I have been looking through my old hard drive for some pictures to use in an upcoming project. I have found it very easy to get lost for hours in the depths of my hard drive. It isn't that my photos aren't organized, they are (at least the system makes sense to me), but more that each time I pass a folder I just can't help but open it and take a peek. I find it fun for 3 reasons. #1) I love to relive some of the memories captured in those photos. This is a reminder to me that I need to print more photos and have them around. If I love to look at them, I am sure my kids would love to see them more often, too. #2) I love to see how my children have grown. It is so easy how they've changed and grown up when looking at old photos. #3) I love to see how my photos (and my ability to achieve a good exposure and focus) have changed over time. The photos in this post were all taken between April and July of 2007 with my Nikon D70 (still think it is a GREAT camera!) Each of them had been overlooked and not developed or touched at all. I decided to change that last night. I am sharing 4 with you.
The earliest of the photos, this was taken in April 2007. It is of the Salt Lake LDS Temple.

These are the only 2 sunrise photos I have taken--EVER! I am generally not up early enough to see the sunrise. But, during the summer of 2007, for some reason, my body kept waking me up early and I decided to walk in the mornings since I was awake. I caught these 2 sunrises that summer.

This was taken right after a sudden storm while camping at Lake Powell. I'll just say it was an eventful camping trip but I caught some beautiful scenery.

So all you with digital cameras out there, this is just a reminder to print and display your photos. How do you store and display the ones you have?