
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Catching up...

I'm not even going to attempt to tie together the hodge podge that will be this post. Unfortunately, that's what happens when I don't blog for 2 months.

I decided to try my hand at making Christmas pajamas this year. There's a lot going on in our families and lots of obligations. This is to be expected during the holidays. However, we decided to try and focus on traditions. Christmas pajamas are a tradition in Corinne's family. Mom used to make us pj's, blankets or pillow cases, etc. We got to open them on Christmas Eve and sleep with something soft and warm. It was one of my favorite traditions. So I'm trying to continue it. Overall it went pretty well. I made a nightgown and robe for Brynlee (with a Disney Fairy Rosetta pattern) and Thomas the Tank Engine pj's & reverseable robe for Landon. It was a lot of work but hopefully, it will be easier next year.

We also decided that in lieu of a family vacation this year, we would take the Polar Express Train Ride. It's the old Heber Creeper train but they decorate it for Christmas and make it Polar Express themed. The kids had a ball!! We stayed in Heber but it was a nice ride. We sung Christmas carols, drank hot chocolate & ate cookies, read the Polar Express story and had a marvelous time. I don't think we'd do it again because of the cost. However, it was fun to do once.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Unexpected Email

So...yesterday, I was checking Facebook as usual. I do this 2-3 times a day because it is a lot faster than checking numerous blogs.I check blogs maybe once a week. Anyway, I noticed that I had an email. Probably something from Mark Shurtleff's campaign, the planning committee for the 9/12 Tea Party in 2010, or some other mindless emails that I get a hundred times a day. Not this time. This was a very special email. Once that would change everything.

"Hey Cori:) it's ya doing? Hows the kids? When my family was picking up Bre's best friend Nellie I was going to your house and you weren't there. I was sad but that's o.k. When's the next time I'm going to see you?"

A pretty substantial amount of shock and awe immediately followed. This can't be right. I read the email over and over again. Then the tears came. So many questions soon followed. Does his mom know he wrote this? Was this prompted? How do I proceed with this? Maybe I should explain...this email is from a 10 year old boy named Brandon Robb. (His name has been used with permission from his mother.)

Brandon Robb was born Michael Thomas Nydegger on February 19th, 1999. I was a 25 year old unwed mother and decided to place him for adoption. The adoption is an open one, although mostly with his mother and father. The last time I saw him was just before I got married. He was 14 months old at the time. His mother and I speak at local schools about abstinence, teen pregnancy and adoption but I have limited my interaction with him until he is ready. I never dreamed that he would be ready so early. He is only 10 years old.

I called his mother this morning and had a long talk with her. He has been asking a lot about me and my kids. He has always wanted a little brother and when he found out about Landon...that's when it all began to snowball. He was so excited that they even had similar names. Brandon and Brynlee could be twins. They both look SOOOO much alike. Brandon also refers to Brynlee and Landon as his brother and sister. (They are biologically half siblings.) It is going to be an exciting reunion...but not now. Brandon's mother and I have decided to correspond via email and pictures until after the first of the year. I think it wise to get to know each other a little better first. 10 years is a long time and I am a much different person now than I was 10 years ago.

Needless to say, my thoughts today have been a bit preoccupied. I must maintain realistic expectations. I am not his mother anymore but he will always be my son. Mostly, I am approaching it like I am his big sister. Handshakes will be in order instead of least at first. However, I am looking forward to seeing 3 of my kids play together for the first time.

January can't come fast enough...

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Just passing along the info...

Mark and I were made Emergency Preparedness Leaders for our block recently. We were given (and added to) a white 3-ring binder from our church leaders. There's lots of information from the State of Utah, FEMA and the LDS Church's website. It's about 40 pages and has proven to be a HUGE binder that is really hard to sort through. Don't get me wrong, the information is SO fantastic. In fact...I'm sending a quick tip that you might want to start in your neighborhood.

Example: There are red, yellow and green cards in the binder. In the event of an emergency, you are to put the card in the front window of your house.

Red = We are critically injured and need help immediately. (Heart attack, death, coma, stroke, critical head injuries, severe bleeding, etc.)

Yellow = We need help but can wait. (Mild broken bones, bruises, cuts, etc.)

Green = All is well at our house.

Our neighborhood emergency plan is to walk/drive around the neighborhood and see who needs help immediately with 1 glance at their house, as opposed to knocking on every door.

Anyway, something this simple is an easy concept to grasp. But sorting through the additional information that contain Utah's and Taylorsville's emergency evacuation procedures, CPR, first aid, food storage information, water purification techniques, how to seal your house in case of a bio hazardous attack, etc....I think it becomes a bit overwhelming for people. Our people are feeling like it's too much info and then do NOTHING to prepare for ANY emergency, natural disaster or evacuation. This has created the challenge for us to help our neighbors (member and non-member alike) become prepared. We now have a new tool in our arsenal, courtesy of my friend Kendra!! I thought that I would pass it along.

Her name is Wendy Dewitt and this is her Emergency Preparedness blog:

She also has a 10 part series on YouTube that totals about 1 hour of watching time. (It is broken up into smaller videos.) Here it is:

She has very common sense information about buying, organizing and using food storage, creating water storage, why most people don't have/use food storage, etc. It is FANTASTIC!! Very user friendly. I even found her information about creating a solar stove very easy to follow.

