Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Sadie's Kindergarten Graduation

Here is my big girl! All ready for her LAST day of Kindergarten! It has been one LONG year for poor Sadie. In Texas she was going full day, on a 9 month school year. Then we moved to Vegas half way into the year. Vegas is on a year round schedule, going half day. Her track had already had 2 of their 3 breaks. So she did get a couple weeks off in April but had to continue going through the summer! Poor girl. But she has had fun! She has loved being in her cousin Shane's class and LOVES going to Aunt Tricia's room! Too cool!!
One of Sadie's good friends from class is Sierra. Sierra always has her hair done SO cute! This started to rub off on Sadie and I LOVE it! She requested something really special for her graduation, so I looked online and found a few cute styles and let her pick. I love how it turned out...
We were lucky that Sadie and Shane got to stand by eachother! Great for pictures! :) Here they are singing one of their little songs!!
Sadie getting her Certificate! I was bummed that she grabbed it and turned AWAY from the crowd. But she redeemed herself...
Look at that smile for Mommy! :)
Hamming it up while her friends got awards and I was getting her attention!
After she humored me a bit, she put me in my place and was telling me to stop. I think the teacher had said something about sitting quiet and not waving etc to Mom and Dad while friends are getting their awards. Haha! I love how they are SO into rules at this age!
Here they all are with their awards! Yeah kids!!
I am so proud of Sadie! She has done so well in school! Even with a HUGE change, she has continued to excel! She adjusted so well! I couldn't be more proud!
Each student got an award and each of them received an area that they excelled in. Sadie was awarded for Journaling and Friendship! Haha! To Sadie, school is about socializing! She is very outgoing and social! So it is totally fitting that she got Friendship. :) And she is GREAT at writing. She loves to mimic her teacher and create little story boards.
Sadie, Shane, Grant and Sierra
We are all so proud of Sadie and love her SO much!!
This is one reason why we moved...SO glad Grandma and Grandpa could come to their graduation!
Do you think Sadie loves Grandma or what!?!
Sadie with Mrs. Kemp
Sadie rockin' it with her Texas roots! :)
We are so proud of you Sadie! You are truly becoming such an amazing girl! You are always so willing to help out and so in touch with others feelings! You are so caring and loving and we can't imagine life without you!!! You are growing up so fast!!! We love you more than you will ever know!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Scentsy Convention 2010, Denver CO

I was SO excited to attend my first Scentsy Convention! This year it was in Denver Colorado. Cyndi and I planned it perfectly so we met each other at the airport. When we first got there we went to the Convention Center and got our packets. Everything was done way beyond my expectations! It was so cool! There were signs along the city streets that said Scentsy on them! The Convention Center was HUGE! It was so exciting!
One of the best parts was I got to see Lyndsee! :) We met with Lyndsee and our team for a group event that Lyndsee did. She passed out awards, did a little motivational training and spoiled us with tons of gifts!!! Our theme for the year was "Builders" she talked about was to successfully "build" your business. Then she had pink construction hats, a tool apron and lots of other fun tools! And the coolest, she had NICE bags embroidered with our name and Scentsy Logo! She spoils us FOR SURE!!! LOVE HER!!
It was Lyndsee's Birthday just a couple days before so I made and hand carried on the plane, some of her favorite cupcakes...the confetti kind. Haha! It was funny!
We went to dinner at Bubba Gump Shrimp! YUMMY!
Sheila, Lanae, Cyndi, Lyndsee and Jenny all decked out in our Builder attire! :)
I was so excited to get this Frog and the Well warmer designed by Orville himself. The previous year at convention he told the story of the Frog and the Well, and this year he designed this warmer, just for us. Here is a picture of his design he made, the broken mold (that will never be used again) and the final warmer! I LOVE it! It also has a message from Orville on the back with his signature! It is one of the first warmers that is testing out the new LED lights as well.
I had such a great time at Convention! I learned so much and am excited to use the knowledge I gained to better my Scentsy Business! The main thing I loved about convention was, that they weren't pushing Scentsy the whole time. A lot of it was about bettering yourself so that you can put your best self toward your business. Totally cool! I learned that this is an amazing company to work for! I am so grateful to be a part of it! There are amazing people in the company and I am honored to be among them!! I LOVE SCENTSY!!!

