Saturday, May 30, 2009

3yr.old vocabulary

This morning we were sitting around the table and Fay was trying unsuccessfully to get my attention while I was talking to Mitch. Finally she said, "Mom, don't be exsensitive."
"What does exsensitive mean", we asked her. "It means when people don't like each other." Hmmm... We think she meant insensitive - not bad Fay.

Sham Slam

Shamu Show

Hopefully some of you - in addition to the Jarvis' S(see you next week!) and the Milletts (our only out-of-town guests thus far) - will come visit us to take advantage of all these amazing sights and adventures right in our back yard!

Sea World

Shamu Show
Bay of Play
Tea Cups. Fay was DYING to go on a ride and this was the one we could all do together and the only requirement was that the child must be able to walk and sit in the seat. Yes, Kimball CAN walk. As of yesterday, he officially has been walking more than crawling. Just in time!
Sea Lions and Egret.
Sorry you have to look at me in this one - but Kimball loved the Shamu show too! He got just as much pleasure out of the seagulls flying by as Shamu. One Seagull nearly flew into us!

Dining Room

We'll post some before and after pictures so you can get a sense of the transformation of this room. Its getting closer - still not finished but making progress.

Can't sleep

So I guess I'll update my blog...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Kite Flying

We had a preschool lesson on the letter "K" and so kite flying was the activity. Although, we ran out of time and actually did it a few days later. Kettle corn eating was a close competitor on the fun chart.

Pirate Park

Every Wednesday morning we meet a group of friends at the "Pirate Park" - its unofficial name due to the theme of the toys. The kids love it and there is a very nice water feature when it is hot out.

I need to crop this one - Kimball was being so silly, peeking out of the tunnel and yelling like he was trapped.
Big sister duties

Friends Isabelle and Luke.

The Mural

Its coming along beautifully, don't you think? Mitch thinks they'll be able to finish this week hurray!! I'll post more pictures of the finished work.

I think this treatment of the rocks is masterful - some of Mitch's very best. I wish you could see the real thing. It is so simple but has so much depth.

White Coral Bells

I must dedicate this song to the Helms - my wonderful cousins - who taught me this song that I thought was the most beautiful in the whole world growing up. It is a round but we're not quite there yet.

The Little Mermaid obsession continutes...

Sorry, this one's a little long...

Fay discovered we were recording...

Ball Lover

Of course, we think he's pretty amazing - especially considering he has mastered ball catching before walking!


This boy loves to swing! Who doesn't?

Strawberry casualties.
"Finally, I'm allowed to splash at will!" We broke out the splash pool since its been pretty warm.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The Mural

Mitch is renovating the Dining room in his building. Here is a sneak preview.

It's going to be beautiful when its all finished - and hopefully we'll have our Daddy/hubby around a little more!

Fay's latest love

The Little Mermaid

We recently checked out "The Little Mermaid" sound track from the library. Fay fell in love with the music and kept asking us all about who was singing and what was happening.
She was in love with the little mermaid before she even saw the movie. We held off with the movie which worked to our advantage because one night earlier this week, Fay was burning with Fever but she absolutely refused to take any tylenol. Finally with ice cream and the little mermaid we got her to take some medicine which helped bring her fever down so she could sleep.

Fay's Friends

Fay has the best friend ever - Luke Beers. Fay was pretty sick last week and as soon as Luke found out he was at our door with suckers and the sweetest "Get Better Fay" original song (song writer Laura Beers, I believe).
Luke lent her his "Little Mermaid DVD" so we could use it to bribe her to take her medicine.
Could there be a better friend? He's learning from his mother. Go Laura!
They even remembered Kimball
We do a little homeschool preschool with the Beers and another friend Parker. Parker's Mom, Jessica, reading.

At the Zoo with friends

Amazing! They're all looking at the camera!
Laura took the little ones - Peyton and Kimball so the older three could be together.
The petting zoo, right before my camera died. Argh.
At least one of us was ready for the picture.


The favorite part for Fay and Kimball (when he's sitting on my lap (had to take him off for the pic))and their friends is the sky ride. Sorry animals!
It is pretty amazing - not just for the kids.

Luke, Fay and Lillie. What cuties!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Trip to Utah

We traveled to Utah for Katie's (Mitch's sister) wedding. It was a wonderful wedding. Katie was beautiful and so, so happy. I wish I had some pictures of the wedding. It was great to see family and friends too! Unfortunately the kids got sick so we had to cancel some of our appointments to visit friends. We got to spend more time with Grandma and Grandpa Warner and Grandma Lillywhite, though which was a bonus! Thank you to G & G Warner for letting us stay so long!

Walking Lessons

Grandma thought that at 15 months, Kimball ought to learn how to walk!
Gabe kept him company.
Kimball enjoyed it - although it was hard work.
And, no surprise, Grandma - the expert - was a great teacher!
Could there be anything sweeter?