Saturday, July 25, 2009

Slip and Slide Reunion Part 1

I gave myself one week to go through all the candid pictures I took. There were a lot of them. All told it was 900+ pictures. I was even surprised by that number when I was uploading them to my computer. Here is the first installment.

It is a rare summer family reunion that doesn't include some form of water entertainment. In fact--I don't believe I have ever been to one that didn't. The kids had a lot of fun playing with the Slip n' Slide, bubbles, and the crazy sprinkler.

But water activites weren't the only activities going on. Lots of the older kids and adults were golfing and several of the women were caring for babies and making quilts.

Lots more to come.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

By Morning Light

I love morning light but I am rarely out and about early enough to catch the great light it provides. Last weekend, while we were visiting family in Idaho, my son and I were up early looking out the window. I saw these average looking weeds bathed in beautiful light. I picked up my camera and headed outside--in my PJs and scary morning hair no less! I probably wouldn't normally do this at home because, most likely, several of my neighbors would be driving by my house on their way to work or school and I am just vain enough to care if they see me in all my "morning magnificence." But, thanks to the fact that the place we were staying was surrounded by fields, I ventured out and got the shot.