Friday, April 26, 2013

Project 52: Week 17 ~ Red

FORE!! ... I almost forgot the project this week til I looked outside and saw this yesterday afternoon!  I spotted my son's red shirt and said "Oh ya..."  Someone is ready for spring even though the snow piles are still a little high yet.  This weekend is supposed to be nice and warm so hopefully most of it is gone by the end of it!
To continue the circle head over to Jessica's Blog.
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Friday, April 19, 2013

Project 52: Week 16 ~ Drink Up!

You can tell what the focus is around this house these days! Just adoring our precious little love!


To continue the circle head over to Jessica's Blog.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Project 52: Week 15 ~ Reflection

I have no reflection picture this week, but just reflecting on the events of a week ago when we welcomed baby Abigail Lynn to our family.  The waiting is finally over and how the week passes so quickly now that she is here!  :)

Continue on to  Jessica's Blog to see her picture of reflection!
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Friday, April 5, 2013

Project 52: Week 14 ~ At Play

We had some friends/cousins over recently while their mom was on bedrest with a pregnancy.  My kids sure enjoyed the time with them!  {Mom and baby are both doing great now!}
..and yes my nice retro couch again!  Kids sure spend a lot of time playing/reading/jumping on it!

Continue on to  Jessica's Blog this week!
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Friday, March 29, 2013

Project 52: Week 13 ~ Things That Grow!

Well... I went another selfie this week.  I was looking around for things to grow and other than my kids that grow like weeds, the only other thing growing around here is me and this ever-expounding belly!  There is still 4 feet of snow on the ground so I can assure you that there is nothing growing outside.
...Down to less than 2 weeks left now so hopefully soon I will have some pictures of a newborn that my arms are aching to snuggle!

Continue to Leann's Blog to see her "Things That Grow".
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Friday, March 22, 2013

Project 52: Week 12 ~ Smile

Okay so you can tell who is subject to the camera quite a bit around here!  Here is one who loves to pose and do a little of her own photography herself.
She sees the camera coming and she will hop on a chair and belt out "cheese!" {Yes she is a smiler and makes me smile ~ I love 2 year olds!}
She reminds me a lot of her older sister when she was this age.
Now go see Leann's Blog for her lovely smiles this week!

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