I have food and a 72 hour kit yes, but I am NOT prepared for an emergency. This blog is a great weapon to add to our emergency preparedness arsenal. Hope you all find it as informative as I did.

~ C ~

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Brynlee - 1st Grade

I'm not going to get on a political soapbox or make a joke about how long it's been since I've blogged. I'm keeping it simple and just posting a video and a few pictures. I asked Brynlee to give me a detailed account of her first day of 1st grade. It's a little slow going but this is Brynlee's first day...

On her way to Mr. Dalton's class...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Brynlee is 6...

I'm not sure how it happened....but Brynlee turned 6 yesterday. I swear she is going to be 16 tomorrow.

Mark has always wanted a little girl. When we went to the ultrasound, we were going to have it be a surprise. We couldn't wait and they told us it was a girl. I thought Mark would burst. He was anticipating her birth almost more than me. He came up with the name Brynlee almost from day 1.

Brynlee was born at 9:41 pm after a very long day and traumatic labor. They put me on pitocin and broke my water immediately. Things got going too quickly that Brynlee's heart rate kept dropping into the 30's. I was in so much pain that I had my epidural almost immediately, although I was only dialated to a 2. They put saline back into the sack to give Brynlee some "cushion" (after removing the water in the first place) but some idiot didn't warm it first. This sent Brynlee into shock. Before I knew it there were nurses and techs running into the room getting ready to "prep me". Mark, my mom and I had no idea what was going on. The head nurse said to just wait a minute. Things calmed down (expect my nerves) and Brynlee was born several hours later.

She was a beautiful baby with lots and lots of curly black hair. 8 lbs 6 oz and 21 inches. From day 1 she was such a good baby. She has always been curious. She loved to be outside with Grandma Fugal in the garden and Grandpa Fugal on irrigation day. She has always been super smart and I think that spending so much time with Grandma and Grandpa has contributed to that. She LOVES reading. She is the best sister I know and never fights with her little brother. She is so tolerant of him taking her toys, patiently saying "No brother. We don't take toys, we trade toys. Do you want to trade?" She loves to help other people, especially clean things. (I hope this never changes.) Music is such a part of her life too. She must be our daughter. :-) She is always singing, humming & making up words to songs. Mark's favorite thing about Brynlee is that she knows the words to Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing and Homeward Bound. (They listen in the car.)

She is also the funniest girl we know. We never know what to expect in the morning when we wake her up for school. Sometimes I get a mumble from other the covers..."Sorry mom, Brynlee's not home." Other times through a stretching yawn comes, "Mom, I need more beauty sleep." She is hilarious and keeps us in stitches.

She has a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. She will say things like, "Mom, I wonder if Heavenly Father and Jesus would be happy if I cleaned my room like an obedient girl." When we were babysitting my niece Abby last week, Abby was sad and missed her mom. In the quiet of Abby's room (without me there) Brynlee suggested that she and Abby say a prayer together. They did and Abby felt better. Brynlee's sensitivity doesn't just extend to spiritual matters. It happens in the everyday too. Her kindergarten class hatched baby chickens this year. Only 10 of 12 actually hatched. This has caused her a lot of questions about the mortality of animals. She asked what happens when a baby cow dies before it's born. So we talked about it and I told her what a C-section is. I was expecting an "eeewww" or more medical questions. Instead, she said "Mom, I wonder if the mommy cow is sad for a while because she misses her baby. I hope Jesus will help her to be happy." ...Out of the mouthes of babes.

We love our Brynlee. She is the light and love and humor in our home. We love you so much Brynners and can't imagine our home or family without you. Love you forever and ever!!

Brynlee & Landon's Birthday?

We had the funnest time with my mom and Pam yesterday. It was Brynlee's 6th birthday (additional post to follow). Since we were unable due to a VERY hectic schedule last October, Landon got the shaft on his 1 year birthday party. So Brynlee volunteered to let Landon share her birthday. Brynlee wanted a Disney Fairy cake and wanted Landon to have a Thomas The Tank Engine cake. Hmmmmmm? How can they exist on the same cake? Well...they didn't. Brynlee got an elaborate cake and Landon got a simple cake w/a Thomas made out of white chocolate on top. (It's just white chocolate drops, dyed to match Thomas' color.) So....this is how it came out. A little rough around the edges (lots of cracking) but the kids liked it.

My mom made the cutest quilt for Brynlee too. She LOVES it. It could be 900 degrees and she still wants to be wrapped up in it. Good job Grandma!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What a great day!!

The tea party went so well today. We had a turn out of about 2500-3000 people. Not bad considering it was at 12:00 on a Wednesday. Mark Shurtleff, Jason Chaffetz and Rob Bishop spoke and I was generally impressed. We've all heard the typical politician, telling us what we want to hear....but they were actually sincere. Mark Shurtleff gave out copies of the Constitution to everyone. It wasn't a "vote for me". It was "tell us what we can do to help. what do you want us to do for you?" It was really good.

