Friday, January 27, 2012

Long Time No Post

Man i thought i would have more time to blog since I've been home for almost a year now, but nope probably just as hard to keep up if not harder. We've been super busy but really not much to say either. we have a busy busy 10 months this week crawler baby girl on our hands, who thinks she might be ready to walk soon, so we'll see. we had some great holidays since i last blogged. we had Halloween which was super fun and we all dressed up. I made ashtyn a little lady bug costume and it turned out really cute. Christmas of course was fun as always but even funner to have Ashtyn with us to share in the joy. she did the normal baby thing and would rather play with the box than actually opening the presents haha but it was exciting to watch her. We all had our shares of sickness over the holidays which wasn't so pleasant but we eventually got through it. Ashtyn now has two cute little bottom teeth and i think is teething again right now(not so fun). I cant believe she is going to be one soon in a couple of months. I'm already planning what i want to do for her party. Time goes way too fast, i just want to go back to when she was born again and start all over, minus the sleepless nights of course. My sister Amy is going through that right now and i feel bad and wish i was there to help. no fun at all! Love ya Ames and we miss ya! I really should post more often and then maybe i could give you some exciting and fun things that happen around here, but i cant really think of too many. It's just fun to watch Ashtyn grow and to see the different things she can do. Not loving the having to watch her every move or I've got spilled milk on the floor or a magazine ripped up in a matter of seconds haha. I am so grateful for her though and love her so much. She is our biggest blessing.... i hope you enjoy the slide show

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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Ashtyn's Five months

Well i cant beleive i havent posted for so long, and i was doing so good. Ashtyn is now Five months! I seriously cant beleive it! She is getting so big and we just love her so much! She is just so much fun! She is full of smiles and giggles. She loves getting her feet and sucking on them or just playin with them period. She loves to roll over and talk too. I love seeing her progress and see how smart she is. I'm sad she's growing up so fast though. Not to much going on here really, just keeping busy being a mom. Mike just got called to be the Elders Quorm President in our ward, so that is keeping us(more him) pretty busy as well. We are doing really good though and are just excited to be parents to our sweet little baby Ashtyn. Here are a few good pictures :)

blessing day

 cousins came to visit
 Freedom Run 5k

 watchin tv with dad
 Making dad feel better after he had surgery
 chillin in the Hammock with my cousin Tate
 sucking my toes
 Playing and jump jumpin in my new toy

 Seriously!!! Cutest Girl ever!
 First time eating cereal :)
 5 months :)
 Going swimming for the first time

Sunday, July 10, 2011

walk,date night, parade

Ashtyn and i went on a walk on Friday which i think I'll make a routine. She loves being outside so much she just kept talking and cooing and laughing. It was so cute. and then she got tired and fell asleep haha.

Mike and i went on a date Friday night and Mike's sister Kristie watched Ashtyn. Well we go to pick her up and we realize how first time parents we really are... I almost didn't have enough formula for her because she was just chowing down all night, like we've been starving her haha, i forgot to put a blanket in the bag for her, and worst of all i forgot to put more diapers in the bag and of course she has a big poopy diaper. So in result to that Kristie had to use my burp cloth, which is also a cloth diaper to wrap her up in... it was hilarious.

Ashtyn and i went to the American Fork Steele Day's Parade on Saturday and met Mike's Mom Betty there. Mike was in the parade for his work Bank of American Fork. His little sister Whitney also works at the bank and she was in it also. We had a great time.

Ashtyn Update: She rolled over from her stomach to her back for the first time last night :) We are so proud of her! She is so strong and loves to stand up all the time.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

July 6th a Bittersweet day

Today is a bittersweet day. My little brother (but much taller brother) Left for the MTC today. I am sooo proud of Brad. He is going to be the best missionary! I know that the people of Norway are going to love him. Brad has such an amazing personality, and i know with it he is going to do an amazing job. I'm going to miss him so much, but i know this is the best thing he can do for his life. Brad i love you!! You are such a great example to me! I cant wait to see you again in two years and see the man that you've turned into. Our Prayers are with you!!!

Today is also mine and Mike's 4 year anniversary. I cannot believe how fast time has gone. We have been through a lot these past years. Mike going through school and finding a job, buying a house, having a baby. and those are just the big things. Even though there are always trials, i wouldn't pick a better companion to go through those trials with. I love you Mike. Thank you for always being there for me and understanding me. Thank you for always listening to me especially when i complain or cry about nothing(especially these last few months haha) Mike thank you for being my best friend!! I'm so happy and blessed to be able to be with you forever. I love you!

Also here are a few pictures from Ashtyn's Blessing, 4th of July and the Freedom Festival 5k.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


ok i dont know what is wrong with blogger but it's driving me CRAZY!!!! Here's the Video that was supposed to go along with my last blog..............

Ashtyn is Two Months Old...

I cant believe it but my sweet little girl is 2 months old. Man does time go by fast. I tell her everyday to stop growing up, but she doesn't listen haha. Here's a few pictures, and also a video. Ashtyn really likes this baby on the diaper box. It's so funny. Every time we set her down to change her she seriously has like a full on conversation with the baby. Way funny!!

Ashtyn @ 2 months Loves her Swing, her Carseat (when she's not hungry), loves to eat her hands, drool and especially... Her Daddy

Ashtyn's First Day at Church

Monday, May 16, 2011

Our Family!

Well as most of you know our little sweet Ashtyn made it to us March 25th 2011. I was scheduled to be induced on the 25th at 7:00 am. But after a day and two nights of hard contractions we made it there at 6 haha i tried really hard to push it off til we were scheduled but i couldn't bare the contractions any more. (wimpy right) well when i got to the hospital i was dilated to a 6 wahoo! I feel pretty proud, but definitely couldn't go natural for sure if i was already in so much pain at a 6 i don't even want to know what a 10 feels like. I got my epidural right away and our sweet little Ashtyn Angela Miner made it here at 12:29 pm. She was 7 lbs 4 oz. and 18 inches long. We had a little bit of a rough go at first. Ashtyn had whats called coombs disease which is in her blood. It's where mine and mikes blood made anti bodies that transferred in to her body and then her body was having a hard time fighting it off. SO what does that mean.. well it created her to have the well known Jaundice and had to be in the NICU and under those wonderful lights. After a little scare for first time parents , a priesthood blessing and a few extra days in the hospital we were able to take her home. Ashtyn is now 8 weeks and 1 day old. We absolutely with out a doubt love her more than anything in this world. She is the best thing that has ever happened to us. We are just so blessed and so happy to have her in our lives. It's taken me along time to get this post done, but you all know how hard it is to be a new mom :) We also got our first family pictures done. Hope you enjoy the slide show :)

The Miner's Tunes

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