So spring break got off to a little bit of a shaky start. We had planned to go down to St. George for most of the week, and as I was doing hair Monday morning, we had an accident. My cute friend Jennifer was over having her hair done and I thought that Makenna and Seth were watching baby Jake. Well as soon as I was finished washing out Jennifer's hair, I heard a tumbling or something going on. As I ran out of the hair room I saw Jake hitting the last of the stairs and landing at the bottom. His arm was turned all funny and I started to scream. At first I thought that his arm was dislocated so we hurried up and ran to Grandpa Doctor's office.
Grandpa checked the shoulder and didn't think that it was dislocated so he sent us over to the hospital for an X-ray. We went over to Orem Community Hospital and had it X-rayed. We waited about and hour and a half for them to call Grandpa with the results and when they finally did, my dad came in the room and said..."I'm afraid we have some bad news. His arm is broken and it has to be set by an orthopedist. He probably will have to have surgery".
He felt so bad, but of course I felt worse and we headed up to Primary Children's Hospital. We got there around 3:00 but couldn't have surgery until he had been fasting for 6 hours. We had to wait until 6:30 and then he was taken back to have his arm pinned and wrapped. He had the nicest doctor, I do have to say. I felt lucky that we had the doctor that we had. Today I went back to get the hard cast put on that he has to wear another 3 weeks. Lets hope that we can wait just a little while before someone breaks something else ;)
I am feeling really sad because he just had his leg cast taken off in February and is starting to get back to "normal". He is a good sport, however. What a cute boy. I just love him.