Thanks to all of you who gave me the good ideas for the sign. It went over really well. Our sign had "We The People" on one side w/a flag, eagle and copy of the Constitution. The other side said, "We The People are tired of You The Government stealing from our children's piggy banks". It had a large cartoon pig and an arm (with US Government written on the bicep) pulling money from the slot. The funniest/saddest sign we saw was a little boy on his big brother's shoulders, wearing a Paul Revere hat, holding a sign that says, "Six years old and already broke." Sad sign of the times.

The speech went over very well too. Thanks to all of you who helped get these points out to the people that can possibly do something about it. Let's hope they listen. If not, we vote them out in the next election. :-)

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

1 Day and counting...

Thanks to all of you who emailed and posted comments about signs and topics to bring up with our officials. I will be speaking for approximately 2-3 minutes at the tea party tomorrow. Again, since I want to speak for everyone, here are the thoughts I have put together.


In 1967, the ruthless dictator Khrushchev met with then Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft Benson. In the meeting, Khrushchev said that Benson's grandchildren would live under Communism. Benson assured Khrushchev that he would fight to ensure that Khrushchev's grandchildren would live under freedom. Then Khrushchev made this statement...

"Oh you Americans! You're so gullible! We'll spoon feed you socialism until you're Communists and don't even know it."

We are slowly being spoon fed bits of socialism under the pretenses of "equality for all". America is a land of opportunity, NOT a land of entitlement.

Thomas Jefferson said,

"To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must take our choice between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude...If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under pretense of caring for them, they will be happy."

Thomas Jefferson was a member of government when this statement was made. Our founding fathers had it right and our current leaders have it wrong.

Prosperity comes through free markets, hard work, thrift, education and industry. These are the values that our founding fathers built upon to ensure our basic freedom from tyranny, freedom to worship our own God and help us aspire to be greater individuals, greater people and greater as a nation.

President Obama, members of Congress (both Democrat and Republican), We The People want you to know that we will no longer idly sit by and allow you to steal from us or burden our children and grandchildren. You have been elected to defend the Constitution, not destroy it. Stop spending money that we don't have. Get back to the values that have made this country the greatest country in the world. May God bless America.

Again, since I am speaking for all of you, what do you think? I have 2-3 minutes. Anything you want to add? Anything that you think should be omitted?

Monday, April 13, 2009

Tax Day Tea Party

Really quick....I am planning to attend the Utah Tax Day Tea Party in SLC on Wednesday April 15th at 12:00 pm at the Federal Building downtown. Several people I know are coming as well. We would like to speak FOR YOU. There is the possibility we will be able to speak as well. What would you have us say? What topics would you like us to bring up with the representatives that will be there? We also need some ideas for sayings to put on signs that will be seen by the representatives that will be there. (Mark Shurtleff, Rob Bishop, Jason Chaffetz, etc.) We are trying to stay away from things that include Obama = Socialism or anything that is directed at a particular political party, as we think all parties are missing the boat right now. Some of the ideas are as follows:

"We The People" are tired of "You The Government" stealing our children's piggy banks.

You work FOR US! Stop spending! Start listening!

"To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." - Thomas Jefferson

"The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the disposition of public money." - Thomas Jefferson

"We The People" want "You Our Government" to uphold our right to plan and to reap without the handicap of bureaucratic interference.

What do you think?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

It's over...

Apparently, I'm not going to get ANY input on this one. Fine. Be ostriches! I am going to single handedly prepare for the lameness and devastation that Obama is bringing upon us. Just remember the parable of the 10 virgins....

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Small follow up...

OK...the response from most people on my last post is a verbal, "I agree but I'm playing ostrich". I just CAN'T think about it."

Well...understand that the following is intended in a spirit of love.

We are citizens of the United States of America. We are members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. We NEED to think about it. The Lord is at the helm. He's in charge here. He expects us to do our part, whatever that is, individually. Coming together will help us deal with this crisis that we are in. It will not go away by hiding. So let's come up with a plan. Maybe not a plan to change the world, but a plan to help and support one another. If we are prepared, we need not fear. Did you hear that? WE NEED NOT FEAR! So...WE SHALL NOT FEAR! Let's be prepared. Satan has a big enough hold on the "hearts of the people" market already. Let's not allow him to landlock our attitudes, our optimism or our hope.

Need some help?

Ok. Maybe we need something funny to help the cause. This was sent to me from Joanna Hickman. Mark and I laughed and laughed.

IF Dr. Seuss wrote the Book of Mormon:

Nephi: Of goodly parents I was born

I've never drunk, I've never sworn

This is Lehi, he's my dad

Laman, Lemuel, they are bad

And who is this? Why this is Sam.

Sam: Yes, this is Sam; Sam I am

Laman: That Sam I am, that Sam

I am I do not like that Sam I am

Sam: In a tent, my father dwelt

Laman: And it's so hot, I think I'll melt

Lemuel: Our father's brain is out of whack

Laman: Yeah, it's too hot, I 'm going back

Lehi: Then go and get the plates, my dear

Laman: On second thought, I'm staying here

Nephi: You said you'd leave and go away

Now all you want to do is stay?

Lemuel: That Nephi always gets his way

Laman: Here we are in this damp cave

Sam: We would not be here if you'd behave

Nephi: I will go and I will do

There's the angel, that's my cue

Laban's had too much to drink

Now he'll lose his head, I think

Nephi: Look what I found, a brother from the quorum

Sam: We will take him home, we will call him Zoram

Laman: Our gold and silver we have spent

I do not like it in this tent

Lemuel: I cannot read the Liahona

I must have drunk too much Corona

Laman: We hate it here, we have no lives

Lehi: Then go back to the city and get some wives

Lehi: A tree, a tree, I see a tree!!

