Friday, March 21, 2008

What Kimball does best

We didn't want to leave Kimball out of the festivities... This is what he was doing amidst the fun

Easter Package

Easter Package from Grandma and Grandpa Telle

What a treat! We got an Easter Package from Grandma and Grandpa Telle! Thank you Grandma and Grandpa!

Fay's new friend

Easter Egg Hunt

Celeste and Matt Millet are our neighbors and fellow ward members, friends, babysitters, Fay's private dance and gymnastics instructors - to name a few - and Fay adores them (and of course they adore her, how could you not). Celeste's sister and family were visiting today. Fay and Paul were fast friends.

Easter Egg Hunt

We had a blast at the park but missed Daddy who has been putting in many, many hours at work.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Yellow Pajama Party

The multi-faceted teeny toilet

It may appear that I condone this behavior, but I had to get a picture!

Enjoying the Sunshine

We absolutely love Northern California. Coming from Utah, having spring in February is a real treat! I think I could settle down here.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008


As a mom, sometimes I feel like a rag. Sometimes I look like one. Sometimes I act like one. Sometimes I am one. We tried to give Fay Tylenol last night and this is what happened. Poor girl had a fever and a cold.

Our Big Star

Fay and Kimball After Church

Don't forget to take notice of the beautiful booties that Kimball is sporting, thanks to my amazing and incredibly smart and talented cousin, Melanie Helm. Thanks Melanie!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Teeny toilet and more

Fay got her "Teeny toilet (to quote the princess)" a couple of weeks ago. She knows how to use it and is able to go pretty much every time she uses it. She still has to learn how to hold it until those times. We are just happy that she actually likes it. Last week I decided to start teaching Fay the first article of faith while she was sitting on her teeny toilet. We went over it several times while I was on the couch nursing Kimball and she was sitting on the toilet in the kitchen. Well, she was able to get down "We believe" pretty well after several minutes. The next day I was making Fay lunch and she was playing in the kitchen. I decided to go over the article of faith again. As soon as I said "we believe..." She paused to think and excitedly chimed "teeny toilet"! I hurried her into the bathroom to use the toilet excited that she was telling me she had to go. We got her all situated and she said "Kitchen." After I figured out what she was requesting, we moved the toilet to the kitchen which worked well for me because I could finish lunch. As soon as she sat down on the toilet she recited, "We believe..." as clear as day. I had completely forgotten we had even begun practicing.