Friday, April 11, 2014

Update on life!

Okay. I suck at the whole blog thing. Don't judge. 

Life lately has been crazy! 

The husband: going to school and working, along with making me happy. I don't think he could do more! Also he graduates this month!! 

The baby: sleeps halfway through the night on his bed.. The other half in our bed. Stopped nursing two months ago. 👏 he can say over 20 words (I can understand them) and make about ten sounds. Ex: car, duck, monster, bird. He is eating better. He likes gogurt, cheese, and cookies. Throws tantrums at least twice a day. Is getting crazy tan. Loves playing outside. And is one of the sweetest kids I know. 

Me: just being a mom. :) 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Happy birthday.

Okay I am officially freaking out!! Tomorrow I will have a one year old! I am not old enough! He is not old enough. I want him to stay little for forever! He is becoming so independent! It makes me sad. He doesn't need help getting places or down from the couch. I love him so much though. He is so sweet. He is a handful, but I love to stay busy with him. 
His selfy. Ha 

One year ago I had a baby. 
One year went by way too quick. 
One year of long nights and early mornings.
One year of happy and sad tears.
One year of smiles and laughs. 
One year of pure joy. 

Being a mom is the very best thing I could have ever asked for. It is hard. So so very hard. But man is it worth is. A smile, a kiss, a snuggle. Simple things that can bring a mom to tears. Who knew you could have so much love for anything? Not me. But having Archer has made my love grow. My love for my amazing husband has grown. My love for myself and lack of amazingness has grown. My love for others has grown. Who knew a child could do that? Not me. Who knew that so much can change in one year? Not me. But everything changed. My heart has changed. My outlook has changed. I love being a mother. I am blessed to be able to stay at home with my son and to teach him. I am blessed that I know this is my calling in life. My calling is to be a teacher, nurturer, cook, kisser of boo-boos, doctor, maid, friend. But above all and including everything, it is to be a mom. I am blessed. I am blessed to know this. And I am blessed to have the support system around me that I do have. I love being a mom and can't imagine life any other way. 

 Happy birthday to my sweet one year old ( a day early) 

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Just a few cute things

Month ten and eleven

This last couple weeks archer has gotten so very cute with everything he does! Besides the whole angry baby thing.. I haven't caught that one on video yet... But he has started to babble and give kisses, walk and dance!! :) he is getting to be such a big boy! In a little under a month he will be one! What?!? I will have a one year old!! Crazy! Archer loves the pool and he loves shopping.. For now. He is still sleeping in our bed.... And he loves.. I mean he LOVES Mickey Mouse clubhouse. He is starting to climb up stairs and he goes down the slide by himself... On his belly!! Crazy kid!!  He is starting to eat better he eats about four 4 oz. jars of food a day. He is so much fun! Still only five teeth. And is starting to run.. And stick things in sockets... He also understands that he is in trouble when I say no. He also has started to put his hands in the air when I say "where is it? " so cute and fun!

Peekaboo!! :) 

He thinks he is so cool! :) 
Loves the playground! 

Trying to pick up the lawn mower! ⬆ Totally kabes face! 
Look at that hair! Curly??? :) I hope so!! 
Examining the mower wheels! Daddy's little boy! 

So cute. Looks like a little man! Finally getting used to wearing shoes! Size four!!! Crazy big feet! 
Going up the stairs all by himself! Growing too fast! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Becoming fat..

Archer went to the dr. For his 9 month check up and he weighed 15 lbs 3oz. The dr. Is worried that he isn't eating enough. He still nurses every two hours but he wasn't eating solids all day.. Just sometimes at night. He isn't all that interested in food unless it is water.. But that doesn't help us! So the dr. had us start giving him formula and feeding him solids every three hours... I hate forcing him to eat! It makes me so sad to see him hate food as much as he does! He will just close his mouth up so tight that I can't get any food in it!! The formula thing isn't going so well! If he gets even a drop of that stuff in his mouth he makes a funny face and gags and spits it out right away! Kabe is so much better than I am when it comes to feeding him.. I get too impatient and I don't like making him unhappy so once he starts to turn his head away I kinda give up feeding him (maybe I'm the reason he is so stinking skinny!!) Kabe sticks it out! I'm getting better.. But I hate to sneak food into his mouth when he is screaming.. But I gotta do what I gotta do!! I feel like he is getting better at eating... At times..... But he loves to move and stand and move some more! He hates being put in a chair and forced to eat.. But this is what it has come down to. The dr said she wouldn't be so worried if he was still getting taller but since that has slowed too that we needed to start feeding him MORE! He is so sweet! About two weeks ago he started being cuddly. He will just lay his head down on your shoulder and snuggle with you. I love it!!! He doesn't stay for long but it's just long enough to say "I love you mom!" Then he is wanting down or to rip my hair outta my head.. But it's cute while it lasts!! He also loves to stand. Without needing anything to pull him up! It's nuts!! He loves to be able to pick something up and stand with it! Then be able to keep his balance long enough to stick that something in his mouth! He amazes me every day! He crawls like a spider monkey! And he is super fast! He also has four teeth now and i think he is getting more because he loves to gnaw on his finger! I love him and the joy that he brings to Kabe and I! He is such a sweet little boy! I'm so grateful I get to be his mom!! 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day! :)