The fruit is white, the fruit is free!

A floating building, could it be?

Why do they laugh and stare at me?

Laman, Lemuel, come and see!

Laman: We will not eat your precious fruit

Lemuel: We will not wear a tie and suit

Laman: We will not help you build your boat

Lemuel: We do not think that it will float

Laman: No not this boat, it will not float

Not even in a shallow moat

I do not care what Nephi wrote

Lemuel: We will not eat your fruit I say

Laman: We will not eat it on a tray

Lemuel: And we won't eat it in a tent

Not even if your clothes you rent

Laman: We'd rather have a can of spam

L&L: We will not eat it, Sam I am

Sam: You do not like it, so you say

Try it, try it, and you may

Try it and you may I say

Laman: Sam, if you will let us be,

We will try it, you will see

L&L: Say, we like this fruit of life

Sorry that we caused such strife

You've saved us from an awful jam

Thank you, thank you, Sam I am!

Ok. Now that you have had your laugh for the day...take a breath....


Ok. Now...what can we do to prepare ourselves for the changes that are coming down the pipes? Food storage, spiritual storage, being a good citizen, write letters to our leaders, pray? I want to hear your ideas. It's either that or put up with 30 days worth of posts from me about how I intend to deal with it. And come you REALLY want to listen to 30 days worth of rants from me? ;-)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Obama...The Antichrist? Isn't that a little far fetched?

You will have to excuse the length of this post. I tried to break it up into 3 separate posts but it messed up the formatting. So feel free to let your attention wander and come back when you're ready. :-)

It has been interesting for me over the last 2 months to hear all of the divides that are now happening in our society, particularly over Barak Obama. I have heard stories and scriptures quoted from people who believe Barak Obama to be the Antichrist. I have thought long and hard about what to think of him. I'm sure that he is trying to be a good husband and father. I'm sure that in his own mind, he probably has the best interest of the American People at heart, even though his methods may be critically flawed. But the Antichrist? Isn't that a stretch...Well...I have come to the conclusion that he IS an Antichrist....not THE Antichrist but yes, an Antichrist. Let me explain...

Webster's Dictionary has 2 definitions of Antichrist:

1. One who denies or opposes Christ.

2. A great antagonist expected to fill the world with wickedness but to be conquered forever by Christ at his second coming.

As far as I know, we as members of the church do not believe in one, specific Antichrist that will appear in the last days and spread wickedness abroad until Christ comes. There are many people who spread dis chord, chaos and confusion that we can call Antichrists. If we look back in the scriptures, there are many...

Sherem (Jacob 7):
Declared that there should be no Christ. He was learned, used flattery and much power of speech.

Nehor (Alma 1): Was large and strong. He preached that every priest ought to become popular. He convinced many to pay and support him for his teachings. He was prideful, wore expensive clothing and started his own church.

Korihor (Alma 30) Probably the best known Antichrist. He taught that there is no Christ and called belief in Christ "foolish traditions". He lead the way into wickedness and sin and then taught that there is no sin. He used lying and flattering words to bring "many souls down to destruction.

It is comforting to know that none of these Antichrists prospered in the end. The power of God came over Sherem and he confessed his deceit and lies to the people just before dying. Nehor suffered a shameful death, admitting that he taught words contrary to God. Korihor admitted he was deceived by the devil and was struck dumb, resorting to begging from house to house for food.

We know that in the latter days, things are going to get bad...really, really bad before the second coming of Christ. Sometimes, I think we are concerned about it but don't know what to do. Sometimes I think we gradually get acclimated to wickedness as a survival method...just another abused child or murder on the news, just another bill to get gay marriage legalized, just another Supreme Court ruling in favor of Roe vs Wade. It freaks us out (ok, it freaks ME out) to think of the world my children are living in and the "not for the better" changes that are occurring all around us. So I try not to think about it. I think Satan knows that. It's the frog in the hot water thing. Let's warm the people up and then sock it to them when they're not looking. How much will they put up with before coming to their senses and acting (jumping out of the pot).

After several long and very controversial wars, I think it was "the right time" for the "hope and change" methodology. Obama appeared, the perfect example of a well-spoken soothe-say er who lulls the people to his side and to his support. He takes the disheartened and downtrodden and "gives them hope" by telling them what they want to hear and making promises that "his way" will be better. Statements and promises...such as...

Quote #1: I found this national debt, doubled, wrapped in a big bow waiting for me as I stepped into the Oval Office.

Reality: See the Glenn Beck clip below to see the graph depicting the staggering amounts of money President Obama has spent since taking office 2 months ago. We're printing money like we had it!

Quote #2: I opposed the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996. It should be repealed and I will vote for its repeal on the Senate floor. I will also oppose any proposal to amend the U.S. Constitution to ban gays and lesbians from marrying.

