
Christmas Recap

Well, we had a great Christmas!
And if you erase the fact that I had to work more than anyone should ever work in their lives in the month of December - than it would have been even better! And if you erase the fact that my dear sweet Grandpa Watkins passed away on the 23rd of Dec - than it would have been even better!!!
Max helped decorate the tree and did a great job leaving it alone after that.

I'm sure you all could have guessed that this is how Max would react to Santa. I knew it, but still had to get the picture of course! As I handed Max to Santa I said, "Sorry, he is going to scream!"

We went to the train park one night before Christmas, but didn't want to wait in the 2 hour line to ride the train, so we just did everything else. It was still fun!
We did ride the teeny tiny "train" and that was perfect for Max. Although we didn't have any cash to give to donate to the old guys in wheelchairs running the thing. I still feel bad about it!
I know, horrible picture. This was a high/low light for Max. They had a bunch of characters there and Max was scared to see them and did NOT want to go close to them. We finally got him to give Cookie Monster and Elmo a high five and he was done. The funny thing is, he mentions this EVERY single day now. He says "Elmo, Cookie, Choo Choo, Weeee (carousel)" and he holds up his hand to say he gave them a high five. Funny kid!

We went to see the Temple Lights on Christmas Eve - BAD night to go! Super busy, of course!

We also went to Famous Dave's BBQ - that was a definite GOOD move! I think we'll start a Christmas Eve Tradition with that. It sure hit the spot!

Max posed in his Christmas Jammies in front of the tree. We couldn't wait to get him in bed to start putting together his gift! I will say it was easy to shop for him this year - I would just sneak stuff in the cart when he wasn't looking! :)

His very own basketball hoop! He won't have to use a little garbage can anymore!! Hee hee!
He was very cute about it and would NOT stop shooting the balls. I'd say he shot about 75 before he made one, but it didn't stop him! He has gotten a lot better since. Thanks to my momma for going to a few stores to find the hoop for us ON Christmas Eve! We had looked at about 5 stores and were unsuccessful. We were starting to get worried.....
He got some other fun little gifts and had a good time. My parents came over with some lovely gifts. Max got a good nap and then we took off to Queen Creek to be with Mike's family. It was actually a very relaxing Christmas!!


18 Months of TOTAL fun!

Well, he is officially 18 months! (As of Nov 2nd) Oh, the love - I can't even describe it! I am seriously loving this age. He talks up a storm and we are totally in a groove with communication. He is still super sweet and loves to give hugs and kisses. He has caught up with his weight (50%) and height (70%). We knew he was growing a ton!

These are a few of my favorite things he says: "thank you" (tay-too), "more cereal", while signing more with his fingers (mah see-yall), "hooray" (haaa way), "come on", while pulling my finger (uh mon), "babe" (baaay) , this is my all time favorite right now! When I am reading him stories at bedtime, sometimes he'll want a last minute drink so I'll yell for Mike ("Baaaabe") to bring in his water. He's caught on and now when he wants a drink, he'll yell, "Baaaaay", while looking at me and laughing!! SO funny! Enjoy the pictures!

YES, I am serious with the suit!! SOOO stinkin cute! :) He got it for his 1st birthday (thanks Ter!) and it finally fits. I can't help but laugh when he wears it - SO cute!

(He is VERY into saying, "Cheese" in pictures now)
This was his first try in nursery and he did great! Not even a tear. I knew it was too good to be true because now he screams bloody murder when we leave. Maybe it's because he gets picked on like crazy being the new kid and all. It's ok, he's already picked up a few of the nursery "ways": screaming "NO!", hitting a little, and not sharing. He'll fit in in no time!

This kid could play and play outside all day long! I don't mind now that the weather is better.

His newest obsession is sidewalk chalk. He has "tagged" everything and we LOVE seeing it!

Thanksgiving was most excellent this year. It was spent up near Prescott with Mike's family and we had a blast! Ooooh, it was chilly though! :) Here are the three cousins that are only a month apart. We can't talk about one without Max mentioning the other.

The day after Thanksgiving we hung out with my fam (and all of the senior citizens in Gilbert) at the bowling alley! Max couldn't handle the fact that every turn WASN'T his, so we spent most of our time in the arcade "driving" the cars. We still have a blast though - thanks Mom and Dad!

I know - cutest kid EVER!!!


Halloween 2.0

No excuses, just SUUUUPER busy!! I guess that IS an excuse - well, now is better than never, huh?! :)

Ha ha! We thought it'd be fun to re create last year - and it was! It kinda fit and was fun to see the gnome running around!

Retro Max

Mike's mom had saved some clothes that him and his older brother wore that just happened to be Max's size. Of course we were trying to come up with something last minute, so we threw them on and called him Retro Max!

This is the outfit we settled on.
Why is it so funny to dress the kids up? I couldn't stop laughing at his expense!

(Notice the tongue out?)
Our friend, Mandie, threw a killer Halloween party for the kids. Max danced the night away to "Ghostbusters" and enjoyed far too many cupcakes!

Awww, so sweet!
He helped with his own little mini pumpkin. He was NOT a fan of touching the guts. Kept saying, "Ewwww!"

Mike's pride and joy!
Ummm, we didn't realize it took so long to carve a pumpkin.....next year we will cough up the extra $3 for the electric carving knife. It was a hit at the Ward Trunk or Treat.

My boys! I am one lucky gal! :)


Ashby Reunion

Back in August, we were able to go on the first ever Ashby Trip!! It was SO MUCH FUN!! We went up through Heber to "The Ranch" - it was Mike's sister's in laws ranch. Got that? There was so much to do! Max didn't even know where to start!

Max decided to take a tumble right when we got there. It actually was a pretty good scratch - poor guy! Where were his parents?

Max and cousin posing on some of the bikes!

We ate s'mores with THE hugest mallows ever!

Max posing on the mini Gator!

Max and Ava playing/throwing sand in the sandbox. Or was that just Max throwing the sand? Yep, I'm sure it was!

The zip line! Sounds fun right? Well, I decided to be the first adult to go on it. Maybe I should have gone second....see for yourself!

Check out the awkwardness of that! Uncle Shawn....uh ummmm...strapped me on backwards! That rope behind me should have gone in front of me! The harness was on backwards. Let's just say everyone got their fill of laughs in for the year AND I'm pretty sure the next camp over (80 ACRES AWAY) heard my screams!!!!!
So, this is the WRONG way to do it......

And this is the RIGHT way. Ahhhh, so relaxing!

Mr. Max ate his weight in Red Vines.

The kiddos enjoying a Capri Sun. How cute are they?!
There is only a few months between them.

We played some wiffle ball. Max was using anything and everything as a bat.

Group shot!

We were missing Ric and his family (8 kids) on the trip! So, you can imagine this group almost doubled normally. It's a great bunch and we really had so much fun!!!! Until next year guys?!?!