When Life Gives you Lemons...

Grandma and Grandpa Stewie always give us lots of yummy lemons to squeeze for delicious lemonade! The girls had lots of fun getting the juice out of them! Mommy cut while the girls juiced them.
They had to use their muscles!

To silly!

Popcorn and a Movie

Daphne is getting so big! She wanted to be like big sister and have her own bowl of popcorn! They looked so cute just chillin' and watching a movie.
She is so proud!
I LOVE her chubs!!
I LOVE lazy summer days! Too bad Sadie is now in year round and can't be a part of them... :(

And they're OUT...well a majority of them!

I don't know what it is, but Sadie has been the only one of our girls that will sleep in the car! When she was a newborn, she HATED it, but then she warmed up to it I guess. Lucy and Daphne on the other hand, loved it as newborns and then after they are about 6 months they would NEVER sleep in the car. Lucy now has gotten to where she will occasionally fall asleep on long road trips, but Daphne NEVER sleeps in the car! We will be in the car for hours and she just won't fall asleep! This is the end of our road trip back home from Utah, Idaho and then Utah. We have passed St. George, almost to Vegas and Daphne is still awake. At this point, she is drinking/squirting tons of Capri Suns all over her but I don't care because it is keeping her quiet! By the time we got home she was soaked! But we made it!! Phew...

Friday, August 26, 2011

Grandma Christy and Grandpa Bob's

A trip to Grandma Christy's and Grandpa Bob's would not be complete without a trip to Farr's for ice cream! Daddy has been going here since he was little and so we have to carry on the tradition! You think I would get better smiles out of the girls after ice cream, right!?!
I had to include this one to document in history how difficult Lucy can be to take pictures. She is oh so stubborn sometimes! :) But I love that face no matter how grouchy it is!! And of course Sadie being such a good helper with Daphne!
Daphne was LOVING Grandma for feeding her so much ice cream!!! She would not let her stop! :)
Look at that happy girl!
They love to get the Play Dough ice cream! It is delicious and messy all at once! Look at all those cute girls!!!
So yummy!
Lily is too cute and getting so big. She was loving the baby, a.k.a. - Daphne. She was being so sweet and helpful to her!
Look at that big girl walking! She has been so close to walking for so long and of course when we are away from Daddy she starts! We got it on video and sent it to him so he could see. She took her first steps to Lyndsee...of course! :) She LOVES Lyndsee!
Aunt Bekah, Aunt Kirsten, Grandma Christy and Grandma Jean enjoying the beautiful weather and Grandma and Grandpa's perfect backyard!
Uncle Colin and Hannah play with Lily.
The kids love to run inside and be the lookout on the balcony. Look at that beautiful face! Boy to I love her!
Grandma took the girls to the Dollar Store for treats and this is what Sadie came home with. Haha! Only a Grandma would say yes to those! :) Grandma Christy hurried inside to tell me she was sorry before Sadie had time to show me! I love it! And the jingly sound they make is totally cool! ;)
We love to go play at Grandma Jeans backyard too! She has a nice new deck that we were enjoying! Daphne was enjoying sitting in the big chair next to Grandma Jean! She is so big!
Lily and Lucy helped Grandma make treats for a get together with Daddy's cousins. They were such good helpers spreading out the dough for cookie bars! The best part was licking their fingers clean! :)
Grandma Jean is always so sweet with the girls! She was helping this big girl show off her new skills!
I just absolutely LOVE this picture!
Grandpa LOVES taking the girls racing and they always fight over who gets to ride with Grandpa! Lucy was with me and Grandpa was trying to crash into us here, but I have mad skills so he couldn't! He was impressed, although he should have known! ;) Especially since I was driving AND taking pictures! :) I LET them pass me...
Lucy and Mommy! So much fun!
Grandma Christy is always SO entertaining to the girls! It always is a reminder to me to slow down and just play with them! They play TONS of games and read TONS of books whenever we are together!
Hannah is such a good cousin! She is so sweet to always play with the girls!
Sadie ready to play!
The rule at Grandma's is: Eat as many Popsicles and you can!
She is getting so big!!!
Grandma's baby grand is always fun! It's so beautiful, it just begs people to play it!
Such fun summertime memories! We are SO glad that Grandma and Grandpa are just a drive away! It is great to be able to come visit!!