Friday, September 25, 2009

Preston's 7th Bday

Justin and Patricia had a surprise bday party for Preston and he loved it. Notice the toothless smile. Justin and Patricia should go into the cake making business cause they are really good at it. Here is a sample of the Harry Potter cake they made for Preston.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So it's been a while...

It's been a while since the family heard anything from the Pincocks, and since I'm sitting here at CSI with no one to tutor I thought I'd drop a note by. I'm sure all of you have got pictures of little Chad on your phones (ahh...the wonder that is the cell phone; you can send txt's to twitter now, how did we live before mass interconnectivity?) but here's a couple more for you guys to enjoy.

And what's baby pictures without a funny story or two? Little Buckwheat (my nickname for my son; seeing as for the entirety of my life I have been Buckwheat to my twin sister, I found it an apt name for him, although I tend to alternate between Lit' Buck, Whit, Chad 2, Chad the sequel, and bud (the last being a name I call all little boys, not sure why)), this last week, was not able to dispose of his waste properly, and after having gone 4 whole days without release Becca took him to the doctor to get a laxative. "It's normal" Dr. Graham said, "His colon just works too good." Comforting words for my wife, who, rightly so, worries about pretty much everything lit' C'Dub does. Dr. Graham forgot to mention, however, that this laxative (and I know first hand that all laxative's, including the great tasting, fast moving, Prune juice, do this, but thats for another post, one I'm sure Becca...if she ever reads this...would love to post for you guys and nominate me for a Kay Family Award) creates a raging torrent of crap, the like of which I'm sure will be involved with the battle of Gog and Magog, entering the stage somewhere around the time the Jew's realize they killed the Right guy. 5 diapers later, (to be read: 30 minutes of loud squishing noises and nasty hugs for our noses) my little bud was feeling much better and laughing like a monkey who just stole a banana from a rather bewilderedly hungry ape. Mommy and Daddy on the other hand, for those of you who have seen the Robin Williams movie 'RV", had just relived the "Shower of Sorrow" scene. For those of you who haven't...there's nothing like baby poop to get you up and running in the morning.

I've gotta get a picture of him in his overalls to post. Goodnight he's a cutie.
Love, your parenthetically-crazy relative,
Lance W. Pincock

Friday, September 11, 2009

Toddler years...

Rhett has long ago reached that lovely destructive, mischeivious stage that all parents dread.  So I thought I would share a few things that have happened in just the last week.

1. threw jar of pickles off the counter
2. destroyed big deal...eats anthill...ahhhhhh!
3. eats pack of rolaids
4. shatters glass pitcher
5. opens can of chili...pours down white shirt 
6.  learns how to open child locked doors...escapes outside and makes a run for it while I am in my garments
7.  figures out how to climb on top of changing table...eats A&D
8. refuses to eat any food, but will devour crayons, bugs, dirt, medicine, cleaner, lotion, and hairspray
9.  Helps clean up by putting anything he can in the kitchen sink, especially diapers
10. Successfully transitions into toddler bed!!!  Hooray!!!

If this little boy wasn't so darn cute I don't know what we'd do with him!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

A few more pics

Elijah is such a sweetheart.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Our little Elijah Whitney

We sure love our little darling boy and are grateful for his safe and healthy arrival. More details to come.