing all of our nursery rhymes and some of our songs. Each child will have a chance to have a special part and wear a very simple costume.

    Our graduating class will have a special time to be recognized and receive their diploma.
    I need everyone to bring a plate of treats for these events so that we can have a short reception following the program.

    End of year video:

    We make a beautiful video of all the pictures during the year. This is set to wonderful music. We charge a nominal fee as it takes many hours to put together. The cost is $10.00. I have heard that the children have loved watching this over and over again.

    Please remember that I am always here and would love to answer your questions or talk about special needs or concerns. I am very open and would always welcome your input. Remember, we are a team! I want us to be able to work together so the children have the best possible experience. My goals for your child are not only academic. I want to help your child become well rounded in all aspects of socialization; academics and most of all to have them feel that they are wonderful and can achieve anything.

    I look forward to getting to know you and teaming up for a great preschool experience.
    Thank you,
    Karen Daniels
    Mother Goose Preschool
    It is going to be a wonderful year!