Monday, December 28, 2009

Here's to 4 years....

And many more to come! Happy Anniversary sweetie! I am so thankful I married my best friend, you are a great husband and wonderful father!

I love you!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Well I better hurry and put up Christmas pics before I forget and it becomes too late. We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day with Lee's family up in Layton. It was a lot of fun because his sister Marian and her husband Clint and our niece Andie were over. As well as his Aunt and cousin and her family on Christmas Eve. We went and walked around Layton park and looked at the lights. They were the most hilarious, random lights ever. Nothing at all to do with Christmas. Like there was a giant whale and peacock, then a dragon or dinosaur or whatnot. We loved it! After that we just spent time as a family and talked. We spent the night and woke up Christmas morning around 7. We ate breakfast and looked through stockings then did gifts. We only brought 1/3 of the presents for Owen but it was plenty. He had a great time learning to rip off wrapping paper and playing with toys! Of course I was a dummy and forgot our camera so I borrowed Lee's moms camera for a few morning shots.
He sure was spoiled between Santa and the grandparents! Santa brought him a construction truck he has been dying for! Everytime we go to the toy isle, he pulls the same ones out and plays forever. Seriously, that toy was designed specifically for Owen!
Marian brought their dog Daisy down as well. Owen just had a blast playing with her. The boy loves animals! He loved to climb all over her and pretend to ride her and just hug her. How sweet!
We then put the ornery child down for a nap and watched Harry Potter then had a wonderful meal of prime rib. After that we left and stopped by my parents for more gifts and more food. It was a great day and we got so many presents that we loved! Owen ended up with many cars, tractors and trucks, a train table, a scooter, a basketball hoop, a wagon, a guitar, some cute clothes, a train, a fridge magnet thing, and some dinosaurs. We decided to just give him a few more gifts when we got home and are saving the rest for his birthday. I guess Santa just went overboard! Lee and I got a new computer and a really nice 24 inch monitor for it, a new camera and I got a new ipod! Yea! Finally. We then went today and took some of the money we got from our parents and bought Lee a gun cabinet for all his guns. Finally they are locked up and safe and the baby's new room is officially ready to be organized!
It was a great Christmas! Christmas is seriously so much funner with kids. I must say that I was utterly exhausted from it and I am glad it is over, but it definitely was fun while it lasted! I hope everyone had just as great a Christmas! :)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

High Heels

These are Owen's favorite shoes of mine. Every time he goes in my closet he pulls them out and puts them on. Should I be worried? :)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Boys, boys everywhere!

I had my doctor appt today. Everything is going well. I still haven't felt the baby move, which I am a little surprised, but I am only 18 weeks so I should feel him soon. I am so excited for Owen to have a brother. And I am also excited because I know so many pregnant people and most of them are having boys too! Lee's older sister Shanna is due in April and having a boy so that will be fun for the cousins to play with each other. Two of my friends are due in May and one found out she is having a boy and my other friend will find out on Christmas. Anyways, I am just so excited and anxious and now that I know he is a boy I am so ready for him to just come out already! :) Oh well. Halfway there almost!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Snow Suit

We bought Owen a little snow suit so he could play in the snow and I put him in it the other day when Lee was shoveling so he could be outside too. It was hilarious, he looked like a giant marshmallow. Owen doesn't like to be dirty and he really didn't get into the snow either. But it was still fun! He fell in the snow once, but didn't like it too much. Maybe he will like it a little more later on in the year.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

oh BOY!

We found out today that I am having another little boy! CRAZY! I was for sure positive it was a girl, but I guess that goes to show how good of a mothers intuition I have! I am super excited and it will be fun for Owen to have a brother to play with. I can't imagine two little Owens running around. What a crazy fun time we will have! haha. Anyways, I will try to scan and upload the cute little pictures they took for us. We are so excited! :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Santa Clause!

On Black Friday we decided to take Owen to the mall to see Santa. Last year he was too small and the lines were always too long, not to mention it is ridiculously expensive for one stinkin photo. I decided that no matter what I wanted a picture of Owen on Santa's lap this year so we went with Lee's mom to the mall to get the picture. I wasn't sure exactly how he would respond and in line he seemed really excited to go up there because Santa was surrounded by some toys. Once Lee put Owen on Santa's lap though, he was NOT happy. It was hilarious! I am sorry but I think every child should have a picture of them screaming on Santa's lap. I need to scan and upload the actual picture they gave us but these are the 2 I snuck in while everyone was busy trying to calm Owen down. So funny! :)
Doesn't Santa look happy to have a screaming child on his lap?

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lost ipod!

