Sunday, November 08, 2009

Trick or Treat

The week of Halloween was full of fun festivities. Lately, I have just been forgetful and off and surprise, surprise...I didn't take that many pictures. For example: it was Red Ribbon week at school and everyday was a different crazy way to dress. I did not take one picture! Not ONE! It was so fun and took me back; as I remember dressing up and doing those crazy things for spirit week. It was fun to do it for Sadie. The last day was the costume parade (wait, actually I did take pictures! I just realized I have some on my little camera....I will post later I guess).
By the end of the week it seemed as if we dressed up in our costumes a million times! Each time there was a different look. Different accessories, makeup, hair...always different. Sadie is so funny and so particular! Here we are all ready for the church Trunk or Treat! (Lucy's hat is not on yet)
Lucy as Jesse from Toy Story 2
Sadie as Hannah Montana (of course!)
Striking that Hannah Montana pose!And our sweet little Daphne as a Sunshine.

I should have taken this next picture as a hint...Here is how our night ended up. Lucy threw up all over her costume on our way out the drive way! So Daddy and Sadie ended up going all by themselves. Sadie was so sweet and took Lucy's bag and got her candy too!
After a rough night, Lucy woke up feeling great! Me on the other hand, I needed more sleep! But who can sleep on Halloween!!!!
Here we are, ready to get some (more) candy!!
Little Lucy was so excited to be Jesse! Although it sounds like she says "Jelssie." No one could understand whenever she told them what she was going to be. :) At first she wanted to be a unicorn (good luck with that one Mom). When she changed her mind to be Jesse, I jumped on it! Her costume cleaned up well, thankfully!
Little Sadie is such a drama queen! I love her energy and wish I had half of it! She was so excited for candy! We were lucky and ran into a friend while we were Trick or Treating! Sadie and Vivian had a BLAST running from house to house!!
I don't really know what I was, but at least I dressed up right!?!
But Daphne, now she was too cute! I had a hard time trying to find a costume for her. When I saw this Sunshine costume, I knew it was perfect!!!! Just for her! She is our little Sunshine!! Bringing so much joy and light into our lives!
She wasn't quite sure what to think of me!

She did warm up to me after a little bit! She is so loving and sweet! I was going to say she loves her Mama, but really she loves her Daddy just as much! And you can't ignore how much she adores her sisters! She is just so sweet!!