Reality: Um...unfortunately, this is the reality. He is ALL for gay marriage. Morality, gospel teachings and my own feelings aside....Most people believe in evolution right? Even in the animal world, evolution did not create a single sex species. You don't get babies without both a male and female. It is the same among mammals, reptiles, fish, insects, etc. Ok...maybe not in worms but I don't think they even have brains. So teaching that evolution is correct and normal and then teaching that gay marriage is normal...seems like a contradiction to me. So if President Obama vows to uphold gay marriage for our entire country, I'll bet Satan is doing the happy dance. After all, there is no better way to ruin the sacred family unit than resorting to surrogacy, sperm donors, test tubes, and petrie dishes to create a family and then calling it "normal". Very romantic isn't it? Obama is supporting the agenda to blur gender lines, gender roles and then make it mandatory to teach my children that this "new family unit" is not only ok, but normal. I don't think so.

Quote #3: I think when you spread the wealth around it's good for everybody.

Reality: I have no problem spreading the wealth around, as long as the people that I'm sharing it with are trying their best to pull their weight to the best of their personal ability. This is why the church's welfare system works so well. In November 1995, Bill Clinton met with President Hinckley to discuss why we were so successful. As a result, Clinton made great changes to the welfare system and overall, made those utilizing government welfare service more accountable. Obama is now making it easier for people to have "idle hands" because those that have "working hands" will take care of it for you. Unbelievable! So, how accurate are all of these statements? Is this what Obama really thinks about redistribution of wealth? Just ask Joe the Plumber.

What do our church leaders tell us about redistribution of wealth by taxation? President David O. McKay said:

Men and women who live in America, "the land of Zion," have a responsibility greater than that yet borne by any other people. Theirs the duty, the obligation to preserve not only the Constitution of the land but the Christian principles from which sprang that immortal document. The Church does not interfere, and has no intention of trying to interfere, with the fullest and freest exercise of the political franchise of its members, under and within our Constitution. But Communism is not a political party nor a political plan under the Constitution; it is a system of government that is the opposite of our Constitutional government, and it would be necessary to destroy our government before Communism could be set up in the United States. . . . . .[Communism] even reaches its hand into the sanctity of the family circle itself, disrupting the normal relationship of parent and child, all in a manner unknown and unsanctioned under the Constitutional guarantees under which we in America live.

David O. McKay also quoted Thomas Jefferson:

To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must take our choice between economy and liberty, or profusion and servitude. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labors and in our amusements. If we can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under pretense of caring for them, they will be happy. The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the disposition of public money. We are endeavoring to reduce the government to the practice of rigid economy to avoid burdening the people and arming the magistrate with a patronage of money which might be used to corrupt the principles of our government. . . .

Finally, David O. McKay ended by saying:

Let us, by exercising our privileges under the Constitution—

(1) Preserve our right to worship God according to the dictates of our conscience,

(2) Preserve the right to work when and where we choose. . . .

(3) Feel free to plan and to reap without the handicap of bureaucratic interference.

(4) Devote our time, means, and life if necessary, to hold inviolate those laws which will secure to each individual the free exercise of conscience, the right and control of property, and the protection of life.

This is an excerpt from the Glenn Beck radio program. In it, he plays a small clip from a talk given by Ezra Taft Benson. In it, he talks about meeting with Khrushchev (communist dictator). Pay attention to the timing. Our parents (and some of us) are in the "grandchildren time frame" that Khrushchev speaks of.

Communism is Socialism in practice. How close are we getting? How long will we sit and enjoy our warm bath in the pot before we will realize we're being cooked to death.

Quote #4: I've got two daughters. 9 years old and 6 years old. I am going to teach the first of all about values and morals. But if they make a mistake...

You've just got to see this one to believe it!!

What?!?!?! I'm sorry...did he use the phrase "punished with a baby"?!! This is wrong on so many levels. I have known way to many people that would gladly be "punished with a baby". So President Obama is going to teach his daughters about values and morals but not choices, consequences and accountability for those choices? This just shows his absolute disrespect for human life. Ironically, he then later in his speech goes on to say..."No one is pro-abortion". Really? He sounds pretty pro-abortion to me. Someone who can talk so lightly of terminating a human life so as not to "punish" another is not a great person to be charged with taking care of the people of the United States, especially the geriatric and disabled population. What a great thing for Satan to play up on. Again, no better way to attack the family unit than teach that it doesn't matter if you get pregnant...that can be taken care problem. Why be punished? It was just a accident. Just get rid of it!...Speaking as one that had to have a "doctor/church approved" termination of a 2nd trimester pregnancy, his attitude offends me more than I can convey in words. His fundamental lack of respect for human life in all capacities is appalling to me.

Quote #5: We need earmark reform, and when I'm President, I will go line by line to make sure that we are not spending money unwisely.

On March 11th 2009, he signed the 450 billion dollar omnibus package containing 9000 earmarks. President Obama gave this statement: "Done right, earmarks have given legislators the opportunity to direct federal money to worthy projects that benefit people in their districts. And that's why I've opposed their outright elimination." Yet, when Congress passed off on these 9000 earmarks, he signed it anyway going back on his word. Incidentally, these earmarks included:

$335 million for condoms and sex education but only $24,000 for abstinence programs.

$1.7 million dollars to study pig odors.

$1 Billion for Amtrak when they haven't turned a profit in over 40 years.

$32.8 million to fund projects that promote and maintain the "Kennedy Legacy".

