Soldiers, I remembered you today.
When we went to visit my grandparents' graves, I looked at all of the American flags that were stuck into the ground at various graves. My Grandpa Weed served his country as an army captain in WWII and Korea. He also was a man of God. As we stood at his grave, my dad told a story about my Grandpa Weed.
In one experience in Korea, my grandpa was in charge of getting a troop of soldiers up to a certain ridge. No one knew exactly where that ridge was. All they had was an old, old Korean map with some contour lines. My grandpa must have felt worried. He was lost in a foreign land, knowing that his ability to execute orders would determine the fate of his fellow soldiers. So, my grandpa prayed. After he prayed, he looked up. The sun came out from behind the clouds and lit up a ridge in the distance. He said he knew that that ridge was the where he was supposed to get his men.
I can only imagine how he felt as he looked across the Korean landscape to that ridge. He didn't know anything about the Korean language or the land. But, he knew there was a God in the heavens.
What does that say about God? In the workings of man and hurt and human war, it's easy to assume that God could simply throw up His hands and sigh. But...He doesn't. God follows a simple pattern. He commands His children to pray, and when they do, He answers. God did not create that war, but His power is greater than war and hate. His light can penetrate through the darkest war and the darkest day. It can even move past enemy lines to answer one of His children.
Thank you to our Armed Forces.