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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Last Time At Cody's

It really surprises me how long kids will remember things. Every time they come to our house, they remember they want to go to the park...so that's what we did. We weren't there very long though. It was already getting hot out. They were excited they got to play for a little bit though, and the ones (more like Cody) that needed convincing about leaving the park, were bribed with otter pops :) Works every time.
So we came home, ate lots of otter pops, jumped on the trampoline a bit, and played with lots of toys. Some of the kids were really excited to watch Dora the Explorer as well.


Saturday, March 28, 2009

Preschool at the Tiemans!

Stacey and I ended up switching weeks for preschool, so I had this week. I wasn't exactly prepared for Tuesday so we had a fun play day. They had fun jumping on the ever so popular trampoline, coloring outside with chalk and reviewing all the letters with some handy dandy flash cards. They all really wanted to go to the park, but I wasn't exactly feeling 100% and our fire alarms kept going off...again. I promised then we would go to the park on Thursday.

Thursday: The kids were so excited to make an art project out of our snack. I drew the letter "V" on their paper with glitter glue (yes, glitter glue makes everything prettier:) and then they added their Trix cereal to trace the letter. It was just long enough to keep their attention, and I think the food helped too. After a little bit of play time, it was time for the park. We walked over to the little park which is about a block away. I was surprised they all remembered how to get there from last time! Plus, walking there and back is great exercise for them...and me! :) I can't believe I only have one more day of preschool before summer! Time sure does fly!

Monday, March 23, 2009

R is for Rainbow!

We had a great time this week talking about the letter R and learning about Rainbows! We painted rainbows, made a rainbow out of Fruit Loops, and made a rainbow that had streamers on the end and danced with it to fun kids songs! And of coarse we played! It was the most beautiful weather outside, we spent most of the morning enjoying the outer doors!
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Carson's house

First, thanks Jacy, one for switching with me and two for reminding everyone that we switched. I swear I'm loosing it somedays....with that being said, thanks for entrusting your dear little ones with me. LOL.

This week we learned the letter N, well tried to. On Tuesday, we made noodle necklaces and colored the "N n"wearing a necktie, and on Thursday, we made N books. In the N books was a page to trace the letter N n, and then pictures of "n" words...nest, nine, numbers, nurse, and Native American. Oh, and of course both days...lots of playing. Here are some pictures to document...

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Merry Christmas Kiddos!

Taryn and Carson making their snow globes.

A little color and glue project. The kids were so excited to see glue, and did very well with it!

The Nativity sticker project

Playing together!

The kids shaking their snow globes!

And of course bubbles!

There was a ton of excitement this week, as all of the kids are anticipating the arrival of Santa Claus. I heard all about visits to sit on Santa's lap and what is on each kiddos wish list! I also know what some of the Mom's are getting! Good thing I can keep a secret!

We did several craft activities this week including making a snow globe and a ornament of baby Jesus in the manger. Carson and Taryn both LOVE doing little craft projects! They are so proud of their work, and excited to take it home!

The kids were dying to play out back, but on Tues it was raining....and Thurs it was muddy! The kids kept trying to sneak out back both days! It was torturous for them to stay indoors! I have ordered nice weather for my next turn for preschool, with a promise of playing in the yard! :)

The kids learned about baby Jesus and the manger. The kids had nativity stickers that they arranged on the manger. Will kept working on his manger a good 10 minutes after all the others had lost interest and went off to play. I thought to myself, Will must REALLY love stickers, I am going to have to tell Amie. Right as I thought that Will said "This is taking too long, I don't want to finish." I thought that was so funny, he thought he HAD to finish!

We missed Payson this week! Hope you can make it to play next time!

I hope all of your families have a Merry Christmas! We will see you all in 2009!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Miss Jacy (again!)

I traded weeks with Cheri so I didn't get quite the break I deserve, but I am looking forward to my 9 week break before I have the kiddos again! Just kidding... I love those kids to bits! They are playing so much better together now than they did in the beginning of the year. They look out for each other and stick up for the one who is not being treated fairly. I love that! These are the most important lessons they will learn. They are really sweet to each other (most of the time).

Tuesday, we played and played, made gingerbread men, and played some more. Here are some pictures. Denise- I really don't have a clue why he was pouting. I couldn't get it out of him. It was just so cute though. I told him to "hold that face" while I grabbed the camera.

Thursday was "do whatever the heck you want to" day. They loved it! I was in an easy going mood that day so I just let them do whatever. Surprisingly, they were pretty mellow. They wanted to play outside most of the time and when I told them to pick what they wanted for snack... they all agreed on oranges. Go figure!

They were pretending that the swingset thingee was a pirate ship. They used Carson's binoculars to look out for other pirates or "bad guys". The boys brought their guns on the ship to protect Princess Taryn. It was a perfect day to be outside. I really enjoyed the kids today. They were all so good to each other.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


I didn't have time to make the cookies yesterday like I wanted, so I woke up early this morning and made them. I think the kids had fun. They were all very impressed that I could make the frosting turn different colors. After cookie decorating/eating, I even got on the trampoline with kids. They thought it was hilarious!