(As a side note, I'm upset about this one mostly because we've had to fork out almost $300 at my daughter's school this year for basics, field work and text books because the funding to her charter school was cut. In my opinion, "why pigs smell" can wait.)

Quote #5: We need somebody who's got the heart, the empathy, to recognize what it's like to be a young teenage mom, the empathy to understand what it's like to be poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old - and that's the criterion by which I'll be selecting my judges.

Great! He's not using the criteria that the judge is honest, fair, will uphold and defend the constitution, will acknowledge the sanctity of life, etc....He's making sure he/she is sympathetic to a unwed teen mother (who obviously isn't making correct choices), African Americans like himself (but not Asians, Latinos, Russians, Germans, Brits, etc.), gays (making GREAT choices left and right I'm sure), disabled or old. He's obviously addressing people that he thinks are having a hard time. But think....What about someone who will help a young woman who finds out she's pregnant and wants adoption counseling from Planned Parenthood but is only getting referral after referral for abortion clinics. (This happened to me.) What about the single dad on welfare who wants a job but is only being given a check and food stamps each month? We need judges who value life, love, education, industry, thrift, charity, hard work and will uphold the founding father's values because he/she knows that those founding fathers AND their ideas were Divinely inspired by our loving Heavenly Father. Then, then rest fits into the mold. Not the other way around.

So do we really think that there are people who want us to be a socialist country? Other countries have used us as an example of how democracy and government should be. Well, on March 6th, 2009 Hugo Chavez said this, "Come with us, align yourself, come with us on the road to socialism. This is the only path. Imagine a socialist revolution in the United States,". Surely, he jests! The Lord's people, join a ruthless dictator who oppresses his own people? I think he's huffed to many gas fumes.

So what do our prophets say about the socialist direction in which we are heading? What is their opinion on the consequences that will follow? Prophet Ezra Taft Benson gave a talk in 1977. It is about 14 minutes long, so listen when you have time. But it is well worth the time.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2 - You need only listen to the first 50 seconds but the rest is very interesting too.

I think it is important to remember a couple of things. Satan was a very smooth eloquent talker. He advertised his plan as one that would ensure our return to God. After all, this is something we all wanted, right? We would reap the benefits of being told what, when and how to do the things that would ensure our return to our Heavenly Father. He was so smooth in fact, he led 1/3 of our brothers and sisters away with him. He was so persuasive that not even the physical presence of our Father could deter them. Being compelled, forced, coerced is NOT the Lord's way. It is Satan's way. Liberty and agency are the Lord's way.

The path that we are on currently in our country is NOT the Lord's way. As long as we sit idly by and let it happen, we will reap the fruits of Satan's plan. We may "all become equal" but do we really want to be equal with those who chose to wallow in the mire? Do we want to forcefully steal from another to give ourselves increase, as though it is some kind of "right"? Prosperity comes through hard work, thrift, education and industry. These are celestial laws. These are the values that our founding fathers built upon to ensure our basic freedom from tyranny, freedom to worship our own God and help us aspire to be greater. To lift ourselves up by our own boots straps and work hard and by doing this, we will be greater individuals and greater as a people, greater as a nation.

Something also to remember is that the law of consecration and the redistribution of wealth is not the same thing. The United Order is not the same thing as what President Obama is trying to sell us. The United Order is voluntary, not mandatory. We have always tried to take care of our poor and needy because it is the right thing to do. But in order for it to work, EVERYONE must participate willingly. It is fundamentally wrong to imagine someone saying, "You have worked too hard and made too much money. You're just too rich. So I'm going to take some of it and give it to this woman over here to has 6 kids and just had another 8. What? You were going to send your children/grandchildren to college? Well too bad. You have too much and she has 14 children, living with her mom and no way to support herself or those kids. What? No, she doesn't have a job but why should that matter? She's in need and you have too much." that I have wriled you all up :-) . . . Bringing it home, an antichrist is someone who fights again Christ and what he stands for. Stealing, killing and lying are not things that Christ condoned, but the ideas that are coming forward now, not just from Obama but also some members of Congress, are anti-christ in nature. Therefore, in my opinion, President Barak Obama is an antichrist. So what do we do? I have my own theories but I think sometimes it's more beneficial to come up with a support network, a sounding board that we can bounce ideas off each other. You may post them in the comments, or you can email me at My next post will be a collage of all of your ideas.

In the meantime....PRAY PRAY PRAY that President Obama will be the kind of leader that we can be proud to associate ourselves with. He is an elected servant, pray that he remembers that.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Parable of the Tulips

Spring is my favorite time of year. It gets warmer, the days are longer and it's time to plant the garden. It works wonders for my mood. Magically, with the longer amount of time spent outdoors in the warm sunshine, my depression lessens and my mood lightens. Last year was a little different.

We had our garden at Mark's parents house so there wasn't any green here at our house. We pulled out the remaining dead trees and tilled the yard up so we could seed the lawn. Our whole yard could be described in 3 words...dirt, brown & dead. Our whole yard was this way. The only thing that was green was the morning glory we were trying to keep at bay. In the process, I was horrified to discover that my tulips had been tilled up. Those tulips were the only thing that had consistently brought me joy about this house. Through all the mold, home demolition, home reconstruction, morning glory, bark beetles, garden pests and diseased trees, these tulips came up year after year. They were a bountiful cornicopia of red, pink and orange in varying sizes and varieties. We never watered, fertilized, thinned or otherwise took care of them. But they returned year after year. We gave many bouquets of these tulips to people we knew would love them. When I saw that they had been tilled up, I was so sad.

