Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Glamour Shots

Neilson Family Pictures May 2010. Thanks so much to Kellie Stilson (Photographer) You did soo great! we are thrilled!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Rex Family 2009

this is just an overview of the rex side for 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Hubby Tag....

*where did you meet your husband? Lagoon...too bad he wont ever take me there again
*how long did you date? Uh 2 months and then we were engaged for 5 (so tech. 7 months)
*how long have you been married? 3 years next month. wow.
*what does he do that surprises you? picks me over anything, always. I am really lucky.
*what is your fav. feature of his? lots of them, feet, hands, arms, legs...and everything in between
*what is his best quality? well he is very patient with me. Thats why i married him:)
*does he have a nickname for you? babe mostly. honey pot, jenny girl..
*what is his fav. food? well my mom always says "give it to mikey, he eats anything!" and truly he will. thank heavens. Favorites are frozen yogurt and in n out
*what is his fav. sport? racing of anything with and engine. especially motorcycles. Also he loves extreme biking
*when and where was your first kiss? at my house on main. october of 05
*what is your favorite thing to do as a couple? we love camping but we dont do it enough
*do you have children? not now
*does he have hidden talents? Ya i discover more all the time
*how old is he? 26. but for some reason i have been thinking 27...hes pretty mature for his age.haha
*who said I love you first? well i convinced him to tell me
*what kind of music does he like? he isnt into too much..he likes linkin park hhahhahaa
*what do you admire most about him? he is very loyal and honors his preisthood.
*what is his favorite color? blue
*will he read this? maybe
*who do you tag?shanna, aubrey,kelli, anyone who wants to

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Welcome Home Seany Wilbur

SO he is back. Yeah it went by really fast for me, but we are all sure glad it did:) So this post is for all you single ladies out there, he is a great catch and ready and willing to be caught..ha.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

new hair....

i chopped it off, and here it is

Sunday, March 1, 2009

February is gone already...sheesh

so i've been a real lame-o lately and have put my blog as a last priority. This month has been a really good one and i am peeved that my camera is broken. I'll just hit the highlights for you guys.
*Kimi, Dev,Les and Colt came over for dinner. fun right? yah except when the boys went to the sand dunes and devs truck broke...bummer
* Valentines day was a blast! Mike, Dallin and Quinn made a formal dinner for the wives(me tiff & ash) So fun and someday when Quinn gives me the pics i'll put them up
*Got our tax returns and paid off # credit cards!! Hell ya....
*Mike got the Van done and it looks awesome. I definately will put a pic up of that beast that sits in my drivewaY.
*some poor old lady ran into my car in the parking lot at work on thursday....this is both good and bad depending on what the insurance guy says. For now i will drive frans car around town with for sale on the back, which is saweet cause her car is way nicer than mine.
*the flu and colds are getting around and a few ladies at my office have been sick. Not to mention that I look in childrens mouths all day. therefore i have about the worst runny nose possible and a cough that sounds like i will cough all my organs out by the end of it.
So thats Feb. in a nut shell. sorry for having no pics but I had to post before I forgot the month

my glam sisters

my glam sisters

Baby T and Me

Baby T and Me
We lub the lake!

Who's checking us out?!