My bff Cascia told me about this and I feel like I should share the good news. E.L.F. stands for eyes lips face. It is a make up line that Nordstroms bought out so they are selling all of their products for ONE DOLLAR! mineral make up is $5!! I haven't tried any of their products, but Cascia has gotten hers. She said that it took THREE WEEKS to get to her, but hey it's a dollar. She said she likes all of it, except the brushes aren't good. She said that the eyelash curler is better than her maybeline brand and she likes the liquid eyeliner. She said the "all over cover" is smaller than she thought it would be. That's all the advice that I have until I get my own package, but there are also CODES for cheaper deals! YAY!! I LOVE CHEAP.
the website:
The Codes: RADIO
get 7.50 off an order of 15 or more or 1/2 of an order less than 15
ECTAPDY code after that and it will do free shipping
(I tried to use this code. It didn't work for me, I ordered 30-40 items and it said I needed to spend more or something, So if you and some friends go in on it, you might get it to work if you spend $50 or more? i don't know, it doesn't good luck with that!)