A National Party?
This article by Hugh Hewitt adds to some of my thoughts regarding the election. After I recognized that I was actually part of a Majority party, I started to think some interesting thoughts.
One, our two party system can function only with two strong parties. Now I've always thought the dems were mind numbed socialists, with few exceptions. I have voted for dems in my life. But today, the dems have literally been hijacked by the liberal elitist intelligentsia. I don't see any working class people in the dems anymore, just race baiters and elitist snobs.
The Republican party has a diverse make up, and it is growing more diverse. You have single issue people in the party, promoting pro-life, or pro Christian, or gun rights, or lower taxes, etc. You also have people like me, who are conservative fiscally and Libertarian socially. I don't believe it is up to me to judge someone's lifestyle or actions, unless they have some effect upon me personally. I don't care what they do, but I'll be damned if I'll pay for it.
I want to pay taxes for two causes. First, national defense (protect my sorry ass). Second, the interstate highway system (move my sorry ass around in a quick, expeditious, manner). The rest of our government is special interest BS. BTW, I once heard Hillary Clinton say that she "felt sorry" for people who believe in taxation for the exact two reasons that I believe. I'm glad she "feels"... now you can BITE ME you Concrete Calved, Self Righteous, Skank!
The Republicans cannot shut the door on the Arlen Spectors of the Party, or they will have problems. The litmus test issue will polarize the party. I don't care for Arlen much, he's kind of an egotist, but aren't we all. We need to be the "big tent" of the future to keep power. We have to keep power to lower taxes and the burdens of our overwrought judicial system.