I am so frustrated! rrg! I lost my ipod and that is the one thing I absolutely need for my job. I teach aerobics and download all my music onto my ipod to use it for my classes and yesterday it was gone. The most frustrating thing is that of course it happened right before Christmas when we are really tight on money anyways and need to save for the baby and I just feel so irritated! I either left it at the gym (which I doubt) and they don't have it in lost and found or in the back room where we get set up, or it got stolen. It is possible that Owen found it and lost it. And once Owen loses something, it goes into some black hole where it won't be found. I just want to vent about how irritated I am and now I really don't know what I am going to do for my classes. Luckily most my music is already on itunes so I just need a new ipod, but it is just coming up with the money to get one :( Looks like I will be burning some cd's for my classes for the next few weeks while I look for it. My birthday is the beginning of January so maybe I can save up money I get and get one then. I just wasn't planning on doing that! Ok enough, I just wanted to vent about it! :( I am so irritated!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Thanksgiving Point

For Christmas this year, Lee and I decided to not get each other any presents. We are trying to save money to pay for the baby and since money is tight anyways we decided to just not get each other anything. We did however, decide to buy a family present. We bought a year pass to Thanksgiving Point. We can go anywhere for free, the Dinosaur Museum, the grounds, the Barnyard, etc. The nicest part is that kids under 3 are free so we only had to buy a pass for 2 which saves us money and anyone that comes with us gets in for half price. We decided it would be a good investment for us anyways because it is so close to us and if we ever get bored we can just go to Thanksgiving Point and hang out there. A few Saturdays ago we decided to take Owen to the Museum and invited my friend Jill and Adam and their son Tate who is Owens age. It was a lot of fun. The boys ran around and had a good time. Lee actually wants to go back without Owen because he kept losing track of him and not watching him because Lee was so interested in reading about everything. Oh Lee! Anyways here are some of the pics!
Funny story, Jill and I got married 9 days apart, had our sons 9 days apart and now we are both pregnant and due 9 days apart! Creepy! Also, when we got to the museum we found out we both wore the exact same shirt! haha. So I ended up just wearing my jacket the whole time but we decided to get a picture of us anyways. Best friends for life! haha

Monday, November 9, 2009

The sweetest thing...

I sometimes wonder what Owen (or any other little kid for that matter) thinks about. What is it exactly that goes through their little brain, what kind of dreams do they have? Well, I think we have figure out what Owen likes to think about. Whenever we lay Owen down for a nap or bed, as we walk out, we can hear him chanting, "mama, daddy, feebee". Over and over.

If THAT doesn't make you feel loved and more appreciative of your family, then I don't know what will. In honor of Thanksgiving I will try to get on and post more things I am thankful for. I am so thankful for my little family, especially little Owen and listening to him chant our names as he drops off to sleep!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Hurricane Owen

Owen is a path of destruction. I love him to pieces but man, some days, you just wanna rip out your hair. We have a book called "Oops". Owen loves it. It is about a naughty little baby who learns words like "uh-oh" and "oops" by breaking things or spilling things. One of the pages shows the dog (who happens to look a lot like Feebee) with macaroni and cheese spilled all over it and the word "Uh-oh".
Yesterday I made Owen macaroni and cheese for lunch. I think you should know where this is headed. Owen dropped a handful of macaroni on the dog and said "uh-oh". On top of, earlier that morning he had done the same with his oatmeal from breakfast. I think Uh-oh is Owen's favorite word. In fact, I think that sometimes he does naughty things just so he can say uh oh and then come get me and show me.
Today comes and I decided that it was time to give the dog a bath thanks to Owen's "Uh-oh". I give her a bath and try to dry her then I get to work scrubbing our shower/bathroom. Dirty dog stink is not pleasant. While I am in the process of cleaning the tub Owen comes and gets me and says "uh oh". He had gotten into our drawers like he likes to do and pulled out my makeup and smeared my powder all over the carpet in multiple areas upstairs. Luckily, it is only powder so not a bad fix, I just need to go get the vacuum downstairs to vacuum it up. While I am vacuuming up the makeup mess Owen comes and gets me again. "Uh-oh". Oh great what this time. So I say "ok where is the uh-oh" and Owen proceeds to lead me to the top of our stairs where he thinks it is great fun to throw things down to our lower level. Toys, cars, blankets, cups, it all goes down. I look down to see a mess of a million toys and a splattered, broken, bright purple nail polish all over the floor and toys. Seriously? So I spend the next hour picking up toys, glass, sweeping and finally scrubbing each and every splatter with fingernail polish remover. It was the only thing that could get it up.
I think Owen may have learned "Uh-oh" a little too well. Time to hide that book.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Well, it's about time I get up some pics of our Halloween. It was so nice! This halloween wasn't freezing! Owen dressed up as a little cowboy and I was a punkrocker witch. Lee didn't dress up but he did wear a red striped sweater so I told him he was a candy cane. We had lots of fun trick or treating with Keaton and Cambry. We went around my parents neighborhood and apparently the Vice President of the Jazz live in their neighborhood and were handing out full size candy bars and Jazz tickets! So Monday after Halloween, Lee and I got the night off and went to the jazz game. What a fun Halloween!

