My Blog List

Wednesday, July 31, 2019


I blame Kyle!  Kyle decided he wanted to grow his hair out and then none of my kids wanted hair cuts.  I thought that in the heat of summer I could convince them to cut their hair, but nope...they wanted to grow it out.  Makai has such thick hair.  Thicker than anyone in our family and probably competes with most sea otters.  Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and convinced him to cut his sides.  Doesn't this look so hot!! It's summer time! Lets be real--I wanna shave my head!      

Then there is Trey.  H'm shocked by how much body this kid has to his hair.  The longer it gets the more curly it gets.  But least let us cut the sides...


Okay, so I might need to take some off the top too!!  Luv you bud.  
One of the hard things about having older kids is how much control you loose.  When they were little they dressed in the clothes I picked out, and cut their hair whenever I wanted them too.  I'd just say, "Hey, do you want a hair cut like...(insert favorite character at the time)? and they would agree.  Now that they are older I've lost that.  They don't just want to do things to make me happy...they have opinions.  I'm having to get use to letting go and just going with it.

Friday, July 12, 2019

Let the 3rd year begin..

Monty is in his third year of Medical School and ready to start rotations.  I think this year will be a blast for him as finally he gets to start working with patients.  His first rotations were pediatrics and NICU.  Seeing and hearing about what he sees in one day is pretty eye opening.