Monday, March 19, 2012

Kimball's preschool field trip

We went to the Children's Museum in Salt Lake for Kimball's preschool field trip. Kimball and Julia are in a helecopter with friends Caleb and Brody (also siblings).
Fay's BFF, Kylie, lives just 3 doors down from us. She just missed the kindergarten deadline and is in Kimball's preschool class. Fay loved that she got to play with Kylie at her brother's field trip.

Valentines Cookies and Ode to Abbie

Decorating Cookies with Emma and Abbie. We finally got together with the Metges after way too long! We had so much fun. We only live about 45 min. away from each other but getting together is not as easy as we would like.

I feel like we should have an individual post for Abbie. Julia is in love with Abbie (who isn't?) Julia asks me almost daily if she can go to Abbie's house. Her prayers used to consist of thanks for Jesus and Abbie. Now if I prompt her "thank you for our family" she'll convert it to "thank you for Abbie." I want to say now that the weather is warming up we'll get together more often but both Michelle and I are in the last couple months of our pregnancies so it still may not be that easy.

100th day of Kindergarten

Fay recently (I think I'm close to being caught up) celebrated her 100th day of kindergarten. Each student had to create a poster to display with 100 of something of their choice. We chose buttons because Courtney had given us a huge bag of all sorts of fun buttons. We only used a small portion of the bag. Thanks Courtney. They could also dress up like they were 1oo yrs old (hence the scarf).

Happy Birthday Kimball!!

A surprise visitor- Uncle Danny!

I made the cake the night before so he had to wait all day to eat it!
Kimball turned 4 January 21, 2012.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Fun with mirrors at Explora

Explora II

Julia was infatuated with Baby Sailor - well, who wasn't?

Park Day and more

Bandelier (in White Rock) Indian ruins

Building a K'nex Crane with Grandpa. Kimball spent everal hours of Christmas break playing and constructing with Grandpa.

Snow Day Continued

Snow Day

Opening Gifts

The boys of all ages had fun with Kimball's hot wheels tracks

Christmas in Albuquerque

Eating the great variety of Grandmas amazing food!
Helping Grandpa fill the luminarios Christmas eve
Christmas Light Walk around the neighborhood
Pumpkin pie with cousin Josh


...when your 2 year old thinks she can hide behind the pile of dirty dishes on your counter to eat her stolen candy...
What's in your mouth???

Fay reading parent instructions on her kindergarten homework packet

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sweet Julia

Julia loves to stroke and smooth my hair as she says in her sweet little voice, "I making you precious Mama."

Siblings are the best!