So it has been a while since I have blogged. Between work, travel, and having a baby - I barely have free time for anything. But details on that for another post... In pre-baby times the events of the past seven months of my life would likely have been multiple blog posts, but these days I don't have time for that. So here's a catch-up of what I have been up to so far this year.
Running. Oh running. How I love you, and miss you. But alas we have barely spent time together this year. Due to my schedule with work and the baby and life, I barely have time to run anymore which is a sad, sad, thing. That of course didn't stop me from signing up for races! Which without training equals pain and misery at times. I'm racing less these days but not considerably less compared to how much I'm training which is next to nothing. But hey - racing is fun! When racing with friends it involves costumes, coordinated outfits, and girl time. So maybe it hurts way more than before. I still enjoy it. So far this year I've run a 15K, a marathon (what was I thinking?!), an 10K, two half marathons, and a 12K.
Resolution Run 15K
Surf City Marathon
Valentine's Day 10K
San Diego Half Marathon
La Jolla Half Marathon - DNF
Rock N Roll Half Marathon San Diego
Coronado 4th of July 12K
I've also been traveling regularly for work with about one trip a month. This has been challenging since I have been breastfeeding throughout this year, but I have learned how to keep up with pumping successfully 'on-the-go', which again, is content for another blog post. This year I have been to Florida twice, DC once, Vegas twice, and Beverly Hills a couple times for work.
On the health front everything is still stable and good. I've had two MRIs in my regular quarterly MRI schedule (February and May) and my tumor continues to be stable. My next MRI is in August. Cue the anxiety...
David and I also participated for the third year in the annual Head to the Hill event put on by the National Brain Tumor Society where we met with the offices of our state representatives to talk to them about why funding research for brain cancer and supporting initiatives that affected the brain cancer community were important. This event is always an emotional one for me but its a way that I feel like we are directly impacting the future of brain cancer research and treatment.
Head to the Hill 2016
2014 versus 2016
Meeting our Representatives
I also spoke at an event for Athena, a local women's networking group for women in science and technology. Athena is involved with a program for high school girls who are interested in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) which allows them to learn more about oncofertility, a program at UCSD that focuses on fertility efforts for patients diagnosed with cancer. I was asked to speak at this event because not only was I an Athena alum, I have also had a career in STEM, and I'm a patient of the oncofertility program. It was really amazing to be around a group of young women who are tomorrow's engineers, scientists, and doctors.
On other news - in between working, traveling for work, and other things going on in life - David and I managed to get away for a week to Maui! It's something that we'd like to make an annual tradition, and a really nice way to get away and spend some time together as a family.
Why Did We Have So Much Luggage??
Paradise in Maui
My father also moved here from San Francisco this year which has been great! Instead of only seeing once or twice a year I now see him at least once a week. He moved into a place near downtown that is only a mile away from us, and we have now seen him more in the past few months than I have probably seen him in the past 15 years.
Eva Update
And last but not least ... Eva! She just turned one this past week and I'm amazed by how quickly time has gone by. It doesn't seem like that long ago that she could barely hold up her own head and we were getting up every hour or two. Having Eva in our lives for this past year has been amazing. It has been so much better than I could have ever expected, and I'm amazed daily by how much I love this little girl.
Our Sweet Little Big Girl
Loving the Mommy Life