Friday, April 24, 2009

Spring Break 2009

Jameson, Liam, Liza, and Hattie standing in front of the Palmyra, NY temple (near the Joseph Smith log cabin).
Hattie and Liam walking through the Sacred Grove.
Liam wanted to take a picture. There were benches throughout the grove and Jameson wanted to know why they were there. I told him that people could sit on the benches to think about the events that took place there many years ago. He wanted to sit down on every bench to "think about things."
Jameson's turn taking a picture.
Mama's turn.
Walking through the Sacred grove. Brad and I went there when Hattie was a baby and she screamed through the whole walk. This time she kept begging to "hit the road." Maybe some day she will appreciate this special place.
Hattie with the Angel Moroni in the palm of her hand in front of the Palmyra temple.
An attempt at cooperating for me to get a picture of the three of them in front of the temple.

We went to a fabulous children's museum in Rochester. Jameson loved the Carousel.
Lillian's first carousel ride. She is such a love.
Lilo checking out the big teeth in one of the exhibits.
Lilo ran away from me at one point and I watched him check out Papa bear at the Berenstein Bears exhibit. He couldn't resist giving him a hug.
We spent almost an hour in "back in time" exhibit. Jameson was pumping water from a well.
They had a kids sized grocery store. They loved that.
Jameson, Me and Lilo in front of the Pittsford Dairy farm. Hattie was feeling uncooperative.
Sweet little Lillian and her happy face.
Standing at the edge of the Erie Canal freezing our tails off. Lilo was simply uninterested in having his picture taken- big surprise!

The kids were on Spring Break this week and Brad had a big project that he was working on, so I decided to pack up the minivan and head North to the Palmyra, NY area to visit Liz Gleason Sutton and her sweet baby Lillian and husband Trent. We had a great time, except when the kids behaved like wild animals in our hosts home. Perhaps someday all of our Family Home Evening lessons on manners will kick in!