Friday, February 22, 2019

Introducing Mason Cole Andrews

Our sweet baby Mason joined the family today at 3:29 pm, weighing in at a whopping 8 lb 8 oz and measuring 21" long. We are already smitten.

Family of EIGHT

Thoughts on life... If you talked to me before this baby was born, you know it was a surprise pregnancy and I had thought we were very done already. Even up until Mason's birth, I was not accepting it well that we were having #6. But I have to tell ya... Heavenly Father knows what he is doing. As soon as that baby was in my arms, I knew he was mine. I loved him instantly and with my whole heart. He has brought such a sweet spirit to our home, and if you can't tell by their faces, the kids adore him!

Look, even Mason as a little smile knowing he belongs with us.

My friend and neighbor Haven took these newborn pictures for us, and I can't thank her enough!

Day 6

Day 5