Sunday, October 12, 2008


Taraka and I took the kids to Green bluff. We picked out pumpkins, ate warm pumpkin donuts, and fresh Carmel apples... I think eating the yummy treats was my favorite part. But the kids had fun climbing the haystacks, sliding down the slide, jumping in the castle and walking through the kids haunted house... It was fun day.

Grace and Avery

Cole and Owen taking a brake.

Tucker and Owen running around. It is so much fun to watch these boys play together.

Waiting in line to buy the pumpkins.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


My niece Andrea got married in July. I just love her she is amazing. If I could be half the person Andrea is I would have it made. Anyway Andrea I miss you and I think the world of you.

Kay, Matt, and beautiful Reese were with us for four days. We had the best time with them! Wes and Matt drove to Seattle to watch BYU play UW... They bonded. Thanks again you two for coming we love you guys sooooooooooooooooooo much!

Avery's first day of Kindergarten. She was a little nervous.

A couple days later it was Cole's turn. It's his second year riding the big school bus and he loves it. He was happy to get back to school.

It was soo hard to see the school bus drive a way. I caught my self getting teary eyed. My kids are just growing up really fast. I just don't think I was or still am prepared for that.

Rosie, cookie, sister moncrief and Jessie came into town and it was fun to see them I haven't seen the moncrief sisters since seventh grade but it was amazing how we just picked up where we left off. These ladies are the coolest and oh soo fun Taraka and I wish that all these girls lived here permanently. Hint, Hint.

The Mortensen road trip. I drove the kids to Nampa Idaho. We got to stay with my sister and we had a great time. Thanks J for everything.

Hayden and Owen bonded this trip. Owen followed him everywhere.

Cole, Avery and Owen got to ride a horse... I think that was the highlight of the Nampa trip. Cole didn't want to get off.

From Nampa I picked Wes up at the airport and we drove to Utah to go to the Mortensen family reunion. We stayed at Wayne and Cecily's beautiful new home.

Evelyn and Owen are the same age and they had a great time with each other.

Wes and Coley man hand in hand

Matt, Kay and Reese

Grandma Mortensen and Avery

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Avery found a friend in Utah. It's Wayne and Cecily next door neighbor Evy they played everyday and they never had there own clothes on. Right when Evy would get to the house they would trade what they were wearing. I remember doing that.

We went to the zoo. Cecily is holding Owen.

Cole and I are trying to stay cool with the elephants.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My fabulous cousin Paige got married in June. I know, I know, I should have posted these pictures in June, but since its my blog it's never too late to post pictures right?! Anyway... I flew down on a Friday to Boise, hopped in JJ's car and off we went to Logan Utah. We had a great time!! Isn't Paige beautiful?!

The happy couple

My cousins and my sis.

We were at my Aunt and Uncle's house when we saw this five year old climbing a very tall tree. My Aunt claims that the little girl climbs this particular tree all the time. In this picture she was bouncing on one of the branches. I was yelling "BE CAREFUL " while of course taking the picture. If you can see she is higher then some of the power lines and those power lines are high, one slip and that little girl would be in trouble. I just couldn't believe what I was seeing.

After we watched the five year old reach the ground safely we headed back to Idaho and we made it just in time for this beautiful girls quinceneanera (I hope that's the right word and I hope I spelled that right). After that, JJ took me to the airport and I returned home. What a trip - it was fast, memorable and so much fun.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I have been told countless of times that I have to be the worst blogger they have ever known.... And I agree. But for those of you who have not given up on me, who have seen our trip to Mexico so many times that it just makes you want to SCREAM. Here are some new pics of my CUTE kids. Cole's speech therapist needed to take some pictures of Cole. But Owen and Avery thought they should join in on the fun.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

We went on a cruise with Wes's family... We had the best time! Lots of laughing, eating, reading and sleeping.
Heidi and Jack on the taxi boat

Cecily and Wayne parasailing

Wes getting ready to fly in the sky!! Do these guys look like they know what they are doing?

Good times! I was scared to death.