Yesterday, we were cleaning up the last of the yard debris to put in the dumpster. I noticed on the lawn (uh...dirt) a few spots that still had stuff to be cleaned up. I went over there and noticed this...

Could it be? So I went to the other spot in the yard and found this...

How in the world? These small, green, sword shaped tips have started to inch upward again. How can these flowers have survived, let alone well enough to bloom again? They have been neglected, crowded, cut and robbed of their beauty...only to have it done again and again. Then, just when I think they have nothing left to give....those small green spears break through the ground into the sunshine again.

There has got to be a lesson in this...

Let's assume this lesson is about our testimony...Sometimes we can treat our precious testimony like these tulips. It can be neglected, ignored and possibly, even denied. Yet, it is always there; waiting just beneath the surface until the time is right for it grow and be shared with others.

What about our personal progress? We will sometimes feel like we are living below the ground in darkness and cold. We compare ourself to the morning glory that flourishes so easily. We feel neglected by some and crowded by others, never getting the space we need to blossom into the person we want to be. Yet, to 1 may be the 1 thing that they need in their life. I wish you could understand the joy, enthusiasm and happiness that breaks forth when Brynlee sees the 1st tulip of the season. She looks for it daily. She waits patiently for it. Then one day it will come..."Mom! Look! It's a red one this time!!" Immediately she picks it, puts it in a vase with some water and puts it on her desk. Someone you know waits for your first call of the day or simple visiting teaching visit. You are the first tulip of the season to somebody.

What lesson can you learn today from the tulips?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

10 Years Ago Today

This is going to be a bit of a sensitive posting and for that, I apologize. It's sensitive, not because it contains any shocking information or sarcasm at it's finest. But as I sit here at my computer (trying to be better at blogging), the tears are starting to fall hard and fast. It isn't something I anticipated but it has come anyway. So I guess this post is more for me than for you. I hope you'll forgive me but today I need to be a little selfish. I should also preface this post by saying that permission has been given to me to post these pictures. However, I am only using the first letter of their names.

Today I pulled out the old photo box and flip through hundreds of photos that feel like they were taken so long ago. It's that time of year again. They are carefully wrapped in a blue quilt your mother made for me to have. You were wrapped in it for the 2 days I had you. I put it to my nose but find that the infant's scent that lingered there has long since disappeared. Somehow I knew it would have. Too much time has passed. 10 years is a long time. It is a quiet day full of reminiscing about our short time together. It is a day of quiet vigils and many, many tears.

Today is a day for many prayers. Prayers, of forgiveness for mistakes that I made long ago. Prayers for strength to endure when it seems this sadness will overtake me. Prayers for renewed conviction to do better. Prayers for opportunities to step outside myself and help ease the burden of another like me. Prayers for renewed peace with the choice I made. Prayers that you are happy, healthy and most of all...that will understand.

I am reminded, through quiet reflection, the reasons I chose to place you for adoption. I was given stewardship of you by our Father in Heaven. However, this stewardship would not be long, nor permanant. It would only be for the 9 months I carried you and the first 2 days of your mortal existance. Such a short time...but the choices to be made were very important. I spent those days holding you. I never put you down in the 2 days we were together. There would be time for eating. There would be time for sleeping. Later...not now. Time was so short.

You had many visitors. Your mother, father and sisters came. Your aunts, uncles, cousins and grandparents...all so excited to welcome you to the world. Didn't they understand that this was OUR time together? They would have a lifetime. I only had 2 days. My mother made some calls and requested our privacy. You and I had many talks as the minutes and hours ticked away. I told you to always remember who you are, where you came from, to remember that I wanted you...I always wanted you. I asked you to forgive me, not to hate be a good boy for your mommy and daddy, to remember me in the deepest recesses of your mind whenever you hugged your mom...even if you didn't remember. I said many things to you but can no longer recall all the vivid detail I once did. I look forward to the day when that "movie" is played again when we are together in the eternities. What a different perspective we'll have then.

Looking back, I'm not sure how things worked out so well after you went home. Your parents and I lived next door to each other. I would babysit you. Many might find it strange. But your "2 mothers" were just sharing you. We had done so for 9 months. Why should this be any different? This eternal family was being brought full circle. No beginning and no end. We have always existed together. We will always exist together. You are the earthly reminder of the heavenly bond we all have with each other. What a lucky woman I am to have such a precious, physical reminder of the love our Father has for each of us. Sometimes I feel that I understand the Savior better through you. Mary knew that the time would come that Jesus would no longer "be hers" but she cherished the time that she did have with him. When the Father gave his Only Begotten Son because he "so loved the world" it couldn't have been easy. I am not comparing myself to Mary or Heavenly Father. They are much more perfect than I could possibly be in this lifetime. However, I do sometimes get a small glimpse into what they must have felt... saying a physical heart wrenching good-bye but knowing it was the plan and therefore the separation must occur. This is how I felt with you.

