Sunday, January 22, 2012

Jaidy had a PartAY!!!!

I had so much fun doing this party.. Jaidy was in heaven and had a ball! Yay for birthdays. This was her first friend party!! And everyone had so much fun.. Even mom, and grandma's!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I just love my kids..

If you can't tell we had a good day today!!! Played outside most of the evening and loved every minute of it!!

Yes.. He is like this ALL the time

No explanation needed!!

The MoncuR family might be crazy!!

My Moms Quilt Continued..

These are pictures my mom took.. Doesn't it look cute in there?? I know I'm biased but this quilt was by far the easiest and the most fun to make!!

My Moms quilt..

I made my mom a quilt for her birthday and I can finally post it on here. I seriously can't believe this is the only picture I took of it completed. But this gives an idea. I will get another picture posted soon!!!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

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Friday, June 10, 2011


We have had so much fun this summer. The weather has been so weird and unpredictable. Jaidy and Jens have loved every minute of it. Me, not so much!! We're a little out of the blogging world lately but I am going to try a little better.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The past week or so has been a NightMare!!

So I know I said I was going to do those 30 day posts. Well it kind of got put on the back burner this past week because my son has had the flu and diarrhea!!!! I seriously have done 10 loads of laundry filled to the brim of the machine this past week. And on top of that he had Pink Eye!!! I swear my little man gets EVERYTHiNG!!! So as you can probably guess I haven't had enough energy to search the computer for pictures and raddle my brain with unique and corky things to enlighten you all with!! Next week will be a new week. I promise!!

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

A little behind..

So.. Life has been a little crAzy lately. I am behind on my blog updates, my reader as you can see..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 4.. A dream of Mine

I'm not very good at remembering my dreams. But, last night I do remember part of my dream. Taylor was yelling at me because I didn't do the laundry and he had to wear the same outfit again.
Kind of lame, and wouldn't happen in real life. Aren't dreams so weird? I wish I could wake up and write down all my dreams. That would be the coolest book!!

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Monday, March 21, 2011

My trip to TEXAS..

Oh man, this trip was so much fun. I don't think that I have ever surprised someone like this before. So, I will start from the beginning...

I got to Houston around 4:45, Colby (Steph's hubby) came and picked me up from the airport. The entire way to there house my stomach was in knots. I was so excited and nervous and couldn't believe that I was actually here. I was the one to knock on the door. She opened it and just looked at me. She was in shock! I said, "SURPRISE" and she was like "What are you doing here?'' We then went into details about the entire surprise. We hugged and hugged again, and probably hugged again. It was so awesome to have been able to get the chance to go down there to see her..
Anyways, we went to dinner that night and a yummy Mexican restaurant called Guadalajara's.. I have NO idea if I spelled that right. It was so good. I have my first EVER, spinach and chicken enchiladas. They were to DIE for.

Thanks for the recommendation Steph. So, after dinner we went back to her place and just hung out.
The next day we went to a place called Kemah. Its a beach town, that had all these carnival rides and restaurants. Of course Steph and I went on some of the rides. Two to be exact. We thought we were going to die on the roller coaster. It was so old and probably the scariest roller coaster WE both have ever been on. We ate at a yummy steakhouse and then headed home.

We decided to take our cameras on the roller coaster.. We were dying!!

Man, I miss him so much already..

I forgot to mention something.. Keller decided to have a blowout in the car on Steph's lap. Yes, I took pictures of it because I was laughing so hard. Steph was screaming, COLBY.. HELP ME!! I of course couldn't do much so I just documented it for everyone. You would think they would learn to not change his diaper in the car. He has done this before, a couple times actually!!
Steph was also wearing WHITE pants. So the YeLLoW poop didn't blend in very well.. Good thing there is stuff called BLEACH Stephy!!

My last day there was Monday. We decided to make an entire day full of fun. We got up, and it was POURING rain.. Crazy rain storms in Texas. I loved it. We waited for the rain to calm down and headed to get our TOES done. We met the most hilarious lady there, that pedicure was a day to remember. After getting our toes done we headed to Market Street. A cute little shopping center kind of like Gateway, but more quaint. As we were getting out to go to lunch I realized that I left my shoes at the nail place. So I had to run in to a cheap store and get a pair of flip flops to get me through the day. We headed to PotBelly's for lunch where Steph recommended the MeatBall sandwich. YUM, yet again. After we stuffed our faces with Diet COke, sandwiches, cookies and chips we headed to do some shopping. A girl can always do some shopping right? After a couple hours of that we needed a treat, so we grabbed some cupcakes and sat down to relax. We talked and talked.. and talked.

