I here we can see the differnt ways to approach the problematic of building in a city like NY. And here we can as well see, the t...

Gensler-Office Building of the Future
NAIOP '12 Ideas Competition - Office Building of the Future from Gensler LA on Vimeo .
Oscar Niemeyer dies at the age of 104.
Brazilian architect dies at 104 .
La Fabrique - TETRARC
Tetrarc architects turned an old industrial site in an inspiration.

Pauline Van Dongen - Stereopsis
§tereop§i§ from Champagne Valentine on Vimeo .
Bicentennial Civic Center - Córdoba GGMPU+LUCIO MORINI
Imponent "governamental" shape. Very monumental and 3d facade, designed by Lucio Morini & GGMPU Arquitectos for the Bicen...
Research laboratory-Groningen UNStudio
How do you work in a building project for a program that almost forbids exterior light? How do you make that building detach from the ...
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