Saturday, August 30, 2008

$1 MAKE UP!!!

Here's a deal!
My bff Cascia told me about this and I feel like I should share the good news. E.L.F. stands for eyes lips face. It is a make up line that Nordstroms bought out so they are selling all of their products for ONE DOLLAR! mineral make up is $5!! I haven't tried any of their products, but Cascia has gotten hers. She said that it took THREE WEEKS to get to her, but hey it's a dollar. She said she likes all of it, except the brushes aren't good. She said that the eyelash curler is better than her maybeline brand and she likes the liquid eyeliner. She said the "all over cover" is smaller than she thought it would be. That's all the advice that I have until I get my own package, but there are also CODES for cheaper deals! YAY!! I LOVE CHEAP.

the website:

The Codes: RADIO
get 7.50 off an order of 15 or more or 1/2 of an order less than 15

ECTAPDY code after that and it will do free shipping

(I tried to use this code. It didn't work for me, I ordered 30-40 items and it said I needed to spend more or something, So if you and some friends go in on it, you might get it to work if you spend $50 or more? i don't know, it doesn't good luck with that!)

Monday, August 18, 2008


My bro got home from his mission to Jacksonville, Florida in June and he's getting married December 20th in Winter Quarters. Don't have a pic of his girl yet, but maybe soon! I've seen her, she's so cute and a size three, which my brother loves to rub in my face! Speaking of rubbing my face. He does that to annoy me. We had an Auld family vacation with my dad and most of my siblings in Estes Park Colorado a couple of weeks ago and here is a picture of him bugging me after lunch. Ohhh...good luck Mrs. Auld....Good Luck!

My sisters


lots has happened, so i'll put it in segments. Since my mom can't take care of her last two little girls, Mer (15) and Manda (13) they are living in our super sweet basement until December or longer if needed. They got here this weekend, and are so annoying already! :)

Just kidding girls! LOVE YA!

Update on my mom.

Porter and mom playing during her visit April 2008.

My momma made it! She is a alive and well, the doctors expected her to die four separate times. But everytime there was a blessing or a prayer there was an improvement that gave us hope. I asked her if she could hear us while she was in a coma, she said she could but that sometimes it was fuzzy sounding. But if you've ever seen anyone in a coma, they look dead. So it got harder and harder to talk to someone who wasn't waking up, like you were telling them to. :) My sister, Monica and I had flown in on the same day, Wednesday morning five minutes apart and had to leave the next Tuesday. After one of our five minute visits with our mom while she was still so swollen and in a coma, we came out and passed by the nurses station where one of mom's awesome nurses, Melanie, was working. We asked her a medical question and then Monica started crying and said "I can't leave with her looking like this, I have to leave on Tuesday and she can not look like this!" I told Melanie to put it on her list of things to get done by Tuesday....and it happened. Mom was awake by Friday. My sister Alexis and I got to help with her bath and gave her a pedicure the night before Monica and I left. Mom got to talk to us and lecture us before we left and EVERYTHING. But she is now out of the ICU and into her own room in the hospital, she is improving every day. Having this experience has reminded me how many people love her, and us and how many friends she had and how many people she has influenced. It also made ALL of us realize that she is the glue that holds us together. Without her, it just wouldn't work. Thank you guys for your comments and prayers too! I love you all-- you're awesome friends and I wish that I was better at telling you how much I appreciate you. I truly do! Thanks for everything!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

my momma

Well, my momma is in the hospital. ICU. life support. coma. They don't know what's wrong, they don't know when/if she will come out of it. She is struggling with survival and has been since Monday. I am in Nashville until Tuesday. Please remember her in your prayers.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Mike's a Mountain Goat

On the trail Mike was running around. He went back and forth TWICE to tell us the update or bring me some food. One guy asked if he was part mountain goat. And he got lots of comments like he was insane for just hopping around the mountain when everyone else was looking like me and Dad.... (picture to come)

Longs Peak-Rocky Mountain National Park

My brother, Boo and my cousin, Danny. Yeah, they got beat by these three....

after mike went up he came back down to where we were and we took a pic the the highest point that Dad and I got to which is called "the top of the trough", beginning of "the Narrows".

My dad and brother Boo have been planning to hike to the top of Long's Peak, (the highest peak in the Rocky Mountain National Forrest, the 15th highest in Colorado)....Now that Boo is home from his mission....we are on the trip, Five of us of the 15 dared to was a 15 mile round trip hike...that took us 13.5 hours. Waking up at 1am, leaving on the trail by 3am....Mike was the ONLY ONE to make it to the top. My dad and I had one hour left to go when clouds started brewing and we had to turn around so we didn't get struck my lightening. Disappointing. But I know I could've made it to the top that's good enough for me.

It was freakin' AWESOME! Pictures just aren't enough you have to get on top to appreciate it...

more of the Aulds

Jesse and Garrett

Mike entertaining Porter! What a good daddy!

Danny and Sierra

Estes Park, Colorado-The Aulds

Porter says "CHHHEEEESSSEEE" for the camera, he's with Jesse who bit his finger (but still loves him!)

Porter and Garrett. Porter LOOOVVVESSS Garrett...He calls him "Daedett"

Dad, Uncle Dan, Amy, Mishal

Mer, Sierra, Amanda

Okay, i've been getting a lot of CRAP for not posting stuff, sorry my life isn't as exciting as all of yours! :) But we did have an exciting adventure in colorado with some of the Auld family this past week. My dad and most of the kids came from kansas, and my uncle Dan and most of his kids came from Texas and then Mike and I with Port came from Utah. We all met at these cute little cottages and stayed there for 5 days. It was so much fun.