Thursday, February 5, 2009

Cool Light

This afternoon, I started photographing with the intention of practicing with my flash on my camera, which I did. . . . eventually. But first I found this yummy light and knew I needed to snap a few without the flash. I can't decide if I like the color version or BW version better. Any thoughts?

I angled him a little different here (as much as you can angle an 8 mo. old) to put a little more light in the face. There is something about this somber "look" that melts me.

I did get a few with my flash today. In these the flash was bounced off the window. Oh, and by the way, YES, he still goes crazy for the lens cap!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Sorry about posting prematurely today! Two times I sat down to write the post and two times I ended up with a baby in my arms and typing with one hand. I thought I was saving, but apparently I was publishing. I am not sure which is more embarrassing, the Ode I wrote below, or hitting the publish button with only two sentences written. I'll let you decide!