Steph and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. We have danced together since we were 3. And have been friends our entire lives. Though we have had our ups and downs we have always considered ourselves best friends. I will never forget this trip. I had so much fun and was in the best company. Thanks to Colby and Steph for having me as a house guest.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day 3.. (a little early)

Well, I don't really get irritated at things. But, I did notice the other night when Taylor was eating in bed that when people are eating and it's silent in the room, it's REALLLY ANNOYING!! Especially when your hubby's jaw pops.
Lets see.. Anything else? Hmmm, when people drive slow in the fast lane. When people don't put on there blinkers to turn. I'm sure if I sat here long enough I could come up with a lot more. But, that will have to do for now.

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Day 2, Favorite Movie..(s)

I am such a dork but I think still to this day that my favorite movie(s) are the twilight series.
I know, lame right? But, I could read those books and watch those movies and NEVER get sick of them..
Isn't this fun? Your getting to know me better everyday!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

My new addiction..

Crocheting is so addicting.. For those
Of you who haven't started or learned, DO IT! Its so fun, I have known how for awhile but just started learning patterns. It's awesome..

Day 1

Friday, March 18, 2011


So.. my friend Tara just posted this thing on her blog and it looks so fun!! So I am going to do it, like her I have kind of been in a funk with blogging. I do it randomly but never consistently. So this is really going to help. You should do it too.. it would be fun to see other peoples posts everyday!! So this is going to be a 30 day of blogging.. This will start tomorrow!

day 1: recent picture of yourself and 5 interesting facts about you

day 2: your favorite movie

day 3: pet peeves

day 4: a dream of yours

day 5: your parents

day 6: your celebrity crush

day 7: an animal you'd love to keep as a pet

day 8: a hobby of yours

day 9: a place you love

day 10: a person you love

day 11: favorite tv shows

day 12: photo of you taken ten years ago

day 13: something you're afraid of

day 14: your makeup bag

day 15: your family

day 16: something you're looking forward to

day 17: favorite book

day 18: what makes you different from everyone else

day 19: something you bought recently

day 20: what did i wear today??

day 21: your friends

day 22: a place you've traveled to

day 23: favorite recipe

day 24: favorite photo

day 25: your house and your favorite rooms in it

day 26: a habit you wish you didn't have

day 27: a picture of you last year and a picture of you now

day 28: something that stresses you out

day 29: favorite vacation

day 30: photo of yourself today + three good things that have happened in the past 30 days

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Remember my last post?

Well, this is where I found my little man today. Naked!! And on my dresser!!! I think he is the cutest naked man I have ever seen!!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Random thoughts from ME..

OK, so I don't know what it is about today but I am losing it. I kind of hate Tuesdays. I live in SLC, and I have to run to Bountiful to drop of Jaidy to school by 12:15. I wait for her and while I am waiting I usually put Jens down for a nap. I pick her up at 2:30 and then wait for Jens to wake up. He usually doesn't wake up until 3;30 or 4. I know great right? Except I feel like my day is wasted. I sit around most of the day and do NOTHING!! I think about all the things that I could be doing at home and things I could be accomplishing and that just makes it worse. Well, after school today and after Jens woke up we headed home. We get home and my house is a disaster!! Not exaggerating.. this is what I feel like when I get home and see the mess that I have to clean up..

A little dazed, confused to how messy my house can possibly get in a couple hours.. and crazy!! And then I remember its probably because I have a little boy who is almost 2 and was sent down to me to test my patience!! I swear I sometimes don't know how I am going to make it through the day.
Yesterday I was folding laundry in my room and Jens was really quiet. I asked Jaidy to go and check on him, and I hear her say to him, "Jens are you stuck? Do you need me to help you get out?" His response was, "uh huh."
Well I went to check on him and he had climbed up onto the table and into his high chair and was stuck backwards trying to sit down. I seriously wonder what goes on in this kids head. I think he is always saying in his little head. "I wonder what I can do today that will make Mommy mad."
He is the cutest little kid and at times, well most of the time he is so sweet. He is stubborn and very independent. When he wants something done he will just go and do it himself if I can't get there fast enough.
He throws stuff, (which he is really good at) he pours stuff out on the floor, furniture, Jaidy!! He wants food all the time and will go to any lengths to get it. He LOVES permanent markers, and chap stick. He loves loves to bug his sister. He loves the toilet and really likes to throw stuff in it and flush it. (hope you laughing, because I am a pretty sane person even though I have a Dennis the Menes on my hands. He screams and runs away when I tell him he has to get his diaper changed. Brushing his teeth is a JOKE!
My little man to say the least is a handful and today I think I just needed to let it out there. So that in case there was any one else dealing with this you could sympathize with me.

Anyways, onto something else. Anyone else in love with CHEVRON like me?? Its every where and I lOVE IT..

I wish I could have a bright white interior in my house as well. I love all the things you can do to an empty canvas. Its so beautiful!!

I am always LOVING sewing lately. I have started making Jaidy some dresses and skirts and I am completely in love..

So, after days like today when I can get a second to take a break and breath.. I count my many blessings that I have 2 amazing children that I LOVE more then anything, and that love me back!

Thanks for letting me ramble on about my day and my adorably terrible 2 child!!