Thursday, August 19, 2010


These are the cups going to the 2nd annual national cup show at Barrett Clay Works

These are the objects I made in Atlanta

Turned out muddier and darker than expected and I wasn't a fan of my clear glaze over it, the finish was a bit rough.

bad blogger

I'm on my way out to the Atlantic Beach Art Walk and have meant to blog about my last baby kiln load.

Things turned out different than I expected them. I may not have bisqued high enough or put way too much stain on, but it got the ball rolling for me to be a lot more colorful and graphic with my work.

Besides Hunter teething like a mad man, I did get 2 cups into the 2nd Annual National Cup show juried by Ayumi Horie First show I've ever applied to. Hopefully it goes well.

Time to pack up the little guy. Pictures later. :)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

1187 and cooling

cooling is part of the process, cooling is part of the process. (repeat over and over)

Whenever I'm testing something new I get so anxious to open the kiln pretty much right after it hits temperature.

Regardless of outcome, I don't think I'll be absorbing Diana's technique. I learned some great things and a new way to add color to my work... but the whole etching process is going to drive me insane. Think I'll just stick to sgraffito.

Not that I need to produce X amount of pots because they are flying off the shelf, but the spending a week glazing a small load (it took me 4 days to glaze 10 pieces) will drive me nuts.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

almost time to fire!

Didn't realize how many little 20z jars of underglaze I had accumulated over the years, even though I've never quite knew how to use them.

test tiles on 3 clay bodies. ( didn't have the time to throw them, so slab and cut will have to do.)

I'm so excited. Doing the first firing tonight, then glazing.. and hopefully I'll be ready for the last firing on Tuesday night and have results by Wednesday.

wish me luck

Thursday, August 5, 2010

carving away

Man of wars with mustache
hammer head. (also has manta rays on the side of the bowl)

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


I need more hours in a day...
or I just need to give up sleep...
or get Hunter to nap longer.

3 days to make 9 pieces.

these are firming up a bit and I'll get to carve into them later tonight.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

workshop thoughts

(Diana Fayt platter for sale at mudfire, unless it has already been snatched up)

The workshop was more than fantastic.

I learned so much in the 3 days. I'm still blown away that Diana would teach a workshop on her technique that has taken 15 some years to perfect and here we are getting the cleaned up,nicely packaged up version.

I went into this workshop wanting to know more about color and adding on layers. I came out with an appreciation for the personal narrative that goes into each object and the dedication it takes to create your own process.

Diana's slide show/lecture was my favorite part and unfortunately I only got to stay for the first half both times. (suppose that is the price you pay when your 7 month old is hungry or sleepy and mr. mom is losing his mind) The back story is so important. You can tell that everything she etches onto her pots means something important to her, every piece of every vessel is informed by her experiences. It was so great listening to the stories behind each drawing.

I've always been a firm believer that a good pot looks like it's creator. You've got to put yourself into it, otherwise.. it's just another object.

Hunter is about to wake up and I have some more thinking (and making!) to do. I had a lot of gradschool flashbacks and need to work through those thoughts as well in another post.

Here are some photos.




and the mandatory Hunter at the hotel shot

I didn't sleep much last night and made some cups/bowls so Hopefully I'll be able to fire these in the next 10 days.