During the holidays we make sugar cookies. Porter is getting pretty great at rolling out and shaping. We made pilgrims, an indian, hand turkeys and Christmas cut outs. I love doing this with Porter. He loves being in the kitchen and soon I hope to have him making the dinners.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
During the holidays we make sugar cookies. Porter is getting pretty great at rolling out and shaping. We made pilgrims, an indian, hand turkeys and Christmas cut outs. I love doing this with Porter. He loves being in the kitchen and soon I hope to have him making the dinners.
Finals and another trip to KC
After Steve and Laurel left it was "game time" at Mike's school. Two weeks of studying. No breaks, no sleep, no fun! :) It is nice living near my family so I could escape the boredom and monotony of one of those weeks. So after having visitors, we packed up and went to visit bumpy and fam. My mom flew in from Kentucky to meet Bumpy's baby and help out. It was so fun to be together!
Porter played A LOT of X box. This is his X Box face.
To get out of the house we took the crew to "The Legends"
Dress fitting. Since Bumpy and J-man are getting married in April we went and got fitted for dresses.
While we were having girl time, J-man took my car and changed the oil. He also took Porter and Leia. Which means we only had to entertain a two year old and a new born. What entertains a two year old??
digging for more candy.
Jackson slept the entire time.
Once the sugar kicked in Grandma stepped up to the plate and started entertaining with horsey rides.
Friday night Clayton got to town. We went out to eat for lunch and EVERYONE got desserts. That was really what we were there for anyway.
Pudding Drawing
I sometimes have great dreams of what an awesome mom I'll be. I thought I was being pretty awesome when I decided I would make some pudding and we could all play in it. After we got all ready it lasted about three minutes. The boys were complaining that their hands were too messy!! Can you believe that?!?! Mike and I really liked it. Too bad the boys made us cut our fun short.
Another Cranney Vist-o, that's spanish for "visit"
Mike's Parents came to visit again! WE LOVE VISITORS!!!
This is a mere expression of how much fun we had.
So, Steve loves a good BYU game and had set up camp to watch some. Andrew made him Woody's babysitter.
And then bring him to Grandpa to babysit.
We also enjoyed...
hanging around the house

racing before bedtime
Anyone who knows me knows I L-O-V-E ice cream! So Laurel got me this little number. I love it!
Laurel worked and worked on this spiderman transformer.
We, of course, played catan
And, to top it off, the boys went fishing. And I was not jealous, cause it was cold. But they all had a great time!
While the boys fished Laurel and I went Antique shopping and fudge shopping. Our fav. fudge was Carmel Cashew.
Friday, November 4, 2011
I am loved
Halloween Weekend
Maybe some of you celebrated the entire weekend...we sure did. So we got to dress in various costumes
Woody and Ninja
Around here the mail men walk to your doorstep and deliver your mail. All Seasons. So every time the boys see the mailman they start panting, yell "MAILMAN!" and run to the door. Since Porter started school it's just been andrew yelling mailman. We open the door and our sweet mailman chats with andrew and hands him the mail. In September I we did the routine and as we were chatting with our mailman I said "he loves you so much maybe he should be a mailman for halloween." Our mailman said He could bring a hat and patch. And a few days later he did. He also brought coloring books and said that when we get the outfit put together we could take a picture in the mail truck. We LOVE our mailman and I have heard our friends say how awesome their mailman is too. It's great living in a small town where little things like this make our days a little better.
mail man-aka-newman
mailman and ninja
mingling at trunk or treat
This is William playing in the mail truck--mike added embellishments.
packages and magazine to deliver
after trunk or treat we drove the Loooooooong way home to get this guy to sleep.
Mike and Jenn's costumes for the year are double rainbows. If you haven't seen the you tube video I have uploaded it for you.
Click here to see the Double Rainbow Video
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