Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Thank You!

Alas, the day ends as it began - me at the computer and everyone else sleeping. Except, it was actually Fay that awoke me with her coughing at 3:30am. When she refused medicine I slipped it into her milk but she returned it (used) during a coughing spell. She went back to sleep after I changed the bedding and cleaned the mattress - but I, yes I, went to the gym to burn calories - which is a good thing since I'm rather enjoying this dish of ice cream.

Mitch has been working long hours so when the Relief Society president was apologetic about me coming to the board mtg since I'm already in primary - I assured her there was no need to feel bad. I told Mitch I would be home around 11pm because I wanted to see if there were any other shut-ins who wanted to go get ice cream. No takers so I had to dish up my own at home.

I'm making friends slowly but I've been spoiled for so long to have all you wonderful people in my life - in person, not just blogging. So I'm grateful to all of you because you really make my day over and over again - when I read your blogs and sympathize or laugh or adore the pictures of you and/or your children - and hence, the reason my day began and ended at the computer. Its good for me to have daily reminders of the blessing of friends. Thank you to my dear friends and family that I love so much!