This is the final load Owen ended up with and those are the Jazz tickets on top! Needless to say, Owen only ate about 1/10 of his candy and Lee pretty much took care of the rest! :)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

I am turning into my mother

My mom loves to hang up little sayings or quotes all around her house. If she finds it uplifting in anyway, it will find a way to creep into her house. I always thought growing up that she did it for us kids. Either to help us, to uplift us, or just make us feel guilty! haha. But now that I am a grown adult and have to do things on my own, I have found that I have read little sayings that have helped me and I wanted to hang them up to remind me to be a better person. I am thinking now that she did it more to help herself.
Sometimes, being a parent to a toddler is the absolute hardest job in the world. Hands down. So a few weeks ago, Lee was out of town, hunting, for the 3rd weekend in a row. I was sick with 1st trimester sickness and Owen was being a toddler. Throwing tantrums, crying, whining, etc. Needless to say, I was feeling sorry for myself and decided to order out chinese food. When I finished and opened up my fortune cookie, a higher power must have been at work because my fortune read:

"The difficulties in life are intended to make us better, not bitter"

And you know what I did? Hung it up on my fridge where it is still hanging to this day. Sometimes, turning into your mother isn't as bad as you thought.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Cookies, Pingpons and cough syrup

What a fun weekend. On Saturday night we went over to my parents because both my brother ans sister were home from college at the same time so we had dinner and then made sugar cookies with the kids. It was fun!
Then last night we decided it was time to carve our pingpons, that is how Owen says pumpkins. It is so cute! He has been obsessed with pumpkins so we thought it would be so fun for him to get all goopy. Last year, he didn't seem too interested in touching the goo so I was all excited this year for him to be big and messy. Of course, when you want your kids to be all messy, they don't. Owen did NOT want to stick his hands in the pumpkins and pull out the seeds. I had a hard time even trying to get him to touch them once they were out. Oh well. I always loved that part of halloween but I guess he will be like his daddy. Lee absolutely hates cleaning out the pumpkins so that meant I got to clean out 4 pumpkins all alone! Owen pretty much just ran around playing with the dog and wasn't too interested in us carving but he was happy to see them when they were done. He got real excited and ran around our house yelling "pingpon, pingpon, pingpon". What a cutie. I love his little words. He is such an amazing little boy and the things he does and says just make me so happy! Anyways here we are carving away and having a good time!
We bought these little boots for Owen that he wanted to wear around, even when we took off his clothes. So here is my little cowboy looking at the pumpkins in his boots
These are the finished products. I did the 2 small ones and Lee carved the 2 big ones!

On a side note, Sunday morning, Owen decided to find a bottle of cherry cough syrup (apparently I didn't put the lid on correctly because it was child locked) and dumped it all over our white carpet. Now we have a pretty pink stain as you walk into our bedroom. Lovely.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A new addition to the Jacobs family!

Well it is official! I am pregnant again! yay! We went to my first doctors appt today and got a little ultrasound and heard the heartbeat and all that fun stuff. According to my doctor and the ultrasound they put me at 9 weeks 3 days so that would put my due date at like May 23 or 24 or something like that. I can't believe that I am already having another baby. I look at Owen and I am just amazed at how quickly he has grown and how fast it has gone by. I get so excited that we will have another addition to our family! I am nervous to see how Owen will react but I am sure he will adjust as all kids do. I love the first appointment when you actually see that there is a little bean inside you and then you hear the racing heartbeat and it is just a beautiful little miracle! Well I just wanted to get the news out to anyone that hasn't heard! We are so excited! :)

Monday, October 12, 2009

Fall Fun!

Ok I promise that I will get better about updating my blog. Owen sure keeps me busy but it is no excuse. Anyways, I love fall, my favorite time of year. I just love the fall colors and all that fun stuff. So without boring you with typing I will just post a few pics of the things we have done! Enjoy!
First I went with some of Lee's family to Gardner Village. They were having a wee witches weekend so a lot of activities for little kids. There were witches walking around handing out suckers and even had a little petting zoo.
I stayed the weekend up at Lee's parents house because Lee was gone hunting and we went to a farmers market in Ogden and there was a little train driving around that of course Owen was obsessed with and we had to take him on it. Here he is with his cousins Jill and Andie. They even let him get up front and ring the bell when it was over.
One thing about Owen is his obsession with Tractors. He of course loves cars, trucks, and airplanes but there is something about tractors that the boy loves. I went with my mom and sister and we took the kids to a little pumpkin patch that was his heaven. They had like 10 or so tractors that the kids could get up on and play. They also had a little cornmaze. It was a lot of fun and of course Owen through a mighty toddler fit when we had to say bye bye to the tractors.
We also took the kids to Wheeler Farm where we got to go on a hayride, see animals, feed ducks and go through a hay maze. Owen had the time of his life!