Monday, November 21, 2011

Day at the Kasper's

Last Sunday the Kasper's of Logan came to O-Town and we got to hang out and have dinner and Grandma and Grandpa's. It's always so fun to see Josh and Nee and Kaleb and Kiley and of course beagle Kirby. Greg made pot roast and we all enjoyed. These moments are so few lately I had to share these cute cousins hanging out at the kid table, also at the kid table, the beagles.
Thanks Josh and Auntie Nee Nee for coming to O-Town! We sure love you guys!
 Begging Beagles, and good little eaters.

 Aunite Kaitlyn joined the party too! It was awesome to see her, we love you Kate!

 Kiley and Catherine gave each other a hug goodbye. It was so darling! They love each other!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cute cousins!

Went to Home Depot today. Grace and Catie wanted to get into the big cart and they were so cute when they got in. The only person missing is sweet Kiley Dawn. She is here in spirit though.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Halloween 2011

So, I have decided to FINALLY update the good ol' blog once and for all. And instead of trying to play catch up, I am just going to start where we've been lately. A now 21 month old makes it hard to keep it updated and working a full-time job and a couple side jobs makes it near impossible for me to be a wife and mom let alone, a person who updates the blog regularly.

Halloween this year was Catie's first actually going to the door and taking candy, it was sure darling. She has been in this Elmo obsession for the last few months so we saw it fitting to have her be none other than Elmo for Halloween. She was the cutest Elmo on the earth, possibly cuter than that little red guy himself.

We started off the night going to see Granny Pam and Gpa Scott. She just woke up from her nap so she was a little crabby. She got the best Treat from Granny Pam. Then we went out to my sisters to go trick-or-treating with Grace and had a blast. She thought it was the coolest thing that she could take some candy from strangers and then run off. I guess we have a lot to teach her in the next few years, but for now she loved it.
 This was at Nana's Halloween party the day before. Her very own Halloween house.
 Daddy and Elmo!
 Granny Pam, Crabby Catie and GPa Scott! (She loved her treat, thank you!)
 This is right before we went out to trick or treat. Grace is Michael Jackson (my very talented sis made this jacket) and of course Elmo.

 Mommy and Elmo!
 Mer and a very tired MJ
 Catherine had to come show off her treats to Nana first thing.
Can I have the whole bag of candy instead?
This is a video of Catherine at her first trick or treat door, so cute.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Mass, holla!

Today, The Kasper's of the WT went to Easter Mass. It was a full house. But of course Catherine had to be the star of the show in her cute dress that Granny Pam got for her.

She's a doll, here's a few pictures I got today.

 Awe, such a cute family, had to stop for a family pic.
 This is Grandma Judy and Papa Gregg. She really wanted those eggs, not another picture mom.
 Getting ready to cruise. She had a little help from daddy because she's not walking yet, almost.
 At the Easter egg hunt after mass. She liked the plastic egg more than what was inside it.

 Her Nana Rula came to mass today, Nana had the magic touch of getting her to take a nap. It made it more special that she could share the beautiful mass with us.

 Annie and the Catherine "Ham" Kasper, such a cheeser.
 We went in front of our neighbor's house, Elizabeth and took some cute pictures by her flowers.

Easter Egg Hunt...AKA the Bob Hunt!

This is Max, such a stud!
 Queen Princess Grace herself, such a sweetie.
 Family picture, not cooperating Catie. Oh well, eggs are more fun.

Yes, it's been a while.

And I figured I better start somewhere than trying to play catch up with life that has been crazy lately.

Catie had her second Easter egg hunt last night, the first was last year, but couldn't really do much except be held. So we'll consider this her first.

We had the festive night at my sister's house, and we had the egg hunt or as Grandpa-Bob likes to put it the, "Bob" Hunt, right before the sun went down. It was so pretty, and the lighting was so pretty, I had to put some pictures up.

I apologize to the readers out there for not being more prompt on the blog posting, but hopefully my life and Jon's life can slow down a little bit now so we can share our sweet Angel with you.

Enjoy and Happy Easter!

PS I am going to post some pics of Catie and Annie opening their Easter baskets tomorrow. I had to work on Easter so the Easter bunny comes in the morning.

Uncle Steve teasing Catherine.
Look, an egg!

Bella looking for the big money!
No, this is not an egg, it's a sword. Egg hunt or sword, Cormick chose his sword.
Sweet shot of our little angel.
Mommy and baby.
This was inside one of the eggs, pay up Steve,
Cormick loves to dress up. He was Lucy from Narnia.
Pretty fun stuff folks! And Nana came through again. Thanks Easter Bunny!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Catie's first Christmas 2010

Here's a chip off of the old blog posts that are being attempted to be caught up. Life is so busy lately, and I decided post a few pictures of Christmas and work towards current time.

Catherine had a super Christmas, she mostly enjoyed colorful wrapping paper and ripping it to shreds. Oh and a few toys too. Here are some fun pictures of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day spent with both families this year since I didn't have to work.

Christmas Eve the Kasper's went to the annual Christmas Eve mass and of course Catie had to look darling in her Christmas dress, and so did cousin Kiley. They did so good.
We enjoyed Papa Greggs cooking as always and enjoyed unwrapping gifts that Judy and Gregg so generously gave Catherine and us.

Next, Jon spent all morning taking care of an awake baby who seemed to want to stay awake for Santa but then finally gave up and went to bed with daddy until 4am. So did Daddy.

When they awoke, Santa came and brought special presents for Catherine and Annie.
We went to Nana's and got spoiled a second time. Catie got a pillow pet and a princess car. It was sure a great Christmas!