Wow. What an eventful weekend!! Kabe and I went to our parents houses this weekend. Archer of course is sick... Again.... He was fussy.. But the dr. on Thursday said that he just has a cold. So his boogies started to get more green and he started to feel warm... Friday night I got hardly any sleep... Same with Saturday..... Well I am also sick!! Nasty cough, runny nose, and just feel like poo!!! So I'm coughing all night and archer is crying all night so Kabe also doesn't sleep.... Bad combo!!  So after feeling crappy.. Like REALLY crappy.. After church on Sunday (mothers day) we took archer to wee care... (They should know us by name... We go there almost as much as we go to our own dr!!!) and we waited for an hour.. They got us in and archer has an ear infection... Yay.... But Kabe kept saying sorry to me for a really bad Mother's Day. I told him to not say sorry. It actually wasn't bad at all. I got to see both families. We figured out what's up with archer and I got to spent time with my family. I know it doesn't sound like a good day at all... But it has been a good day. I love every second that I get to spend with my mommy! I love to just sit and chat with her!! She is wise beyond my years!! :) I am so thankful for my mom. For the wonderful example she is to me! For how she raised me. And for everything she has ever done for me. :) I am glad my children get to call her grandma. And I'm grateful for my mother in-law. I'm so thankful that she raised they man she did. For teaching him and blessing my life through him. I am so grateful for all the mothers in my life. I am especially thankful to be a mother to a wonderful little boy. Times are hard right now with him. But they are worth it. Only sleeping three hours a night is worth it to get those sweet smiles, or snuggles. Changing dirty diapers or constantly chasing him around telling him "no" and redirecting attention all day is worth it. It was all worth it. The 8 months of being pregnant, having to pee all the time, being sick sick sick, uncomfortable, hot( not sexy hot. Like warm temperature hot), having throw up all over, being a human tissue, or feeling like a freaking cow (in all ways) it's worth it. The long nights, the tears. They are ALL worth it. Because one day my little baby will grow into a man. And I will get to say that I love that man. I cared for that man. I thought that wonderful man how to do most of the things he does. I get to one day hold his babies. And they will be worth it. Smiles, laughs, giggles, cuddles, sounds, names, smarts. They are worth it. I am so thankful that I am a mother. There is no greater calling in this world. I'm thankful for my mom who had thought me how to be a mom. Thank you mom. And to all the moms out there. HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!! :) 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tooth #2

Archer has been a little grumpy pants.. And one day while he was crying I saw another little white bump in his mouth!!! Another tooth?? What?!? He seems to forget it is there in the day but at night he is super grumpy!! He is growing up way too fast!! On Sunday archer and I were in the foyer and I had let him crawl around in the lower part of it and next thing I know he climbed up three stairs to go see the other babies!! All by himself! I didn't show him that he needed to put both legs on one step to reach up to the next one or anything. He just did it! Like eh no big deal! I was amazed!! My little baby is growing up so much!! I love to watch him figure stuff out. The other day I had put a laundry basket on top of him (like a turtle shell) and he figured out how to take it off.
Yesterday I put him in a patterned onsie and he just looked at it for like three minutes. He was so interested in it. He loves to take books off the shelves and to stand up by himself. He loves to lick everything.. And I mean everything!! With his teeth he can bite through a cutie orange.. (Verrrrry messy!!!) and he is a pro at sitting up. It is so crazy how much bigger he has gotten in just the last month!! My little baby isn't so little anymore!! But it's exciting to watch him grow and learn. I love archer. I know Kabe does too. It's such a blessing to be is mom. I'm also blessed to have Kabe as my husband and partner. A father to archer and I'm so glad to be sealed to both of them!!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tooth, standing up, steps!!!! What's next??

On Sunday Archers first tooth came through!!!! He has been pulling himself up on things and pushing them away so he can stand... He has gotten a couple of really good bumps on his face from falling into things... He has taken a couple of steps.. But he is taking them while falling... He is getting too big!! His favorite thing right now is to pull all of his books off the bottom shelf of the bookcase and crawl into it. He thinks it is a game or something. He is so adventurous and he is a champ at crawling now. So we keep all of the doors closed and anything breakable up high.. Because he pulls himself up on everything. And I mean EVERYTHING! He is a handful but he is so fun!! I love every second with him!! He has learned how to shriek now... He is a little pro at that.. Even though mommy and daddy hate hate hate it!! Also he has gotten a lot more vocal. He is starting to babble. Baba bada daba kinda like that.. No dada or mama yet.... :( I love him! It's so cute to actually see him smile his real smiles!! I'm so glad the medicine is working!! I'm glad to have my baby archer back!!