Our last night together was a roller coaster. Peace was slow coming. But I am thankful for a Heavenly Father who loves us enough to give us revelation, whether we deserve it or not. Upon reading my patriarchal blessing, I came upon the following passage. "Your Father in Heaven has children which he will send to you, when the time is right, to be your own." There was my answer. I loved you...but the time was not right. I would miss you...but you were not my own. It was time for you to go home with your family. I spent that first night in more darkness than you can imagine. As the sun rose the next morning, I was filled with even more doubt. No papers had been signed yet.They would not be signed for another 2 days. I still had time to change my mind. But again and again came the phrase, "when the time is be your own". I was relieved when the papers were signed, not because I was "glad to get rid of you" as someone had once said to me. It was just that it was no longer in my hands. Now I couldn't change my mind. Now, both of us could start getting on with our new lives. We just wouldn't be doing it together.

The sun has now set and your 10th birthday is almost over. Your mom and dad will be tucking you into bed and giving you an extra hug and kiss for me. I asked them to do this...but not to tell you. I asked your mom to have a special snuggle time with you tonight but you would not know it was from me. Now is not the time for you to know. I will shortly be hugging and kissing my own children and putting them to bed. I hope you don't mind if I give them a little extra love tonight that is meant for you. Know that they could not and will not ever replace you. You are just an extension of family ties. You are their brother in both a literal sense and a spiritual sense. We are all brothers and sisters in the Lord's plan.

As your "big sister" I want you to know how proud I am of the wonderful young man you have become. I am so proud to know that you love and are excelling at music. I have always wanted this for you. I was thrilled to hear your piano teacher recommend you to a music conservatory. Music has always been such a part of my life, it brings me great joy to know you are loving it as much as me. Your mother tells me often what a cuddler you are; how you wake up early for your morning snuggle with mom. Your dad tells me how you go hunting together and how you hum all the way, scaring the elk. B tells me of your neatness phase, meticulously setting out your clothes and shoes each night, nothing out of place in your room. L tells me of how you and she are "pool buddies" and love to play card games. These stories do my heart good. It is what I have always wanted for you. Always.

Happy birthday B. Know that your big sister sends you love from across the miles. I will love you always.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

25 Random Things

I'm obviously not very good at this blogging thing. Facebook is so much easier. However, I was tagged by Joanna so you have her to thank for this post. :-)

1. I am 3 1/2 years older than my husband Mark.

2. For our 2nd anniversary, I took Mark back to St. Petersburg, Russia where he served his mission. We rented an apartment and lived there for a month, traveling to several cities.

3. I would love to live in Petrozavodsk, Russia...specifically on the island of Kizhi. (See #2.)

4. I don't really like meat.

5. My secret vice is rock gospel music. I LOVE IT!

6. I listen to the Harry Potter audio books EVERY day while I clean the house, garden, etc.

7. I want my "dream yard" to look like an English garden. Lots of wildflowers, ponds and bushes, not a carefully manicured landscape. In the meantime, I spend as much time in my Mom Fugals' gardens. It's heavenly.

8. I have some "enhanced gifts"...not psychic...just enhanced.

9. I really enjoy canning and bottling. This should be no secret, as I have a whole room full of mason jars filled with fruits, vegetables, soups, meats, beans, jams, etc. But I really do LOVE canning. I get the biggest sense of satisfaction from knowing how to grow and preserve food for my family.

10. I have 2 sets of parents that have given me incredible life skills. One set gave me the "letter of the law". The other has given me the "spirit of the law". These have greatly enriched my life and relationships with others. I love them both more than I can say.

11. I still love to watch old cartoons. Brynlee and I have one-on-one time watching Tom & Jerry, The Pink Panther and Betty Boop.

12. I have a huge fear of rejection. I constantly feel like I am the square peg trying to fit into a round hole.

13. I am incredibly clumsy. I am constantly bumping into things, tripping and knocking things over.

14. I love the smell of the dirt in my garden when we till it in the spring. It's the smell of life.

15. I think Baby First TV is the best and worst thing ever created.

16. I love reading. I go through about 5 books a week, mostly non-fiction. My favorite books are about marine biology, dolphin/whale social structure and communication, homeopathic medicine, herbs, massage, chiropractic and aromatherapy. I'm lame, I know.

17. Sarcasm is one of my strong points. (I'm not sure this is a good thing.)

18. I am planning to climb Mount Timpanogos with my mother-in-law in August. 7 1/2 miles in and 7 1/2 miles out.

19. I love hearing "real kids" sing. I'm not talking about children's choirs because those actually annoy me. The "scooping" and fake vibratos ruin their voices. I'm talking about kids who don't know how to carry a tune in a bucket but sing with all of the gusto they can muster. This is why I love being the Primary pianist.

20. I want to live in a small town someday. I love the small town, unhurried life.

21. I want my children to learn to play the piano but I don't want to be the one to teach them. I'm a terrible teacher. I can do it but I can't explain HOW to do it.

22. I think my husband is the most Christ-like person I know.

23. Right now, my kids are teasing each other. Secretly, I think it's pretty funny. Does that mean I delight in other people's misery?

24. I believe my cat Murphy was an answer to prayer.

25. Someday, I would like to be a marine biologist.

I tag Pam, Shelly and Kendra.