Well, we haven't posted for a long time. Sorry folks. We can't use all of the pictures we have been taking until we get this certain program that we are waiting for on our new computer. Plus, there has been so many other things to do...excuses, excuses!
I don't even know where to begin. I don't want to bore you.

We have been rock climbing again which is cool. I have only gone once, last night, but Matt has gone a few times and is gone doing just that, right now. We went and checked out an indoor climbing gym called City Rock. It is a sweet gym in my opinion because it is parent/kid friendly! They have automatic belay so you can climb while your partner watches the kids. The one watching the kids doesn't have to keep them entertained though because there are two swings that you securely fasten your child into that hang from climbing ropes and swing clear across part of the gym. They are awesome! And, there is a boldering wall right behind them so after you get your kids swinging across the gym you can boulder and slack line too! Plus there is a gym for kids upstairs. Fabulous.

We went with a friend from our ward climbing outside last night, tough chick! She whooped us climbing up the slab we did and helped us watch the kids so I could climb too. I haven't climbed outside for several years. The best part was the view. The full moon was just coming up and it was so fat and huge. It was a kind of peachy color from the sunset and there was a red glow to the cliffs on the opposite side of us. Very fun to do something other than mothering and homemaking!!! unfortunately that was probably my last outdoor climb this season because Matt is going to be gone to a training for several weeks and early darkness and winter are rushing in.
(below is Montezumas tower int he Garden of the Gods, the climbing in the park is surprisingly good and close, I love it!)-Matt

I have been doing Zumba classes at the gym here on base. Wow, is that a fun way to work out! It is a one hour workout. I like it. Carlee and Dani go with me and hang out in a little room separated from the gym by some glass so I can see them. Carlee has been trying to follow some of the moves lately...she does better than me sometimes!
Carlee is not only learning Zumba but has also learned to use the potty all by herself. Yes, she is 100% potty trained, even through the night. It was much easier than I thought and the fact that she goes all night long without going and doesn't even go when she first gets up makes me think she has a huge bladder, or is not getting enough to drink! She caught on quick and was most definitely ready.
Dani turned one yesterday! We are having a little party for her on Saturday with some family and friends. She is working on her 7
th tooth at the moment. Teething and her do not get along so well. She is
velcroed to me and if I
un-attach her she wales like it is the end of the world. Her tricks right now are waving hello and by by and flashing an adorable toothy grin, giving open mouth kisses (just lovely), giving high fives, barking like a dog when she sees any kind of animal or insect, walking holding on to mom or dad with just one hand, and sharing: she likes to pick up whatever she can find and hand it to you while saying, "
Da-da" which refers to anyone she is trying to hand an object or piece of food to. She gets great satisfaction when that someone takes the object from her and thanks her.

She is in the 90
th percentile for height (get out of here!) and the 80
th for her weight. She is beautiful.
I promise we will post pictures of Dani's party sooner than later!