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Monday, August 31, 2009

Duct Tape

This picture is for someone very special who is having a duct tape kind of day. I know this will make her smile...

If anybody else understands what a Duct Tape Day is, feel free to share your experience.


Petula said...

I can put it over my children's mouths, right? :) What about tie them up and put them in the closet? Oh... you weren't talking about me? LOL.

Mom said...

This post was 100% JUST FOR YOU, Pet.

Crista said...

Ah hahahahaaaa - a duct tape day in my house is when my kids are getting so sick of each other they start taping each other up! (and the worst part is...I let them...!).

John | English Wilderness said...

Is it acceptable to duct tape my extended family? They're making drama over nothing today and I'm so tempted! :-)